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A Life in Intelligence - The Richard Helms Collection


This collection of material by and about Richard Helms as Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and Ambassador to Iran comprises the largest single release of Helms-related information to date. The documents, historical works and essays offer an unprecedented, wide-ranging look at the man and his career as the United States' top intelligence official and one of its most important diplomats during a crucial decade of the Cold War. From mid-1966, when he became DCI, to late 1976, when he left Iran, Helms dealt directly with numerous events whose impact remains evident today and which are covered in the release.

Document List

Portfolio | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976
Richard Helms - Agency Publications | In His Own Words
Early Studies on Intelligence Community



Made available here is a PDF version of the print collateral that accompanied The Richard Helms Collection.


Helms to Scowcroft "Contents of REFTEL passed to Shah"
Helms for Agency employee re Shah informed new respons ...
Agency employee for Helms re Official Announcement
Agency employee for Helms re White House announcement


Report "General View of the Region"
USG statement on Arab-Israeli settlement
Agency employee for Helms received letter of December
Agency employee for Helms re Express thanks to Minister of ...
Helms for Agency employee re constancy of US policy toward Iran
Helms to Agency employee re talk about Tehran
Helms for Agency employee re Shah annual vacation
Agency employee for Helms "Fine"
Acknowledge message of good wishes
For William Bromell Lilienfeld's message of good wishes
Helms for Agency employee re Shah leaves Tehran
For Helms re when is Shah going to Switzerland
Helms for Agency employee re travel to Headquarters
Agency employee for Helms re Tehran message
Helms for Agency employee re Tehran message; Shah left Tehran
Helms for Agency employee re representation of Oil Companies
Request for signed picture of Helms
Ambassador Helms arriving Tehran
For Kissinger, "Your Imperial Majesty" - Message to the Shah
Chief and liaison advised
Black September action
Tehran to Kissinger re WH 30729 - Shah's visit
Agency employee for Agency employee re Chinese training of ...
Helms to Scowcroft re Credential Presentation to Shah
Agency employee for Agency employee re Chinese support for ...
For Helms re no intention of commenting to press
For Helms re John McCone testified before Church subcommittee
To Helms re testimony by Mr. E.J. Gerrity of ITT Public Rela ...
Letter for asked advice in connection with debriefing
Munich from Gerhard Wessel thanking Helms for letter and ...
Envelope from Helms
Helms to Kissinger re Persian Gulf and Report "The Arab ...
Kissinger to Helms re dates for Shah's visit
Ambassador wishes to know status
Helms to Kissinger re Egyptian plea for US mediation
Helms to Kissinger re Kosygin Arms offer to Shah
Helms to Kissinger re State Visit
Re locations tasked have not responded
Helms to Kissinger re Nixon nomination for peace prize
For the Ambassador re Miscellaneous Jottings
Helms to Kissinger re ban against transfer/sale of American ...
Kissinger to Helms re President has been nominated for peace ...
Helms to Kissinger re shah's support of president's nomination ...
Helms to Kissinger re another talk w/Court Minister Alam
Helms to Kissinger re Nobel Peace Prize
re Changes in the strategy of PFLOAG
Helms to Kissinger re audience for Secretary Rush and Sisco
Re Estimate Evaluation on SA-7 in Iraq
Re Israelis only source of info on SA-7 in Iraq
Re review of the FBIS London transcripts of the "Voice of ...
Ambassador request to be kept informed
For Ambassador re Probable possession by Iraq of the Soviet ...
Re cable summarizing memo on Soviet covert activity
Typed redacted version of "Opening Statement by Director
Request for coorespondence to Secretary of State Rush and ...
Schlesinger for Helms re request for Central Intelligence Bull ...
Re Howard Hunt's testimony
Helms to Haig re congratulations
Helms to Gen Alexander Haig re agency back channel message
DCI Schlesinger for Helms re avoiding New York times
Colby for Helms re congratulations on appointment, handwritten ...
Colby to Helms "In view of some of the headlines"
"following excerpts from a memorandum submitted 7 May"
General Williamson's departure
Kissinger to Helms re advice the Iranians could give to Sadat
Re Para 7 of Sana Embassy cable
"Except for Senate Foreign Relations committee"
"After your departure several letters came to light"
"Larry Houston's recollection in sentence 5"
"Please do correction and sanitization of transcripts at HQS" ...
"Senator Symington has expressed"
"Under these circumstances" and handwritten copy
Helms to Kissinger re Richard Ames
transcripts of Helms' appearances before committees
State courier is country director Miklos
To Maury for Helms re note on 23 Jun record and copy of ...
Ference departs Tehran
Helms has reviewed the transcripts of his testimony
