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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Child Supervision

What are the on-post child supervision rules?

Children less than 10 years old cannot be left unsupervised at bus stops, public facilities, residences, in vehicles or recreational areas, and they cannot walk to school alone.

For more details, see USAG-HI policy 34 (Child Supervision Policy for Army Installations on Hawaii) or additional USAG-HI policies at

Crime Statistics

Are there statistics to show on-post crime rates?

The Directorate of Emergency Services collects current stats and crime rates. The stats are presented in several forums, including Spouse Information Meetings, town halls, Resident Advisory Panels, and community health and promotion council meetings. Monthly statistics are published in the Hawaii Army Weekly.

Copies of the SIMs briefings slides can be found at

Emergency Response

How do I prepare for a hurricane?

The annual hurricane season in Hawaii begins June 1 and extends through November 30 each year, but hurricanes could hit Hawaii at any time. Check out these resources to Get a Kit, Make a Plan and Be Informed: Emergency Preparedness for Army Communities and the on-post Hurricane Readiness Guide.

How do I prepare for a flood?

Flooding is the most common natural disaster and can occur anywhere.  Flooding can be localized in a neighborhood or widespread. Floods can develop in a period of days or a matter of minutes. 

Fitness Facilities

When will the track be available at Stoneman Field?

The athletic complex in the Stoneman Field Area is projected to be completed in June 2013.

Can guests use Army fitness centers and gyms?

Active duty Soldiers, retirees and their spouses are allowed a guest in the physical fitness centers. The guest must be in the presence of and be supervised by their sponsor. Guests are not authorized during weekday PT hours.

Visit for more information.

Flag Disposal

How do I properly dispose of American flags?

The public can drop off the flags at any of the following locations: VFW posts, Elks Lodges, the Punchbowl Memorial of the Pacific and American Legion Department of Hawaii.

Gate procedures

How do I get on post?

U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii will no longer issue Department of Defense decals for privately owned vehicles. 

As a result, DOD decals won’t be required for access to USAG-HI installations. Instead, the Common Access Card, or CAC, and other approved identification will be the single source used to allow access through any Army installation access control point.

If you do not have a military ID, you will be required to enter through the visitor control center. All visitors to U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii installations must have a visitor pass. Passes can be obtained at Fort Shafter’s Buckner Gate, Tripler Army Medical Center’s main gate, Pohakuloa’s main gate and Schofield Barracks’ Lyman Gate (for access to either Schofield Barracks or Wheeler Army Airfield).

To obtain a visitor pass, drivers must possess a valid license, vehicle safety inspection, registration and proof of no-fault insurance.

More information about entry requirements can be found at


Where can I find information about on-post family housing in Hawaii?

Visit Island Palm Communities website.

Who do I contact if I have issues with my utility bill in on-post housing?

All questions about your utility bill should be addressed to ISTA. Contact them via email at or by phone at (800) 569-3014.

Is there a dog park available on post?

Currently, there are no dog parks in Island Palm Communities; however, there is a dog park located on Wheeler Army Airfield in the "Gulch" near the deployment center.

Review these policies for additional questions about pets: Pet Policy for Privatized Housing, Army Installation Microchip Program and Pit Bulls Prohibited on Army Installations on Oahu or additional USAG-HI policies at Additional pet information can be found at

Where can I find more information about on-post Soldier housing in Hawaii?

The First Sergeants Barracks Program 2020 is a partnership between garrison and brigade-level units to achieve efficient and quality property management in on-post housing for unaccommpanied Soldiers. Find out more here

ID Card

What are the requirements to obtain a new ID card?

Refer to Army Regulations 600-8-14; Identification Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services, the Eligible Family Members, and Other Eligible Personnel; for a complete listing of eligibility requirements, documentation and ID requirements for obtaining a new or a replacement ID Card.

For further information on obtaining an ID card, making an appointment for an ID card or replacing a lost or stolen ID card, visit

Kolekole Pass

Kolekole Pass is currently closed until further notice, due to unsafe road conditions. For updates on the pass, call the Navy at 808-448-2711.


When my spouse deploys, will maintenance assist with yard work?

Island Palm Communities has a Deployment Care Package. Among the benefits is lawn mowing of fenced backyards every other week. Log on to the IPC website and click on Deployment Care Package under the Resident Programs tab for more details.

Who is responsible for cutting grass on post?

The Directorate of Public Works is responsible for cutting all grass on post except for facilities occupied by non-Army tenants.

