Monthly Archives: February 2011

Featured Videos: Registering for and Filing A Shipment Using AESDirect

    These videos are taken from a series of Export Videos produced jointly by the US Census Bureau and International Trade Administration of the US Department of Commerce.  To view a complete list of all our videos, go to … Continue reading

Posted in Export Filing | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Trade deficit increases to $498 billion in 2010

by Joe The U.S. international trade deficit increased to $498 billion in 2010 , as imports increased more than exports.  Exports increased 16.6% from 2009 to $1.8 trillion, and imports increased 19.7% to $2.3 trillion. The increase in exports was … Continue reading

Posted in Foreign Trade Data | 2 Comments

How to Write a (Simple) Export Plan

By Guest Blogger Doug Barry, International Trade Administration Most small and midsize U.S. exporters do not have a written export plan. Maybe this is a big reason why, according to figures from the Small Business Administration, only one percent of … Continue reading

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