Re Senate Foreign Relations 21 May Transcript
Re Helms corrections of transcript Senate Armed Services
Kissinger to Ambassador re considering Iran as possible sub...
Re problem of your denial in line 22
Houston and Maury for Helms letter for Senator Fulbright and ...
Helms to Kissinger re Iran should not be allowed to join ICCS
Re Supplementary statement for Chairman McClellan and ...
"Ambassador would appreciate"
"US Attorney's office apparently taking serious attitude over ...
Houston for Helms re correct issue and Shah visit to US and ...
"Do not consider any items classified "
Houston and Maury for Helms "Repeat of message sent to ...
Identity legend
Helms unable to attend retirement, sends regrets
Agency employee retirement details
Bio sketch of Arthur C. Lundahl
Message for Helms re Mr. Barbour possible visit w/Helms
Helms for Houston "I left it with Glanzer"
Handwritten memo re Secretary's audience w/ the Shah
Helms re Your memo relaying Shah's statement concerning ...
Memo and Cable for Helms re Mr. Barbour unlikely to visit Tehran
To Communications officers re Ambassadorial traffic
Helms for Waller re Arthur C Lundahl retirement
Continuation of Dispatch re retirement ceremony
Continuation of Dispatch --"under separate cover we are ...
for Mr. Cord re could Helms have address in London
Helms request 6 copies of maps re Problems of the Persian gulf
for Mr. Cord Meyer Tehran cable re invitation to stay
for Helms re Lindsay's accident
Helms to Kissinger re announcement of Shah's visit
Tehran cable re pouching Ref Maps
Tehran cable Attn: Helms re Donald Exner request Lindsay write
Helms to Kissinger re reply to para 1 Tehran cable
Kissinger to Helms re Tehran cable
Helms to John Warner F-14/F-15
Kissinger to Helms [WH31822] re info on the Soviet Summit
Houston for Helms re questions on explanations to Senate and ...
Kissinger to Helms re Reciprocal dinner w/Shah
Helms to Kissinger re WH31817; thanks for reference
re Mr. Houston may have retired
clarify points and Ervin Watergate Committee
for Helms re 4th of July luncheon in Persian Garden hosted by ...
Helms to Gen John Ryan "please pass to George Brown con...
re testimony date hand written copy of cable attached
from Cord Myers to Ambassador re fine with us
Helms to Kissinger re talk w/King Hussein and hand written note
Chief of Israeli Intell. Service will visit Tehran
Transmittal Manifest
arrangements w/Chief Israeli Intelligence service
to Bob Ames for Ambassador re contributions to para 3 of WH ...
Kissinger to Helms re Tehran rpt on King Hussein's latest views
Helms to Kissinger re Iran's plans for Jordan
Kissinger to Helms "with respect to your Tehran message"
Memorandum for the Ambassador re Contacts w/the Fatah ...
Houston for Helms re Stern article of July 10
letter to John Stennis for Helms
for Helms for General Brown, CSAF re thank you and Shah's visit
Critchfield for Helms re thank you for lunch and mutual interests ...
Colby to Helms re thanks
Kissinger to Helms re WH 31917
re inform Helms Barbara Fitzgerald widow of Desmond Fitz...
for Helms to Director re sent condolence
Helms to Kissinger re "At large dinner on Aug 18 given by Quee...
Letter and reply to Mr. R. G. Price re setting up amateur radio ...
Helms to Kissinger re congratulations on designation as Sec...
Dispatch re Tehran visit by British writer Kenneth Benton
Helms to Kissinger re WH 31939
Helms for Martin re impression of Ambassador Assad Sadri
to Ambassador Martin for Ambassador Helms re ICCS problem ...
Dispatch w/ attached mimeographed article by S. Dedijer entitle...
Cable for Helms to Scowcroft/Hal Saunders re contingency ...
Colby for Helms re Kissinger considering cutting INR way back
Cable and handwritten version of cable for Helms re reminder ...
Helms to Laird re informal conversation
Helms to Kissinger re private talk with Zahedi
Kissinger to Helms re Tehran cable; Zahedi
Colby for Helms re congrats on swearing in
Helms for Melvin Laird re Tehran cable
for Islamabad re Helms going to Pakistan in Oct not Sep; cable ...
SECDEF Schlesinger to Helms re Shah asked for assistance
Helms to Schlesinger re Mr. Hallock
for Helms: re Zahedi mtg w/Egyptians in Switzerland at ...
To Helms for Scowcroft/Saunders re identify main issues in ...
Colby for Hems "Re Para 3 of Tehran cable, Please."
Meyer for Helms re pouched mail for Kenneth Benton
Helms to Eagleburger re INR job
Tehran cable Helms for Colby re INR as liaison link to the state ...
to Helms for Richard Fairbanks, Domestic Council re last crop ...
Helms for Laclair; Meyer on leave; mtg w/Benton and attch cable
LaClair for Helms re Benton appointment and original request ...
Letter for Colby to Helms re Legislation and Memo for Kissinger ...
Helms for La Clair re Benton appointment
Transmittal Manifest
letter to Imperial Majesty "Best Wishes"
DCI to Tehran re Admin - handling of mail for the Ambassador
Personal mail Ambassador re personal mail being sent to HQ ...
for Helms re Significant trends in Peninsula, i.e. Kuwait ...
Transmittal Manifest
