U.S. General Comment: Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous peoples around the world face grave challenges, and the United States is committed to addressing these challenges both at home and abroad.

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U.S. Explanation of Position: The Human Rights of Older Persons

The United States places great importance on protecting the rights of older persons. We have sent senior representation from the Department of Health and Human Services to the Open Ended Working Group on Ageing in New York

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U.S. Explanation of Position: Complementary Standards to ICERD

The United States strongly supports concrete actions to better address racial and religious discrimination and intolerance.

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The U.S. Commends Important Achievements at HRC 21st Session

Human Rights Council

The United States commends the important achievements of the Human Rights Council in promoting and protecting human rights during its recently concluded 21st session.

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U.S. Explanation of Vote: Right to Development Resolution

The United States’ commitment to international development as a mainstay of our foreign policy is clear. Nevertheless, we have long-standing questions regarding the right to development.

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U.S. Explanation of Vote – Rhetoric to Reality

The United States remains fully and firmly committed to combating racism, racial discrimination, and related forms of intolerance. We believe the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (“CERD”) provides comprehensive protections in this area and constitutes the relevant international framework to address all forms of racial discrimination.

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EOP: Technical Assistance for Sudan in the Field of Human Rights

The United States thank the Council for its efforts. We agree that the Independent Expert’s mandate should be continued and we are convinced that it must be strengthened.

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U.S. Explanation of Position: Hazardous Wastes

The United States recognizes the serious effects that improper management and disposal of hazardous substances and wastes may have on the effective enjoyment of human rights.

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COI Will Continue Its Work Documenting Widespread Crimes Against the People of Syria

The UN Human Rights Council voted September 28 to renew the mandate of the International Commissioner of Inquiry, an important step towards ensuring that those responsible for crimes against the Syrian people will ultimate face justice.

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Resolution on “Assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights”

The United States welcomes the new institutions in Somalia and the election of President Hassan Sheikh Mahamud as the culmination of the road map process.

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