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Year 2013

Labiosa, W.B., Forney, W.M., Esnard, A.-M., Mitsova-Boneva, D., Bernknopf, R., Hearn, P., Hogan, D., Pearlstine, L., Strong, D., Gladwin, H., Swain, E., 2013 in press, An integrated multi-criteria scenario evaluation web tool for participatory land-use planning in urbanized areas-The Ecosystem Portfolio Model: Evironmental Modelling & Software xxx, 13 p.

Year 2012

Auch, R.F., Napton, D.E., Kambly, S., Moreland Jr., T.R., Sayler, K.L., 2012, The Driving Forces of Land Change in the Northern Piedmont of the United States: Geographical Review, v. 102, no. 1, p. 53-75.

Freeman, M.C., Buell, G.R., Hay, L.E., Hughes, W.B., Jacobson, R.B., Jones, J.W., Jones, S.A., Lafontaine, J.H., Odom, K.R., Peterson, J.T., Riley, J.W., Schindler, J.S., Shea, C., and Weaver, J.D., 2012, Linking River Management to Species Conservation Using Dynamic Landscape-Scale Models: River Research and Applications, doi: 10.1002/rra.2575.

Hogan, D., Labiosa, W., Pearlstine, L., Hallac, D., Strong, D., Hearn, P., Bernknopf, R., 2012 Estimating the Cumulative Ecological Effect of Local Scale Landscape Changes in South Florida: Environmental Management, v. 49, no. 2, p. 502-515.

Jones, J.W., Desmond, G.B., Henkle, C., Glover, R., 2012, An Approach to Regional Wetland Digital Elevation Model Development Using a Differential Global Positioning System and a Custom-Built Helicopter-Based Surveying System: International Journal of Remote Sensing, v. 33, no. 2, p. 450-465.

Labiosa, W., Forney, W., Esnard, A.M., Mitsova-Boneva, D., Bernknopf, R., Hearn, P., Hogan, D., Pearlstine, L., Strong, D., Gladwin, H., in press, The South Florida Ecosystem Portfolio Model: An Integrated Multi-Criteria Scenario Evaluation Web Tool for Participatory Land-Use Planning for Sustainability in the Face of Sea Level Rise: Environmental Modelling & Software.

Niño de Guzmán, G.T., Hapeman, C.J., Prabhakara, K., Codling, E.E., Shelton, D.R., Rice, C.P., Hively, W.D., McCarty, G.W., Lang, M.W., Torrents, A., 2012 (May), Potential Pollutant Sources in a Choptank River (USA) Subwatershed and the Influence of Land Use and Watershed Characteristics: Science of the Total Environment, v.430, p. 270-279.

Rintaro K., Moebius-Clune, B.N., van Es, H.M., Hively, W.D., and Bilgili, A.V., 2012, Strategies for soil quality assessment using visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy in a western Kenya chronosequence: Soil Science Society of America Journal, v. 76, no. 5, p. 1776-1788.

Slonecker, E.T., 2012, Analysis of the Effects of Heavy Metals on Vegetation Hyperspectral Reflectance Properties, chap. 23 of Thenkabail, P.S., Lyon, J.G., Huete, A., eds., Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation, 2012: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, p. 561-578.

Year 2011

Hively, W.D., Hapeman, C.J., McConnell, L.L., Fisher, T.R., Rice, C.P., McCarty, G.W., Sadeghi, A.M., Whitall, D.R., Downey, P.M., Niño de Guzmán, G.T., Bialek-Kalinski, K., Lang, M.W., Gustafson, A.B., Sutton, A.J., Sefton, K.A., Harman Fetcho, J.A., 2011, Relating Nutrient and Herbicide Fate with Landscape Features and Characteristics of 15 Subwatersheds in the Choptank River Watershed: Science of the Total Environment, v. 409, no. 19, p. 3866-3878.

Hively, W.D., McCarty, G.M., Reeves III, J.B., Lang, M.W., Oesterling, R.A., Delwiche, S.R., 2011, Use of Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery to Map Soil Properties in Tilled Agricultural Fields: Applied and Environmental Soil Science, v. 2011, no. 358193, 13 p.

