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Environmental Protection, Sustainability Support & Corporate Safety Analysis (SESA)
Mission & Functions
Corporate Safety Program (CSP)
CSP Home
Consolidated Audit Program (DOECAP)
Corrective Action Management Program (CAMP)
DOE Analytical Services Program (ASP)
DOE Laboratory Accreditation Program (DOELAP)
Corporate Federal Employees Occupational Safety & Health (FEOSH) Program
HSS Federal Employees Occupational Safety & Health (FEOSH) Program
Fire Protection Database Reports
Human Performance Improvement
Type A and Type B Accident Investigations
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Office of Corporate Safety Programs

  • DOE Accident Prevention and Investigation Program A primary mission of the Department of Energy (DOE) is to manage its programs and operate its facilities with a high level of safety. The DOE accident investigation process has been designed to meet Departmental safety objectives by responding to accidents in a highly coordinated, timely, and focused manner. Preventing accidents and reducing lost time and fatalities due to accidents are line management responsibilities. However, the DOE Accident Investigation Program provides useful and timely information to managers within the Complex in an efficient manner so they can use the information to improve their programs. Contact: Dave Pegram
  • Analytical Services Program (ASP): This corporate program provides for the minimization of audit redundancies and the standardization of auditing methodology and procedures performed annually of analytical environmental laboratories, and waste treatment storage and disposal facilities; quality assurance proficiency testing and evaluation for domestic and international laboratories; and the development of software toolkits and training to assist field element sites in the planning and design of environmental sampling and decision-making. Contact: George Detsis
  • Corrective Action Management Program (CAMP): Following the 2011 Directives Reform effort, the requirement for CAMP was removed from the new QA Order (DOE O 414.1D). The CATS database is currently being used to monitor legacy corrective actions. Contact: Larry McCabe
  • DOE Laboratory Accreditation Program (DOELAP): An overarching corporate resource to ensure that DOE is assessing the potential for radiological contamination of workers. The website includes information regarding Personnel Dosimetry Program Accreditation, the Radiobioassay Laboratory Accreditation Program, an online Library; DOELAP Assessors and Oversight Board listings, and DOELAP training meetings/conferences. Contact: Steve Zobel
  • Corporate Federal Employee Occupational Safety & Health Program (FEOSH) The FEOSH Web Site provides an on-line library of useful tools to support line management's implementation of their FEOSH programs. The FEOSH site contains pertinent information, guidance, technical expertise, and program evaluation materials. The goal is to successfully promote open communication and effective partnerships among management, employees, and professionals for implementing FEOSH Programs. Contact: Carlos Coffman
  • HSS Federal Employee Occupational Safety & Health Program (FEOSH) The HSS Federal Occupational Safety and Health (FEOSH) program promotes the sharing of worker safety and health knowledge within HSS and the Department. The HSS FEOSH program is implemented in accordance with the Department's Headquarters Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health program requirements, which is administered by the Office of Management (MA). Partnering with the Corporate Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health (FEOSH) program, the HSS FEOSH program fosters effective communication and partnerships among management, employees, and professionals in order to provide a safe and healthful workplace. Contact: Robin Pickens
  • Fire Protection Database Reports: In 2007, a new fire protection reporting system was designed by the Office of Corporate Safety Analysis and implemented across the DOE complex. This new process allows sites to submit their fire protection information on a real-time basis versus the submittal of an annual fire protection summary as was provided in the past. The Fire Protection Database Reports website contains annual fire protection program summary reports from CY1992 to the present. Click to read the archived fire protection summary reports. Contact: Larry.McCabe@hq.doe.gov.
  • Center for High Reliability Performance (HRP)High Reliability Science is the study of human performance in complex systems and includes: dynamic systems thinking; organizational behavior emphasizing reflective self assessment and learning; leadership; analysis of serious safety and operational events; techniques to preclude consequential error; human expertise and performance support tools; and shaping organizational cultures that align organizational members to achieve safe performance of vital missions. The application of high reliability principles in numerous organizations (medical, nuclear, aviation, etc.) has resulted in improved safety, quality, and productivity. The Center exists as a resource for the Department's headquarters and field employees and contractors to implement and enhance high reliability initiatives; in particular High Reliability theory and practice, Human Performance Improvement, and Safety Culture. It provides resources, references, and training; and acts as a clearing house for high reliability lessons learned from the DOE complex, other government organizations, and private industry; and serves as the DOE Liaison with the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations. Please contact Earl Carnes or HRP Feedback/Comments if you have any questions.

For additional information regarding this page or feedback on its content, please contact:
Chuck Lewis, Director, Office of Corporate Safety Programs at email: charles.lewis@hq.doe.gov or phone: 301-903-1250.

This page was last updated on September 17, 2012