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Posted 6/22/2010 Printable Fact Sheet
Space Innovation and Development Center
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The mission is to advance full-spectrum warfare through rapid innovation, integration, training, testing and experimentation.


The SIDC is composed of the 595th Space Group and these three divisions; the Air Force Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities, or AF TENCAP; the Integration Division; and the Plans, Programs and Requirements Division. The organizations work together to conduct wargaming; integrate space into exercises and experiments; rapidly prototype, field and exploit integrated air, space and cyberspace capabilities; provide advanced space testing, training and range Infrastructure; and execute AFSPC Force Development Evaluation and Operational Test programs.

595th Space Group

The 595th SG is responsible for executing HQ AFSPC's space systems operational test and evaluation activities, developing space control tactics and techniques, demonstrating cutting-edge technologies, providing advanced training and operating the Air Force's only space test and training range. The 595th SG comprises six squadrons:

The 595th Operations Support Squadron enhances Air Force space superiority and improves force readiness by providing mission support functions to the test, education, space threat replication and space tactics development missions executed by the 595th SG. The 595th OSS also provides intelligence support to the SIDC Commander, Center wargamers and rapid prototyping and development efforts.

The 17th Test Squadron validates and enhances warfighter capabilities through operational testing and evaluation of space systems. The 17 TS is responsible for planning, executing and reporting on command-directed testing of AFSPC's space assets and tactics, techniques and procedures across the spectrum of operational test and evaluation events.

The 14th Test Squadron is a Reserve Associate Unit to the 17th TS. The 14 TS provides expertise and continuity in three distinct areas of test; Cyber System Vulnerability Assessments, Specialized testing on non-traditional acquisition programs and personnel support to the 17 TS's Warning and Surveillance test mission.

The Advanced Space Operations School is AFSPC'S only unit providing world-class, advanced training on space sub-systems, and theater deployment training to our space deployers, enhancing delivery of space and missile capabilities to the Warfighters. Additionally the unit offers introductory and senior-level space training to space professionals within the DoD, sister services, and foreign allies.

The 25th Space Range Squadron is responsible for the operation of the Space Test and Training Range, a capability that allows units to exercise space capabilities in a safe, secure and realistic environment while eliminating the risk of unintended collateral effects. The 25 SRS owns the advanced concepts environment, which simulates a target, weapon system and environment for training and rapid reaction prototype development. The 25 SRS has also deployed equipment and personnel to support theater operations.

The 3rd Space Experimentation Squadron is AFSPC's premier organization for space-based demonstrations, pathfinders and experiment testing. The unit identifies concepts of employment, training, education and technical skill sets required to field selected future AFSPC missions. The 3rd SES will develop a core cadre of space professionals to serve as subject matter experts for all future AFSPC space-based endeavors, demonstrate operational utility of selected demonstrations and apply lessons learned from demonstrations and pathfinders for use in future initiatives.

Air Force Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities

In 1977 Congress directed the establishment of AF TENCAP with three primary missions: exploit space systems for tactical applications through rapid prototyping projects; influence the design of future space systems for tactical applications; and educate warfighters about the capabilities and tactical utility of space systems. AF TENCAP demonstrates leading edge space technologies with potential to enhance combat capabilities of units in the field, then transitions these combat systems to warfighters much more rapidly than traditional acquisition processes. AF TENCAP is responsible for keeping abreast of the latest technologies and influencing emerging space systems to make them more supportive of fielded combat forces.

Integration Division

The Integration Division, or ID, brings space to the fight by focusing on the integration of air, space and information operations to create aerospace power for warfighters. ID operates two specialized facilities. The first, the Distributed Mission Operations Center for Space, conducts exercises and mission rehearsals in a virtual environment to present status as if it were real world events. DMOC-S support includes space injects, such as missile launches, blue-force tracking data, and Combat Search and Rescue injects while also planning and executing exercises for the command. The DMOC-S is designed to provide integration support and testing along with the development of models and simulations that support space and cyberspace participation. The second, the Aerospace Fusion Center, provides real-time data fusion and distribution of on-orbit infrared non-imaging systems. The AFC leverages its analysis capability to develop tools for technical intelligence and battlespace awareness and provides those tools to warfighters. The Wargaming Branch promotes the understanding and effective use of space and cyberspace power through the Schriever Wargame Series. The Schriever Wargames provide strategic and national policy challenge scenarios and construct the wargame to the objectives defined by the AFSPC commander. Over its history, the Schriever Wargame Series has influenced acquisition, operations, and plans inside the command and at USSTRATCOM. The branch supports Title 10 wargames by providing space and cyberspace operational expertise, and by direction of the AFSPC commander, is actively integrating the Schriever Series with the Unified Engagement Wargame.

Plans, Programs and Requirements

Plans, Programs and Requirements, or XR, is the backbone of the SIDC, providing overarching support to all other SIDC divisions. XR manages SIDC communications and computers, security, acquisition, logistics, policy, planning, programming, financial support, manpower and personnel. XR is the SIDC commander's authority on reviewing, coordinating and consolidating all SIDC inputs to AFSPC Directorate of Strategic Plans, Programs, Analysis, Assessments and Lessons-Learned Modernization Planning Process and AFSPC Directorate of Plans and Requirements' associated Requirements Generation System. XR also serves as the SIDC's representative for the Chief of Staff of the Air Force's Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st century initiatives. As the lead SIDC programming and requirements agency, XR integrates SIDC views and initiatives into these AFSPC-level programming systems to solve warfighter deficiencies through space capabilities. As the SIDC's executive agent for the submitting program objective memorandum inputs, XR develops strategy, policy, doctrine and long-range plans to control and exploit space. XR programs and advocates manpower, resources and organizational development for long-term success of the SIDC's mission.


In the fall of 1992, an Air Force Blue Ribbon Panel on space recommended establishing a dedicated Space Warfare Center to exploit the capabilities of space-based assets. Combat operations during Operation Desert Storm relied on space support more than in any past conflict; however, an analysis of these operations revealed shortfalls in the Air Force's ability to leverage space capabilities. In order to better exploit space capabilities, the SWC was stood-up and officially dedicated on Nov. 1, 1993. The SWC was redesignated as the SIDC on March 1, 2006,

Today, the SIDC supports the Overseas Contingency Operations by expeditiously transitioning innovative combat effects to the warfighter. The center also improves exploitation of air, space and cyberspace capabilities through wargaming, exercises, advanced space training, experiments and space-range development. The SIDC provides independent, thorough space and missile operational testing results for Headquarters Air Force Space Command.

(Current as of June 2010)

Point of Contact: Air Force Space Command, Public Affairs Office; 150 Vandenberg, Suite 1105; Peterson AFB, Colo. 80914-4500; DSN 692-3731 or (719) 554-3731.

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