Helms to Kissinger re Tehran cable; addressing messages
received letter
Helms to Scowcroft re proposed facility
Colby for Helms cable regarding letter from Lucian Truscott ...
Helms for Colby Tehran cable re Lucian Truscott and Village Voi...
Helms for Colby re Tehran cable re new legislation problems
Colby for Helms re proposal for change in legislation and visit for...
Scowcroft to Helms re response to Tehran cable
re BHUTTO departed before 17 Oct ref received
Cable to Washington Signal Center
Helms to Kissinger re TU-22 Bombers in Iraq
Helms for Kissinger re Tehran
Helms to Kissinger re cable to Shah from President Sadat
Agency officer for Helms re significant area developments ie ...
Scowcroft to Helms re preparations for Secretary's visit to Peking
Transmittal Manifest
"It has been standard"
re Your service query
"CWO has confirmation"
"Cite Tehran section 1 of 2"
Scowcroft to Helms re thx for reftel
Helms to Scowcroft re Islamabad travel
Helms to Scowcroft re King Faisal requests of Shah
Scowcroft to Helms re postpone visit to Islamabad
Kissinger to Helms re information passed in Tehran cable
Deciphered text
re Exact routes flown by Soviet planes
Kissinger to Helms re do not take offensive military action Israeli...
summons for Prime Minister Bhutto
"Special Watergate prosecutor Cox's staff focused on"
Warner for Helms re scheduled phone call
John Warner for Helms "will be with Prime Minister Bhutto"
John Warner for Helms re cancel efforts to reach me by telephone
Helms for Warner re telephone numbers
Helms to Kissinger re congrats on Peace Prize
Tehran message: "Bhutto is correct"
Immediate Ankara for Tehran re msg to be delivered to Ali Bhutto
Mr. Schardt for Callahan re did you receive msg?
Message delivered
WH32521 re congratulations
Kissinger for Helms [WH-32513]
re Shah has reported Iraq and Syria have more tanks than Iran
Helms for John S. Warner re meeting w/Archibald Cox and Jam...
Iran and Syria war tank inventory
Agency officer for Helms re conservative Arabs states support of...
Eyes only message, following for Helms re current cease-fire effort
Agency officer message for Helms re reestablish contact ...
Scowcroft for Helms re Larry Eagleburger
Colby for Helms re Hearst reporter
John Warner for Helms
Message for Helms re Kuwait cable: "appreciate ref"
"Exclusive for Helms, with info copy to MG Brett"
report Exclusive for Secretary Schlesinger for Ambass (deliver ...
Scowcroft to Helms, "Larry Eagleburger has asked"
Helms for John Warner re appearance of Archibald Cox before ...
Houston and Maury for Helms re returning at request of Special ...
Helms for Warner re Colby at his confirmation hearing
"Baltimore News American 'Cox's Evidence Indicates Helms Lie...
Colby for Helms re testimony
to Colby for Helms "This acknowledges reference"
Helms for Schlesinger re agree w/msg
to Colby, Warner and Cary for Helms re Symington and Nedzi
Message for Helms re conservatism in the area
Message re Kuwait cable, Helms on 4 day trip
routing slip Nov 8 to callahan
John Maury to Helms re info for Helms
Colby for Helms re apologies
Maury for Helms re many thanks
Helms for Maury 28 June 72 memo
Colby for Helms re Lawrence Stern of Washington Post trying to ...
Helms for John Warner available to go before the Grand Jury
Helms for John Warner re Mr. Cox
Helms for Maury Ref Andrew St. George article
Ben-Veniste to address request for your travel
Helms for Maury
Tehran travel plans
Helms for Cary re Colby response to letter for Howard Baker
Helms for Maury "conversation with Woolsey"
cable of Washington Post article "Colby, Helms deny CIA fore...
Helms for Houston re wire services have not carried any refere...
re Senator Syminton and National Review
re JIDDA cable, Helms return to Washington
re Tehran cable, Helms arrived Dulles
to Ambass and Mrs. Helms American luminaries
for Helms msg for Mrs. Helms
lttr dated 16 Nov was received
re Letter addressed to Helms by Mr. Carl Macy
Recommend your answer to Mr. Carl Marcy
Transmittal Manifest
Houston and Warner for Helms msg for Special Prosecutor ...
Smith for Helms re Lindsay's visit to New Delhi
"Brezhnev suffers a part-defeat in India"
Newsclipping for International Herald-Tribune Headline "Suslov ...
msg to Helms re Tehran cable
to European Brief "USSR: the measured tone of the Foreign Poli...
Memorandum for Ambass. re Brezhnev's Political position in the ...
Memo for the Ambass "Prime Minister Hoveyda"
"Prime Minister Hoveyda asked Am Helms whether Brezhnev is ...
Helms to Colby re GOI Interest in A-11/SR-71
"General Hassan Toufanian, Iranian Vice-Minister"
Helms for Maury Three-Hour meeting with Senator Baker
to Helms for John Lehman, "presently on a field trip"
re pouched articles
re Tehran cable
to Saigon fro John Lehman, NSC staff from Helms
Helms for Maury re Senate Armed Services Committee party ...
Helms for Colby "does not involve the CIA or our people"
Helms on Watergate
Eyes only for Angleton from Helms
Helms for Maury Washington Post headline "Hunt's Role in 1964...
re Islamabad cable
Personal for Helms for Byroade; "Foreign Secretary Shahi"


