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2010 COPS Tribal Methamphetamine Initiative

FY 2011 COPS Tribal Methamphetamine Initiative (Tribal Meth) | Archive: 2010 Tribal Meth Awards

Approximately $4 million was available in FY 2010 to provide funding to tribal law enforcement agencies to support their participation in the development of comprehensive strategies to combat methamphetamine production, use, and trafficking in tribal communities. This program will fund tribes for up to $200,000 to develop or support enhanced tribal-level coordination, and establish and implement tribe-specific action plans to address the health and safety issues of methamphetamine in Indian Country.

2010 COPS Tribal Methamphetamine Initiative

Grant Owner’s Manual Icon: PDF Document

Accepting Your Grant Award FAQs Icon: PDF Document
Special Condition: Criminal Intelligence Systems/28 C.F.R. part 23 Compliance Icon: PDF Document
FAQs about the Grant Payment System (GPRS) Icon: PDF Document
SF-425 Fact Sheet- Online Filing of FFR (SF-425) Quarterly Federal Reports Icon: PDF Document
FAQs about the Federal Financial Report (SF-425) Icon: PDF Document
Helpful Hints Guide for Completing the Federal Financial Report (SF-425) Icon: PDF Document
Federal Civil Rights Statutes and Regulations Memorandum Icon: PDF Document
Change of Information Form Icon: PDF Document
Publication Request Form

Banner: 2010 Tribal-Meth announcement map




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