
People Profile: Mark Gwathmey, Disaster Preparedness Specialist, NAVSEA Headquarters

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Published on Mar 2, 2012

Mark Gwathmey is a Disaster Preparedness Specialist at NAVSEA headquarters in Washington, D.C.

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Uploader Comments (NAVSEApa)

  • gcorrear1

    I am a wounded warrior, disable vet and last year I sent an email to the NAVSEA Wounded Warrior Program and to a lady that had her name listed as a POC. I am still waiting for a reply. I also tried to call and they referred me to the site. Good luck with everything and keep on representing our community like you have been doing. Thank you for your service.


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  • NAVSEApa

    I apologize you did not receive a response previously. Please try emailing nssc_wwarriorhiring@navy.mil for more information. Thank you for your service and good luck.


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  • gcorrear1

    It is funny that it only took 3 hours to get a response when it is a public thing. However, almost a year after, and nothing about my emails. I will pass it on to other veterans since I was not the only one that tried to contact NAVSEA Wounded Warrior Program around the same time last year. Thank you!


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  • bill Cooke



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