Transmittal Manifest
Transmittal Manifest
Transmittal Manifest
Transmittal Manifest
Helms for Angleton
"would be most grateful if I could receive"
re preference to fly
Helms for Byroade "Bhutto says he plans"
Helms to Kissinger re disengagement agreement
Scowcroft to Helms re many thanks
Helms to Scowcroft re bottom of page 3 and top of 4
re Aziz Ahmed's conversation
Helms for Byroade "it had been my understanding"
Helms to Scowcroft re planning to depart Islamabad
re Islamabad cable
Tehran have a good trip
for Chin for Helms re lodging Lindsay
to Welles for Helms re stepdaughter McKelvie
re Tehran seems sensible
re happy to lodge Ms. McKelvie
"your Tehran"
re Lindsay's plans for Tokyo
Transmittal Manifest
"Events precipitated by the October war"
Helms for Colby re Dan Rather telephone call
re change in Lindsay's schedule
Sisouk upcoming wedding
Colby for Helms "I never destroyed any tapes"
to Helms for MG Brett re offer of assistance ...
undated letter re Sisouk
Colby for Helms 28 Jan lttr
briefing to the Shah
Helms to Scowcroft visit w/Shah after ...
re Miss McKelvie arrived
Helms to SecDef re letter to Shah
Helms for Colby re Lyle Miller
Helms for Colby re return for meeting w/Howard Baker
Helms to Scowcroft re visit to Mexico City
Scowcroft to Helms
re Lindsay left as scheduled
Helms to Moorer re Iranian Navy in the Shah's planning for ...
Agency officer holding pkg for Mrs Helms
Helms for Moorer re comments regarding rear admiral
Helms to Scowcroft re Shah's proposed financial contributions to...
re Laurence Stern story "Not Watergate Material"
Helms for Colby "your comment that it could"
to Ambass Rivero, Madrid for Helms re Georg von Lilienfeld
re Lindsay McKelvie
Mrs. Helms' purchases
Memo to Mr. Lee re Australian banknote
re Lindsay departed Tokyo
re kindnesses to Lindsay
thx for being nice to Lindsay
Helms from Colby re Loan for PSAS
re Minister Chao Sisouk and his bride Princess Marina sched...
Transmittal Manifest
Helms out of town, Mrs. Helms to entertain Sisouk and bride
cable copy of above msg
for Mr. Arnold, Vientiane re Sisouk visit
to Helms for Ambassador Rivero, Madrid re schools for daughter
re dinner and drinks
re CENTO meetings
Transmittal Manifest
Adm Moorer's office request
for Helms "additional instruction passed for chairman's office"
Helms re British Ambass Francis Brooks-Richards about to dep...
Helms not in Iran
Dispatch re transmittal of gift book for General Gehlen
re discussion w/Court Minister Alam Mar 18
Helms for Colby re Washington Post article "Helms says Barker ...
re contact w/Barker and Daniel Schultz
Helms for Moorer re Kissinger pleased to learn that Shah ...
re military pressure on Iraq until there is some for of disengage...
Helms for Scowcroft re Tehran cable
for Wolfe look out for antique sculpture
copy of the above item with changes
re antique sculpture for Mrs. Helms
Helms to Scowcroft re Mulla Mustafa Barzani and Dr. Uthman ...
Helms to Byroade re Pakistani tanks
Helms to Byroade "This will acknowledge your message
Ambass Landau to Helms re Miss Caroly O. Stacy
re Sid Sober
re official party for the visit to the KITTY HAWK
Sctehran re "OER Analyst "
WH 40770 re Helms visiting Iranian Petroleum facilities
Helms for Cary re Senator Baker's appearance on "Face the ...
Memo re congratulations to Admiral Holloway
re congratulations to Prince and Princess on third child
Helms for Scowcroft
Helms for Haig re Prince Hassan and Princess Sarvath
Helms for Byroade, "It sounds like you"
"no need to commence work on transcript"
Lyle Miller for Helms re transcript of March 8 testimony before ...
Helms for Scowcroft re situation in Gulf
re Admiral Moorer
re transcript will be hand carried by Mr. Lew Gordon
re thanks to General Gehlen
Transmittal Manifest re newspaper clippings
re Korteweg called Helms' office to schedule appt.
Korteweg not intell service member
re "no current HQS traces Peter Korteweg"
funeral ceremony for Mrs. Allen Dulles
"Colonel Kennedy"
re "Peter Korteweg aka Pieter G. J. Korteweg
re Peter Kortewig
re Peter Kortewig, diplomatic commentator
re Ambass Keating
Schlesinger for Helms re Financing Grumman F-14 production
Scowcroft for Helms to Kissinger re Iran's present program of ...
Transmittal Manifest re personal letter for Helms to Cary
memo for Communications officer
A planned departure from Tehran 6 May
Re use of escort
re previous testimony
Re forthcoming visit
Helms for Haig re Brigadier Salim visiting Iran
Haig for Helms
Transmittal Manifest signed memo of receipt
Ref preparations
re visitof Turkish intel officers
Transmittal Manifest re 2 books
Transmittal Manifest re hearing before the Committee on Armed ...
Funding of Grumman F-14
re visit with Istanbul police/security force
re Cunningham in Ireland
re lunch w/Jordanian Ambass and the Salim's
re thank you for Brigadier Abud
re received letter for Rockefeller public
to Helms for re Wallie Deuel death
Memo to Thuermer for Helms re Peter Deuel
Memo to Gen George Brown re congrats on Joint Chief of Staff ...
Transmittal Manifest newsclippings
Itinerary does not agree w/Turk Air Schedule
re bodyguards
re Peter Deuel
re schedule changes
to Moorer for Helms re Cpt Harward as Chief of the MAAG's Nav...
Congen has made reservations
