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Safe Schools Initiative Program

FY 2010 Safe Schools Initiative Awards Announced

Please Note: Only agencies specified in the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2010 (P.L. 111-117) were eligible to submit an application.

The COPS Safe Schools Initiative Program received $2,560,000 for agencies designated as specified in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010 (P.L.111-117). COPS Safe Schools Initiative grants provide funding to state and local agencies to assist in delinquency prevention, community planning and development, school safety resources, and technology development. This funding will allow recipients the opportunity to establish and enhance a variety of school and community safety equipment and/or programs to encourage the continuation and enhancement of child welfare efforts within their communities. The COPS Office is optimistic that this grant program will help place agencies at the forefront of innovative community and school safety developments.

Banner: 2010 Safe Schools Initiative Awards Materials

SSI Accepting Your Award FAQs Icon: PDF Document

Grant Payment Request System (GPRS) Icon: PDF Document

SF-425 Fact SheetIcon: PDF Document

SF-425 FAQs Icon: PDF Document

SF-425 Helpful Hints Icon: PDF Document

Federal Civil Rights Icon: PDF Document
Change of Information Icon: PDF Document
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