Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. –As the Senate moved on legislation to help create more jobs for our veterans, U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) said America’s economy needs a “bold plan” back on track.

“While we look for ways to work together on common ground bills that create jobs, we must not lose sight of the fact that our economy needs a bold plan like The Jobs Through Growth Act to recover and create a brighter future for the next generation,” Boozman said after voting for an amendment to the veterans bill offered by Senator John McCain (R-AZ) that mirrored The Jobs Through Growth Act.

Although McCain’s amendment was not agreed to, the underlying bill it was attached to that provides tax credits for employers who hire jobless veterans and ends a requirement that penalizes small businesses contracting with the government did pass the Senate.  Boozman voted for the bill, calling it “a welcome bipartisan approach” to our economic crisis.

The amendment combined several bills that reform the tax code, abolish burdensome regulations, eliminate wasteful spending, promote new markets for American exporters and reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy.

Boozman said Republicans in the Senate remain committed to the approach of The Jobs Through Growth Act and will seek other avenues to pass it despite the Senate Majority’s efforts to defeat Senator McCain’s amendment. 

“Job creation cannot happen in an environment of uncertainty which currently plagues the private sector.  My colleagues and I remain committed to seeing this vision turn into law as the broad range of market-based solutions included in it will help turn the economy around by encouraging private sector job creation and economic growth,” Boozman said.