Helms and wife arrived
Scowcroft for Helms re Syrian-Israeli disengagement agreements
Dispatch NITT - mail addressed to Helms at the Agency
Gen George Brown for Helms msg to Gen John Vogt on ...
Helms for Haig re King Husayn personal lttr to Shah
Notepad Memo for Mr. Ambassador re request for Angleton
re Assessment that F-14 and F-15 issue is important
Helms for Gen Vogt re warm welcome
Helms for Garment re pass msg to Jerome Wiesner President of...
handwritten note
handwritten note
Helms for Scowcroft re Jim Fletcher of NASA msg
Helms to Leonard Garment and Scowcroft re Dr. Wiesner and ...
Helms to Moorer re thanks and best wishes
Islamabad cable Helms for Byroade
Transmittal Manifest re envelope for Tehran
Transmittal Manifest re Tel Aviv
re thanks
Ambass Byroade for Helms re Robert Mantel
Transmittal Manifest Colby for Helms
copy of the above (working copy)
Helms to Scowcroft re Edward Thomas
Helms for Scowcroft re nomination of Edward Thomas
Helms for Colby re Admiral Moorer
Helms for Haig re King Husayn
re Scud missiles for Iraq
for Helms for Richard Kennedy re Thomas
for Helms re surface to surface missiles
Draft visit w/Kissinger
Dispatch NITS- re material for the Office of Legislative Counsel
Helms for Cary re Senator Baker released summary
Kissinger to Helms re visit to Washington
Scowcroft to Helms re travel plans look fine
Kissinger for Helms re Growing problem for the Shah
"Dear Henry"
for Helms re information from para 5 of the current overview
Schlesinger to Helms re Peace crown letter offer
Helms for Schlesinger re Scud question
for Secretary Simon to Tehran Embassy re remarks about Shah
Ambass Helms and Mr. Cunningham proceeding Tehran
please get following msg to Helms
for Helms "thanks for referent msg"
for Helms re coming to Athens
from Helms re contact brother, trip cancelled
for Helms re Athens trip back on
for Helms "many thanks"
"South Wind" is being provisioned and fueled today
Mr. Pearsall Helms and wife will arrive Athens on 25 July
re Hayat chest ordered by Mrs. Helms
re Mr. Pearsall Helms
no Turkish airline flights between Istanbul and Athens
for Mr. Goodwin
for Ambass Godley for Helms re phone local SAS manger and ...
for Helms for Ambass Godley re unable to reach SAS station ...
re chest for Mrs. Helms
for Mr. Goodwin re travel to Tehran-Istanbul
"SAS office Athens"
Helms departed Beirut
Forwarding of missing bag
"Bag has been located"
Kissinger for Helms {WH42550} re 2 assessments of last year
re transcripts of conversations between Nixon and H.R. Haldeman
to Colby for Helms re Admiral De Poix's briefing
re Laurence Stern Article
re thank you for msg
Helms for Kissinger re possible visit to China
Secretary Atherton for Helms re procuring Ambass Zahedi's msg
re Barzani appealing for help
Helms to Scowcroft re Iranian troops in Iraq
Helms for Scowcroft, "Henry has responded to the msg"
Scowcroft for Helms re Secretary's reply was conveyed to Gen...
Kissinger to Helms re Anti Tank Missiles
re Award for Lou Tordella
to Helms for brother re Mother
re appreciation
Helms for Colby re firm itinerary
For Colby (Tehran) Defer to your judgment
Helms to Scowcroft re Abu Dhabi Embtel
Helms for Warner re Washington Post prints lists of witnesses
for Gen Walters re phone call for Admiral Raborn
"Please advise Admiral Raborn that if he desires an audience ...
Holloway for Helms "Regret that my involvement"
Admiral Holloway for Helms re Secretary Kissinger's visit
Personal for General Haig for Helms re early visit in Tehran
Helms to Scowcroft re pass msg to Rumsfeld
Helms to Kissinger, "In reviewing and updating Ref B"
for Kissinger immediate General Scowcroft re press conference ...
for Helms for Haig re problem of the trains
to USCINCEUR re Your 061135Z
attn: re Incident
"Please inform Country Director"
Mgr of Garfinckels informed country director of Fuhrer/Helms ...
Washington Signal Center for Helms re Msg for Secretary Kiss...
cable re slight admin problem
Helms for Kissinger re area assessment of China
Helms for Meyer re msg delivered to Lord Ronald Graham
Meyer for Helms re phone call to Lord Graham
Helms for Warner re indication of timing
Helms for Warner re visit
for Helms re suggested points of discussion w/Sultan Qabus
Kissinger for Helms re private visit of Omani Sultan Qabus
Helms for Naas re "The Wedding"
NIACT Immediate Helms to Kissinger, "Foreign Minister Khalat...
to Helms for Colby re John Clements death
for Colby for Helms "appreciate your thoughtfulness"
Helms for Scowcroft re Secretary Kissinger
from Naas to Helms re Happy Holidays
to Helms re wife of Frank Wisner died
Helms for Colby re Seymour Hersh et al. working on a story ...
Helms for Scowcroft "Rumsfeld has received a letter"
Helms for Scowcroft re talk w/Mr. Maatman
Helms for Secretary Atherton re concern over NSA No.
Helms to Scowcroft re msg to Secretary Kissinger re audience ...
Helm for Warner re Watergate trial closing
Helms for Scowcroft re Iranian Co-production
Helms for Scowcroft re Henry promises to Shah
for Helms re brother Pearsall
to Secretary Kissinger for Helms re Shah will carry message to ...
Cable Saigon cable re Helms left Dec 24
Iranians are a very poor fourth
Vietnam to Helms re adequately staffed Iranian delegation
Ambass Sadry and Saigon


