With You All the Way

With You All the Way

The With You All the Way program, in partnership with the Trevor Romain Company and the Comfort Crew for Military Kids, supports children ages six to 18 as they tackle the difficult issues unique to growing up in a military family.

As an inspirational humorist, President and Co-Founder of the Trevor Romain Company, Trevor Romain teaches real-life lessons for children, such as dealing with bullies, facing fears, coping with divorce and understanding grief.

The With You All the Way program reaches military children in three areas: With You All the Way tour, With You All the Way support kits, and resources specifically targeted to children of our nation’s wounded, ill or injured service men and women.

The With You All the Way tour performances are led by Romain and provide him with an opportunity to listen to what children are experiencing and help them cope and express themselves in positive ways. The USO offers With You All the Way support kits that help children and caregivers as they cope with serious issues such as deployment, separation and reintegration. The kit’s contents vary by audience, but all contain a journal to encourage children to face their fears and anxieties, document joyful days and overall express those feelings unique to their military childhood.

For those children whose loved one returns home with a visible and/or invisible wound, the USO and Trevor Romain offer support in the form of tailored presentations and support kits to help them cope with the challenges of reintegration and their “new normal.” When children are faced with the ultimate sacrifice, the loss of their loved one, the With You All the Way program provides memory boxes and comfort kits with comprehensive resources that are informative and most importantly, supportive for children and their families coping with loss.

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