What is the process and timeline to repair potholes?

DPW repairs potholes as a priority-2 work, and it is normally done with two working days, depending on current backlog.

If a pothole is within an IPC neighborhood, contact your community center, and staff will submit request for maintenance. Repair time varies based on subcontractor availability. Contact DPW for potholes outside IPC neighborhoods.


Can I have a pet on post?

Pet policies are available at: Discipline, Law and Order (Section F), Pet Policy for Privatized Housing, Army Installation Microchip Program, Pit Bulls Prohibited on Army Installations on Oahu or additional USAG-HI policies at

Additional pet information can be found at

PT Policies

Can Soldiers wear the physical fitness uniform in the Exchange and Commissary?

The policy that addresses standards of dress and prohibited attire for all patrons of USAG-HI and tenant facilities, states the wearing of PT uniforms is not authorized, except in dining facilities when scheduled PT prevents the Soldier from being able to attend breakfast and when going through the fast food line, Monday-Friday, to pick up and take out breakfast.

For more details, see USAG-HI policy 31 (Standards of Dress and Prohibited Attire for Army Installations in Hawaii) or additional USAG-HI policies at

Where can units conduct physical fitness training?

Soldiers are permitted to conduct PT throughout the installation; however, when doing so in close proximity to housing, schools, etc., Soldiers must avoid loud and disruptive behavior. Additionally, running either as an individual or in formation on USAG-HI streets is restricted to approved run routes as identified in USAG-HI policy 1 (Authorized PT Routes for Schofield Barracks, Wheeler Army Airfield, Fort Shafter and Tripler Army Medical Center) or additional USAG-HI policies at

Where can units sing cadence?

Units may call cadence but not when jogging along main thoroughfares, streets and other areas where housing is located on both sides of the street, unless a written exception is granted by the garrison commander.

The calling of cadence will not begin prior to 6:30 a.m. and the use of vulgar or derogatory cadence or language is never authorized.

View USAG-HI policy 1 (Authorized PT Routes for Schofield Barracks, Wheeler Army Airfield, Fort Shafter and Tripler Army Medical Center) or additional USAG-HI policies at

Registering a Vehicle

Recognized military ID and common access card holders may register their vehicles at the Vehicle Registration Offices:

Fort Shafter Flats, Building 1599, Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.–noon, and 1-4:30 p.m. Schofield Barracks, Building 750, Ayers Road (Soldier Support Center), Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.

Visit for more information.

School Age Services

How are rates determined for School Age Services programs?

Rates for School Age Services are determined according to the number of hours a program provides services. The garrison School Age Program provides Army Headquarters with specific hours of operation. These hours are used to determine the cost of care for our program in Hawaii. Holidays and vacation days are also weighted to determine a monthly fee for the school year.

During the summer, full-day fees are applied for weekly camps.

Vehicle Decals

Do I need a government decal to get on post?

U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii will no longer issue Department of Defense decals for privately owned vehicles. 

As a result, DOD decals won’t be required for access to USAG-HI installations. Instead, the Common Access Card, or CAC, and other approved identification will be the single source used to allow access through any Army installation access control point.

If you do not have a military ID, you will be required to enter through the visitor control center, at Schofield Barracks’ Lyman Gate or at Fort Shafter’s Buckner Gate.

More information about entry requirements can be found at

Vendor Services

Who can I talk to about becoming a food vendor on post?

Contact AAFES services at 808-423-7885.

Voting Assistance

Visit for a one-stop-shop for uniformed citizens and absentee voting information or visit the Human Resources Command Voting Resources website.

Read the Department of the Army Election Year Guidance for Service Members

The garrison's Voting Assistance Office is located in the Soldier Support Center, Building 750, Room 103, Ayers Ave., Schofield Barracks, from noon-4 p.m., Monday-Friday; via email at; or phone at 655-7128/8945/4470/8880.

The installation Voting Assistance Office serves as a Voter Registration Agency under the NVRA (National Voter Registration Act) and provides the following voting related services:

  • Assistance to all military members and their families
  • Registration assistance to civilians who have access to and visit the office
  • Written information on voter procedures
  • Collecting and reporting of voting activity metrics


Garrison Calendar

Hover over a day to see scheduled events. Additional views are available on the calendar page. View FMWR's calendar on their website.

Recent News

Read more news at the Hawaii Army Weekly.



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This is a Flickr badge showing public items from U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii. Make your own badge here.

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