PIFSC Biologist Keith Bigelow is NOAA Fisheries Employee of the Month

December 11, 2012

PIFSC biologist Keith Bigelow
PIFSC biologist Keith Bigelow

Keith Bigelow, a fishery biologist at NOAA's Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, has been named the NOAA Fisheries Employee of the Month for December 2012.

During the 9th Regular Session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) held 2-6 December in Manila, Philippines, Mr. Bigelow distinguished himself with his work as science advisor for the U.S. delegation. He provided scientific advice and interpretation of fisheries stock status information in preparation for and during the multinational WCPFC meeting. Of particular note was Mr. Bigelow's work in support of the U.S. proposal for conservation of oceanic whitetip shark. The U.S. was successful in obtaining WCPFC approval for a Conservation and Management Measure banning fishery retention of this depleted species in the western and central Pacific Ocean. Mr. Bigelow's cooperative efforts directly contributed to the successful adoption of this important conservation measure.

In recognition of his contributions, Mr. Bigelow will receive a certificate signed and presented by the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, Dr. Jane Lubchenco. The Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center and Pacific Islands Regional Office congratulate Mr. Bigelow on his well-deserved honor.