Hunt, E.R. Jr., Hively, W.D., McCarty, G.W., Daughtry, C.S.T., Forrestal, P.J., Kratochvil R.J., Carr, J.L., Allen, N.F., Fox-Rabinovitz, J.R., and Miller, C.D., 2011, NIR-green-blue high-resolution digital images for assessment of winter cover crop biomass: GIScience & Remote Sensing, v. 48, no. 1, p. 86-98.

Jones, J.W., 2011, Remote Sensing of Vegetation Pattern and Condition to Monitor Changes in Everglades Biogeochemistry: Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, v. 41, no. S1, p. 64-91.

Kinoshita, R., Moebius-Clune, B.N., van Es, H.M., Hively, W.D., Bilgilis, A.V., 2011 (September), Strategies for Soil Quality Assessment Using Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy in a Western Kenya Chronosequence: Soil Science Society of America Journal, v. 76, no. 5, p. 1776-1788.

Morton, R.A. and Barras, J.A., Hurricane Impacts on Coastal Wetlands – A Half-Century Record of Storm-Generated Features from Southern Louisiana: Journal or Coastal Research, v. 27, no. 6a, p. 27-43.

Poore, B.S., 2011 (April), Users as Essential Contributors to Spatial Cyberinfrastructures: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, v. 108, no. 14, p. 5510-5515.

Slonecker, E.T., 2011 (June), The Use of Historical Imagery in the Remediation of an Urban Hazardous Waste Site: IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society, v. 4, no. 2, p. 281-291.

Thomas, J.P., Fisher, G.B., Chandler, L.A., Angeli, K.M., Wheeler, D.J., Glover, R.P., Schenck-Gardner, E.J., Wiles, S.E., Lindleye Peccini, C.F., 2011 (June), Using Remote Sensing and Imagery Exploitation to Monitor the Dynamics of East Timbalier Island, LA - 2000–2010: Geocarto International, DOI:10.1080/10106049.2011.623791.

Xie, Z., Liu, Z., Jones, J.W., Higer, A.L., and Telis, P.A., 2011 (April), Landscape Unit Based Digital Elevation Model Development for the Freshwater Wetlands within the Arthur C. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Southeastern Florida: Applied Geography, v. 31, no. 2, p. 401-412.

Year 2010

Bigili, A.V., van Es, H.M., Akbas, F., Durak, A., and Hively, W.D., 2010, Visible-Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy for Assessment of Soil Properties in Semi-Arid Turkey: Journal of Arid Environments, v. 74, p. 229-238.

Claggett, P.R., Okay, J.A., Stehman, S.F., 2010 (March), Monitoring Regional Riparian Forest Cover Change Using Stratified Sampling and Multiresolution Imagery: Journal of the American Water Resources Association, v. 46, no. 2, p. 334-343.

De Cola, Lee, 2010 (January), A Network Representation of Raster Land-Cover Patches: Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, v. 76, no. 1, p. 61-72.

Hogan, D., 2010 (Spring), How Does Geography Help Us Understand Ecosystem Services?: Natural Inquirer, Ecosystem Services Edition, v. 12, no. 1, p. 8-9, available at

Hunt, R., Hively, W.D., Fujikawa, S., Ng, T.L., Tranchitella, M., Raszula, W., Yoel, D., Daughtry, C.S.T., and McCarty, G.W., 2010, Remote Sensing Leaf Area Index of Winter Wheat from Unmanned Airborne Vehices (UAVs): Remote Sensing, v. 2, p. 290-305.

Igne, B., Reeves III, J.B., McCarty, G.W., Hively, W.D., Lund, E., Hurburgh Jr., C.R., 2010, Evaluation of Spectral Pretreatments, Partial Least Squares, Least Squares Support Vector Machines, and Locally-Weighted Regression for Quantitative Spectroscopic Analysis of Soils: Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, v. 18, no. 3, p. 167-176.

Jantz, C.A., Goetz, S.J., Donato, D.I., and Claggett, P.R., 2010 (January), Designing and Implementing a Regional Urban Modeling System Using the SLEUTH Cellular Urban Model: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, v. 34, no. 1, p. 1-16.

Jones, K.B., Slonecker, E.T., Nash, M., Neale, A., Wade, T., and Hamann, S., 2010 (August), Riparian Habitat Changes Across the Continental United States (1972-2003) and Potential Implications for Sustaining Ecosystem Services: Landscape Ecology, v. 25, no. 7, 15 p.