Personal for the Ambassador re Saigon msg
msg to Helms for Miklos
msg to Charge D'Affaires Jack Miklos
Personal for the Charge D'Affiares re Iranian delegation
re brief interview w/ Eric Johnsen 1
Ambass and Mrs. Helms returning to Tehran
Helms unavailable
msg from Naas to Helms on Hersh article
Testimony does not contain such a statement
Helms request that motion be quashed 27273] 21
stand down effort to contact Helms
Helms not expected back in Nairobi
re Drop Helms on Head quote by Hersh
Director and Nairobi cables
re Stand down
pertinent protions of Seymour Hersh's NY times article
Carver to Helms re Bob Slighton
Cunningham and Helms' transited Cairo
Georger Carver for Helms re HQ cable
messages sent to Nairobi in connection w/ Hersh
Warner for Helms msg sent to Nairobi in connection w/Hersh ...
Transmittal Manifest
from Warner re letter for Charles Naas
Helms suggestion discussed with DoJ (Tehran)
Telegram constituting Warner's authorization
Oral advice for DoJ in Helms representation in Bohmer case
to Helms for Robert Hormats re memo of Robinson's conversa...
Helms re March 5 operation
for Scowcroft re lttr for General Mulla Mustafa Barzani
re request of testimony before Nedzi Subcommittee
re Senate Foreign Relations Committee
for Helms re Minister of Court Alam
thank you; appropriate selection
to Helms re Schlesinger Interview
Helms for Naas re conversation w/ Ambassador Zahedi
Helms for Naas re Shah/Queen visit
Draft Naas for Helms re Shah's visit to DC
Malmborg of State Dept. letter
Naas for Helms re hotel reservations
itinerary from Tehran to Washington
travelers from Tehran to Washington
for Helms re Mr. Lawrence Eagleburger
for James Cunningham re Helms itinerary
Msg for Gen Haig to Helms re Thank you for visit of CincSouth
re msg #R-231619Z
re: Miami civil action file no. 75-515
Dispatch notice w/ memo re Letter to Mr. Tulio Acampora (reque...
re: thanks to Director
Dispatch notice w/ memo re Ambassador's reply to letter from ...
for Ambassador Akins
John Walker to Helms re Barbour visit
"Please advise after return of Ambassador."
Canberra and Tehran re Barbour schedule changes
re Canberra re Helms most please to see Director of ASIO
for Helms re last-minute things
re Canberra and Tehran cables
re Canberra cable
re Barbour
Helms please to see
for Helms re thank you
for Scowcroft re call for Ambass Zahedi
for Helms
received mail summons re C-75-1211-CBR
re asking defendant to identify plaintiff
Helms for Naas re interim msg concerning P-3
Handwritten memo to Scowcroft re Secretary Kissinger
for Helms to Scowcroft re: Saudi Arabian intelligence
for Naas to Miklos re P-3 Operations and Schlesinger's approval
for Miklos to Naas re P-3 Operations
Helms for Martin Hoffman re misinterpreted request re new ...
re Helms unavailable until 12 July
re San Francisco case Plaintiff as John Doe issue
Pass msg to Helms and MajGen Devol Brett
re departure from Tehran
Cunningham/Helms transit Frankfurt
for General Jones re Rock Brett's promotion
Helms traveling
Helms has been delayed
"Immediate Paris Info Tehran" Helms/Cunningham departing ...
Itinerary Cunningham July 15-20
FYI memo re info received from Kipperman July 22
Dr. Tietjen for Helms re retirement/medical record
Naas for Helms re P-3 Flights 28719]
Dr. John R. Hietjen to Helms re agency medical record
Dr. Tietjen for Helms
request of DoJ for representation in Civil Action no C-75-1211...
Cautionary memo re: Day's lawyer intentions
material received from Mr. Day's lawyer
for John Greaney fr. Helms re Nunez case
Report "Possible NIOC Assistance to Ethiopian Oil Co" [RCI ...
Helms for Naas re transfers to Jordan
from Situation Rm re Tehran msg
Confirmation of receipt from civil action file no. 75-3493
re: suggesting Helms send lttr to Attorney General requesting ...
re "Plaintiff's First Interrogatories and Plaintiff's First Request for ...
Helms for Naas re previous message
"It is not clear to me what the last sentence of the letter intends"
DoJ letter dated 1 Aug 1975
re DoJ preparing answers for the Bohmer case
Tehran: No suit filed
re "Forwarded via TM 1021508"
Scowcroft to Helms re president thank you
re answer for Attny Gen re representation in Driver Case Sep 20...
Transmittal Manifest
Naas for Helms re trying to get a response
Response has been delayed due to negotiations
RCI 136
Helms travel
Transmittal Manifest: lttr for Ambassador
re msg RCI 202
Washington Itinerary for October 1975 travel
to Rumsfeld - congratulations from Helms
to Scowcroft re congrats
Helms for Naas 138 resolution of IBEX problems in 10 days
from Scowcroft re thank you
re corporate records re Chile Investigation
Tehran: DoJ investigating mail intercept program and hired privat...
Mail intercept cases
re request Helms use RYBAT (Dummy chron)
re complaint filed; request DoJ assistance
Iraqi Inventory ref #
"Advise re: briefing" Tehran
re: brief
re Cunningham and Helms returning from Washington
William Nelson submitting recommendations to DoJ
re RI judge Not granting extension of time
ref Tehran
re Donnenfeld/Helms mtg in DC mid Dec. 75
re trip postponed (Tehran)
re Tehran cables
re Tehran cable
re: Tehran cables
Itinerary for trip to Iran
re thank you for thoughtful msg on Welch's death


