Data by Gender
Research grants: Awards, by gender

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Legend Women Men Percentage to Women Research grants: Awards, by gender
X=2008;Y=28 X=2007;Y=27 X=2006;Y=26 X=2009;Y=28 X=2012;Y=30 X=2011;Y=29 X=2010;Y=29 X=2005;Y=26 X=2000;Y=24 X=1999;Y=23 X=1998;Y=23 X=2001;Y=24 X=2004;Y=25 X=2003;Y=25 X=2002;Y=24 X=2008;Y=32,987 X=2007;Y=33,551 X=2006;Y=33,107 X=2009;Y=31,884 X=2012;Y=30,768 X=2011;Y=31,183 X=2010;Y=31,667 X=2005;Y=33,870 X=2000;Y=28,320 X=1999;Y=26,753 X=1998;Y=24,877 X=2001;Y=29,890 X=2004;Y=34,200 X=2003;Y=33,416 X=2002;Y=31,801 X=2008;Y=12,575 X=2007;Y=12,266 X=2006;Y=11,929 X=2009;Y=12,546 X=2012;Y=13,025 X=2011;Y=12,838 X=2010;Y=12,635 X=2005;Y=11,998 X=2000;Y=8,713 X=1999;Y=8,040 X=1998;Y=7,362 X=2001;Y=9,386 X=2004;Y=11,693 X=2003;Y=11,080 X=2002;Y=10,199 Research grants: Awards, by gender
FY 2009 and 2010 exclude awards made under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

Source: NIH IMPAC, Pub File

Contact: Office of Statistical Analysis and Reporting, ORIS/OER