Poore, B.S., 2010 (September), U.S. Geological Survey and Open Geospatial Consortium , in Encyclopedia of Geography, 2010: Sage Publications, Inc., 1 ed., 3,560 p.

Poore, B.S., 2010 (June), WALL-E and the “Many, Many” Maps – Toward User-Centred Ontologies for The National Map: Cartographica-The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, v. 45, no. 2, p. 113-120.

Slonecker, E.T., Fisher, G.B., Aiello, D.P., Haack, B., 2010 (November), Visible and Infrared Remote Imaging of Hazardous Waste–A Review: Remote Sensing, v. 2, no. 11, p. 2474-2508.

Slonecker, E.T., Milheim, L., and Claggett, P.R., 2010 (June), Landscape Indicators and Land Cover Change in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States, 1973–2001: GIScience & Remote Sensing, v. 47, no. 2, p. 163-186.

Smith III, T.J., Tiling-Range, G., Jones, J.W., Nelson, P., Foster, A., Balentine, K., 2010, Chapter 16. The Use of Historical Charts and Photographs in Ecosystem Restoration - Examples from the Everglades Historical Air Photo Project, in Cowley, D.C., Standring, R.A., Abicht, M.J., eds., Landscapes Through the Lens - Aerial Photographs and Historic Environment, 2010: Oxbow Books, Oxford, UK, p. 179-191.

Whitall, D., Hively, W.D., Leight, A.K., Hapeman, C.J., McConnell, L.L., Fisher, T., Rice, C.P., Codling, E., McCarty, G.W., Sadeghi, A.M., Gustafson, A., and Bialek, K., 2010 (April), Pollutant Fate and Spatio-Temporal Variability in the Choptank River Estuary–Factors Influencing Water Quality: Science of the Total Environment, v. 408, no. 9, p. 2096-2108.

Year 2009

Guntenspergen, G.R., Baldwin, A.H., Hogan, D.M., Neckles, H.A., Nielsen, M.G., 2009, Vauing Urban Wetlands-Modification, Preservation, and Restoration, Chap. 29 of McDonnell, M.J., Hahs, A.K., Breuste, J.H., eds., Ecology of Cities and Towns-A Comparative Approach: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 714 p.

Hively, W.D., Lang, M., McCarty, G.W., Keppler, J., Sadeghi, J., and McConnell, L., 2009, Using Satellite Remote Sensing to Estimate Winter Cover Crop Nutrient Uptake Efficiency: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, v. 64, no. 5, p. 303-313, (2 citations March 2011), available online at

Hively, W.D., McCarty, G.W., and Keppler, J., 2009, Federal-State Partnership Yields Success in Remote Sensing Analysis of Conservation Practice Effectiveness–Results from the Choptank River Conservation Effects Assessment Project (Technology Transfer Feature): Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, v. 64, no. 5, p. 154A, available online at

Hogan, D.M., and Walbridge, M.R., 2009 (May), Recent Land Cover History and Nutrient Retention in Riparian Wetlands: Environmental Management, v. 44, p. 62-72.

Jones, J.W., Jarnagin, T., 2009 (April), Evaluation of a Moderate Resolution, Satellite-Based Impervious Surface Map Using an Independent, High-Resolution Validation Data Set: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, v. 14, no. 4, p. 369-376.

Julian, J.T., Young, J.A., Jones, J.W., Snyder, C.D., Wright, C.W., 2009 (March), The Use of Local Indicators of Spatial Association to Improve LiDAR-Derived Predictions of Potential Amphibian Breeding Ponds: Journal of Geographical Systems, Springer, v. 11(1), p. 89-106.

Mullinix, C., Hearn, P. , Zhang, H., Aguinaldo, J., 2009, Web-Based Decision Support and Visualization Tools for Water Quality Management in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Geoinformatics, 2009 17th International Conference, p. 1-6.

Mullinix, C., Zhang, H., Wolf, J., Aguinaldo, J., Hearn, P., 2009, Web Decision Support and Visualization Tools for Water Quality Management in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, in GeoInformatics, 2009 17th International Conference , 2009, Proceedings, p. 1-6.

Slonecker, T., Haack, B., Price, S., 2009 (October), Spectroscopic Analysis of Arsenic Uptake in Pteris Ferns: Remote Sensing, v. 1, no. 4, p. 644-675.