Helms from Warner: Donnenfeld requesting telephone call for ...
Cable re funeral for Richard S. Welch
Travel Itinerary
Cable: Helms for Colby re Admiral Raborn visit w/Colby
Memo re Admiral Raborn audience arranged through Iranian ...
cable memo by George Adis
Cable: Cunningham and travel companion arriving in DC
Helms from Warner re: Tehran (msg given to Donnenfeld)
Cable: Meyer from Helms; letter for Cynthia
Cable: Starke mailed letter 15 Jan
Cable: plans proceeding per ref E2
Transmittal Manifest
Cable from Col Boynton "remarks during testimony were most ...
Cable Helms trip with following exceptions
1/2 sheet Thank you for John Greaney for phone call
1/2 sheet Thank you to Brent Scowcroft on above note WH60230
Cable request from Helms to telephone Ambass Douglas ...
Memo for Helms re request for phone call to Mr. Averell Harri...
Cable re: companions' plan to arrive in Washington 2/22/76
Cable re Maj Gen Richard Trefry for new Chief
Cable re coordination with RSO and Embassy [Cairo]
Cable DCI Bush will be given powers to control
Cable re AP story by David Martin re Helms meeting w/Senator ...
Cable re blacklisted Lavi brothers
Cable re Helms/Cunningham re trip to Cairo
Cable re Flanagan and personal note
Helms for Warner: Donnenfeld prepared affidavit for New York ...
1/2 sheet from Brent Scowcroft, no prosecuting anyone else re ...
Cable for DCI Bush re no release of names
Cable Embassy confirmed flight and hotel reservations [Cairo]
Cable: Remarks requested for John Warner's farewell
Helms from Warner: re Bohmer Case in San Diego DoJ letters ...
Helms from Warner: Nixon deposed Jan 1976 in connection wit...
cable: William Miller of SSC forwarded to Dick Lehman information
Cable Ambass Helms and Mrs and Mr Cunningham departing ...
cable: re docs sent March 3 via diplomatic pouch
cable: re George Carver analysis for assistance re SSC
cable for Warner fr. Helms: msg to be forwarded to William Miller
cable: re thanks for comments
Cable for Ambass Helms from Bill Koplowitz
Cable re Senator Proxmire
Cable reply to msg in absence of Gen Walters and Bill Nelson
Cable re John Warner's retirement announcement
Cable re Recommendation for MAAG Army Section Chief Gen ...
Cable DCI Bush from Helms re IBEX and Gen Fish
Cable re April 9 mtg re IBEX Project
cable: re confirmation of information provided by Helms in Bohm...
Cable re IBEX program
Cable for DCI Bush re Eltes and the Distribution of Power in Iran
Memo: draft answer filed on behalf of Helms in th Bohmer Suit
Cable: Thank you for research study "Elites and the Distribution ...
Cable: H. Knoche to Helms re thanks
Cable: Follow the IBEX Program
Cable: DCI Bush to Helms re expedite release
Cable: Follow the IBEX Program from policy view w/DoD
Ambass. Helm Eyes Only draft of Senate Select Committee ...
Ambass. Helm reply to ref. msg.
cable from Helms to Greaney on Director
Cable: Karamessines/Baron mtg on the SSC Draft Report
Hand written memo (french?)
Cable: Tom Powers travel to Iran
Office of the Ambassador routing sheet: FYI 6/2
Cable: reservations
Cable re: visit with the Myers
Cable: personal re Itinerary changes
Cable: personal for Europa Hotel
Transmittal Manifest
Cable: Zeke Zellmer travel to visit Helms
Cable for DCI: Helms missed msg due to travel in London
Cable Eyes Only from DCI to Helms re Zeke Zellmer trip to ...
"Ref Timing Fine" Tehran cable
Cable re Powers' Rolling Stone article
Cable: Eyes Only re Rolling Stone article by Thomas Powers
Cable: Helms to Carter no RPT no Data]
Cable: Helms to DCI Bush re Zellmer's visit
Trip to Scotland
Transmittal Manifest, NE Division, re: sealed envelope
Transmittal Manifest
Amended Complaint Class Action for Declaratory and Injunctive ...
Driver Case memo for Ambassador Helms from John Greaney
Itinerary for trip from Mehrabad Airport to Rasht Airport July 18 ...
Cable: Personal msg to Helms from Carver
Cable: personal msg to George Carver from Helms

