Press Releases

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) announced his support for legislation stopping the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) cap-and-trade regulations from taking effect.

The Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011:

  • Protects jobs in America's manufacturing sector;
  • Protects consumers from higher energy costs;
  • Puts Congress in charge of the nation's climate change policies; and
  • Ensures that the public health provisions of the Clean Air Act are preserved.

“Congress has turned back attempts to tax energy through a cap-and-tax scheme. Now EPA is trying to impose misguided regulations on its own. Heavy-handed carbon regulations would have very negative effects on our country. Our manufacturers, families and small businesses cannot continue to operate under the uncertainty of energy costs created by this administration. This legislation will protect jobs and ensure that EPA refrains from burdensome rules that double the energy bills of all Americans,” Boozman said.

"The Energy Tax Prevention Act stops cap-and-trade regulations from taking effect-once and for all,"Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and sponsor of the legislation said."A two-year delay won't help our economy grow or help those searching for work. It does nothing to alleviate the uncertainty plaguing businesses all across America. Simply put, EPA's cap-and-trade regime is bad policy that must be stopped."

The legislation clarifies the EPA’s authority under the Clean Air Act, and prevents attempts to twist and distort this landmark law to regulate what Congress never intended. The bill leaves all of the essential provisions of the Clean Air Act intact, ensuring that Americans will be protected from pollution that has direct public health impacts.

The bill has 42 Senate cosponsors. House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) introduced companion legislation H.R. 910.