Slonecker, T., Johnson, B., McMahon, J., 2009 (October), Automated Imagery Orthorectification Pilot: Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, v. 3, no. 033552, 16 p.

Wilson, M.W., Poore, B.S., 2009 (April), Theory, Practice, and History in Critical GIS-Reports on an AAG Panel Session: Cartographica - The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, v. 44, no. 1., p. 5-16.

Year 2008

Jones, K.B., Edmonds, C.E., Slonecker, E.T., Wickham, J.D., Neale, A.C., Wade, T.G., Riitters, K.H., Kepner, W.G., 2008 (January), Detecting Changes in Riparian Habitat Conditions Based on Patterns of Greenness Change-A Case Study from the Upper San Pedro River Basin, USA: Ecological Indictors, v. 8, p. 89-99.

Year 2007

Ezenwa, V.O., Milheim, L.E., Coffey, M.F., Godsey, M., King, R., Guptill, S.C., 2007, Land Cover Variation and West Nile Virus Prevalence–Patterns, Processes and Implications for Disease Control: Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, v. 7, no. 2, pp. 173-180.

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Hogan, D.M. and Walbridge, M.R., 2007, Best Management Practices for Nutrient and Sediment Retention in Urban Stormwater Runoff: Journal of Environmental Quality, v. 36, pp. 386-395.

Hogan, D.M. and Walbridge, M.R., 2007, Urbanization and Nutrient Retention in Freshwater Riparian Wetlands: Ecological Applications, v. 17, no. 4, p. 1142-1155.

Year 2006

Poore, B.S. and Chrisman, N.R., 2006,Order from Noise–Toward a Social Theory of Geographic Information: Annals of Association of American Geographers, v. 96, no. 3, p. 508-523.

Year 2005

Hogan, D.M., 2005, The Effects of Urbanization on Wetland Ecosystem Structure and Function–A Case Study of Freshwater Riparian Wetlands in Fairfax County, Virginia: Fairfax, Virginia, George Mason University, Ph.D. dissertation, 199 p., 17 tables, 27 figs.

Year 2004

Claggett, P.R., Jantz, C.A., Goetz, S.J., and Bisland, Carin, 2004, Assessing Development Pressure in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed – An Evaluation of Two Land-use Change Models: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, v. 94, no. 1-3, pp. 129-146.

Hogan, D.M., Jordan, T., and Walbridge, M.R., 2004, Phosphorus Retention and Soil Organic Carbon in Restored and Natural Freshwater Wetlands: Wetlands v. 24, no. 3, pp. 573-585.

Lemeshewsky, G.P., 2004, Visual Enhancement of Unmixed Multispectral Imagery Using Adaptive Smoothing: in Visual Information Processing XIII Conference, Orlando, Flor., Proc. SPIE, v. 5438, p 252-262.

Slonecker, E.T. and Tilley, J.S., 2004,An Evaluation of the Individual Components and Accuracies Associated with the Determination of Impervious Area: GIScience and Remote Sensing, v. 41, no. 1, p. 165-184.

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Year 2003

Guptill, S.C., Julian, K.G., Campbell, G.L., Price, S.D., and Marfin, A.A., 2003, Early-Season Avian Deaths from West Nile Virus as Warnings of Human Infection: Emerging Infectious Diseases, v. 9, no. 4, p. 483-484.

Guptill, S.C., Price, S.D., Milheim, L.E., Coffey, M.F., De Cola, F.L., 2003, Mapping the Spread of West Nile Virus and Assessing the Risk of Human Illness, Conference Abstracts for Natural Science and Public Health, Prescription for a Better Environment, April 1-3, 2003, Reston, Va.: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-097, 1p.

Lemeshewsky, G.P., 2003,Landsat Multispectral Sharpening Using a Sensor System Model and Panchromatic Image:, in Visual Information Processing XII Conference, Orlando, Flor., April 15, 2004, Proc. SPIE, v. 5108, no. 295 p.

Poore, B.S., 2003, The Open Black Box – The Role of the End-user in GIS Integration: Canadian Geographer v. 47, no. 1 pp. 62-74.