Richard Helms - Agency Publications

Reflections of DCI's colby and Helms on CIA's "Times of Trouble"
Richard Helms: The Intelligence Professional Personified
Eulogy for Former DCI Richard Helms
Richard Helms as Director of Central Intelligence

In His Own Words

Congressional Relations, Vietnam, philosophy of intelligence ...
DCI's Role, early career, Congress and media, OSS, Raborn ...
Dismissal, Nixon, politicization, Watergate
Vietnam, Congress
Watergate, Nixon, Dismissal
MHCHAOS, Nixon Administration & Dissent
Counterintelligence, Angleton, Golitsyn, Nosenko, Stalin's ...
McCone, Cuba, Vietnam, Successor as DCI
DCI's knowledge of "Family Jewels" OXCART, Watergate, Laos
We Believe in our work - Speech given 24 May 1983
Intelligence in American Society
Strategic Arms Limitations and intelligence - DCI Address

Early Studies on Intelligence Community

Eberstadt Committee Report pertaining to CIA
Eberstadt Committee Report - Index of Recommendations
Dulles-Correa-Jackson Report 1948-49
The National Security Organization - A Report to Congress
The Development of American Psychological Operations - 1945-51
The President's Committee of International Information
Briefings for the Special Study Group
Progress Report to the Congress, Commission on Organization
Report on Intelligence Activities in the Federal Government
Task Force Report on Intelligence Activities - The Gen. Mark ...
Part II, Intelligence Activities, Commission on Organization of ...
Memorandum for DCI re: Hoover-Clark task force report ...
Memorandum for Chief of Operations, DD/P re: Hoover-Clark
CIA internal papers on Clark/Hoover Commission report
Conclusion and Recommendations of the President's Committee
Report on the covert activities of the CIA - "The Doolittle Report"
Task Force report on intelligence activities - "The Gen. Mark W. .."
Joint study group report on Foreign Intelligence Activities
Memo on Covert Operations by J. Patrick Coyne
Psychological aspects of U.S. Strategy, panel report
U.S. Intelligence Committee Reform Studies since 1947