
Webinars & Videos

There is a lot to consider when building a robust IP strategy. Deciding whether to seek patent protection is a crucial decision for an inventor. Do you know whether your invention is patentable? If so, how do you balance the cost of filing with the breadth of coverage around the world?
Watch ARPA-E Principal Deputy Director Eric Toone’s SXSW Eco keynote on the future of energy production.
Funding applications often require something shorter than a research paper, but more substantive than a business pitch—you need a technical pitch. ARPA-E Program Directors Dane Boysen and Ilan Gur share their five best practices and five deadly sins for writing technical proposals in this edition of ARPA-E University.
From the elevator pitch to your TED talk, the difference between success and failure often depends on the story you tell and how you tell it. In this ARPA-E University webinar, David Merkoski focuses on honing your message to connect with any audience and leave a lasting impression in their minds.
Entrepreneur Steve Blank returned to ARPA-E University on June 21, 2012 to conduct a live Q&A discussion after a rebroadcast of his 2012 ARPA-E Summit talk on getting technology to market. You will hear ARPA-E Program Director Dr. Ilan Gur at the beginning of the discussion.


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