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USGS Peer-Reviewed Articles

Year 2013

Donato, D.I., 2013, Computing ordinary least-squares parameter estimates for the National Descriptive Model of Mercury in Fish: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 7, chap. C10, 9 p., available at

Jones, J.W., Starbuck, M.J., and Jenkerson, C.B., 2013, Landsat Surface Reflectance Quality Assurance Extraction (version 1.7): U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 11, chap. C7, 9 p., available at

Ladino, C.C., 2013, Defining a data management strategy for USGS Chesapeake Bay studies: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–1005, 7 p., available at

Year 2012

Claggett, Peter, and Thompson, Renee, eds., 2012, Proceedings of the Workshop on Alternative Futures—Accounting for Growth in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–1216, 29 p., available at

Donato, D.I., 2012, Computing Maximum-Likelihood Estimates for Parameters of the National Descriptive Model of Mercury in Fish: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–1181, 15 p., available at

Slonecker, E.T., Milheim, L.E., Roig-Silva, C.M., and Fisher, G.B., 2012, Landscape Consequences of Natural Gas Extraction in Greene and Tioga Counties, Pennsylvania, 2004–2010: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2012–1220, 32 p., available at

Slonecker, E.T., Milheim, L.E., Roig-Silva, C.M., Malizia, A.R., Marr, D.A., and Fisher, G.B., 2012, Landscape consequences of Natural Gas Extraction in Bradford and Washington Counties, Pennsylvania, 2004-2010: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012-1154, 36 p., available at

Year 2011

Burkett, V.R., Taylor, I.L., Belnap, J., Cronin, T.M., Dettinger, M.D., Frazier, E.L., Haines, J.W., Kirtland, D.A., Loveland, T.R., Milly, P.C.D., O'Malley, R., Thompson, R.S., 2011, Public Review Draft-USGS Global Change Science Strategy: A Framework for Understanding and Responding to Climate and Land-Use Change: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011–1033, 32 p., available at

Gundersen, L.C.S., Belnap, J., Goldhaber, M., Goldstein, A., Haeussler, P.J., Ingebritsen, S.E., Jones, J.W., Plumlee, G.S., Thieler, E.R., Thompson, R.S., Back, J.M., 2011, Geology for a Changing World 2010-2020 - Implementing the U.S. Geological Survey science strategy: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1369, 32 p., available at

Hogan, D., Arthaud, G., Brookshire, D., Gunther, T., Pincetl, S., Shapiro, C., Van Horne, B., 2011, Developing an Institutional Framework to Incorporate Ecosystem Services into Decision Making—Proceedings of a Workshop: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011–1221, 9 p., available at

Pearlstine, L., Hogan, D., and Labiosa, W, 2011, A Circuitscape Dispersal Model and Index for Connectivity in South Florida Landscapes, in Brady, S.R., ed., Proceedings for the Third USGS Modeling Conference, June 7-11, 2010, Broomfield, Colorado – Understanding and Predicting for a Changing World: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5147, 85 p., available online at

Slonecker, E. Terrence; Fisher, Gary B., 2011, An Evaluation of Traditional and Emerging Remote Sensing Technologies for the Detection of Fugitive Contamination at Selected Superfund Hazardous Waste Sites: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011–1050, 16 p., available at

Slonecker, E. Terrence; Fisher, Gary B., 2011, Graphic Products Used in the Evaluation of Traditional and Emerging Remote Sensing Technologies for the Detection of Fugitive Contamination at Selected Superfund Hazardous Waste Sites: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011–1068, 13 p., available at

Year 2010

Jones, J.W., Aiello, D.P., Osborne, J.D., 2010, Shenandoah National Park Phenology Project—Weather Data Collection, Description, and Processing: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010–1272, 17 p.

Hogan, D., Arthaud, G., Pattison, M., Sayre, R., and Shapiro, C., 2010 (January), Developing an Analytical Framework—Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Decision Making—Proceedings of a Workshop: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009–1259, 6 p.

Viger, R.J., Hay, L.E., Jones, J.W., Buell, G.R., 2010, Effects of Including Surface Depressions in the Application of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System in the Upper Flint River Basin, Georgia: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010–5062, 37 p.

Year 2009

Hogan, D., Arthaud, G., Goodman, I., Pattison, M., Sayre, R., Shapiro, C., and Van Horne, B., 2009, Developing a Vision-Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Decision Making—Proceedings of a Workshop: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009–1062, 8 p., available at

Kambly, S., and Moreland, T.R., 2009, Land Cover Trends in the Southern Florida Coastal Plain: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5054, 16 p., available at

Labiosa, W., Bernknopf, R., Hearn, P., Hogan, D., Strong, D., Pearlstine, L., Mathie, A.M., Wein, Anne M., Gillen, K., and Wachter, S., 2009, The South Florida Ecosystem Portfolio Model-A Map-Based Multicriteria Ecological, Economic, and Community Land-Use Planning Tool: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5181, 41 p. , available at

Mullinix, C.C., Phillips, S.W., Shenk, K., Hearn, P.P., and Devereux, O., 2009, Facilitating Adaptive Management in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Through the Use of Online Decision Support Tools:  in Webb, Richard M.T., Semmens, Darius J., eds., Planning for an Uncertain Future—Monitoring, Integration, and Adaptation: U.S. Geological Survey Science Investigations Report 2009-5049, p. 213-217. , available at

Slonecker, E.T., Fisher, G.B., 2009, Research Implementation and Quality Assurance Project Plan – An Evaluation of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Technologies for the Detection of Fugitive Contamination at Selected Superfund Hazardous Waste Sites: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1048, 18 p., available at

Slonecker, T., Milheim, L. Claggett, P., 2009, A Landscape Indicator Approach to the Identification and Articulation of the Consequences of Land-Cover Change in the Mid-Atlantic Region, 1973-2001: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1187, 41 p., available at

Sugarbaker, L., Coray, K., and Poore, B., 2009, The National Map Customer Requirements—Findings from Interviews and Surveys: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009–1222, 34 p. plus appendixes A, B, and C, available online U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5054, 16 p., available at

Year 2008

Donato, D.I., 2008, Fast, Inclusive Searches for Geographic Names Using Digraphs: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 7, chap. A1, 6 p.

Donato, D.I., 2008, Secure Web-Site Access with Tickets and Message–Dependent Digests: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 7, chap. B1, 53 p., available online at

Milheim, L.E., Claggett, P.R., 2008, Development and Evaluation of a Riparian Buffer Mapping Tool: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1266, 18 p.

Year 2007

Jones, J.W. and Price, S.D., 2007, Initial Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) Digital Elevation Model Research and Development: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1034, 29 p.

Jones, J.W. and Price, S.D., 2007, Conceptual Design of the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) Grid: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1200, 9 p.

Milheim, L.E., Jones, J.W., and Barlow, R.A., 2007, Development of an Impervious-Surface Database for the Little Blackwater Watershed, Dorchester County, Maryland: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, and Barlow, R.A., 2007, Development of a Land Use Database for the Little Blackwater Watershed, Dorchester County, Maryland: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1309, 12 p.

Phillips, S.W., ed., 2007, Synthesis of U.S. Geological Survey Science for the Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem and Implications for Environmental Management: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1316, 63 p.

Tilley, J.S. and Slonecker, E.T., 2007, Quantifying the Components of Impervious Surfaces: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1008, 40 p.

Year 2006

Hearn, P.P., Wente, S.P., Donato, D., Aguinaldo, J.J., 2006, EMMMA – A Web-based System for Environmental Mercury Mapping, Modeling, and Analysis: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1086, 17 p.

Jones, J.W., 2006, Creation of GIS Compatible, Historic Detailed Soil Datasets for Collier and Miami-Dade Counties, Florida: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1315, 8 p.

Slonecker, E.T. and Tilley, J.S., 2006, An Assessment of Impervious-surfaces Measurement Methods:  in Acevedo, William, Taylor, J.L., Hester, D.J., Mladinich, C.S., and Glavac, S., eds., Rates, Trend, Causes, and Consequences of Urban Land-use Change in the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1726, p. 65-77.

Tilley, J.S., Paul, R., Slonecker, E.T., and Walkowiak, E., 2006, The Use of Spatial Analytical Techniques to Identify Potential Brownfields Sites: in Acevedo, William, Taylor, J.L., Hester, D.J., Mladinich, C.S., and Glavac, S., eds., Rates, Trend, Causes, and Consequences of Urban Land-use Change in the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1726, p. 87-95.

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Year 2005

McMahon, Gerald, Benjamin, S.P., Clarke, K.C., Findley, J.E., Fisher, R.N., Graf, W.L., Gundersen, L.C., Jones, J.W., Loveland, T.R., Roth, K.S., Usery, E.L., Wood, N.J., 2005, Geography for a Changing World – A Science Strategy for the Geographic Research of the U.S. Geological Survey, 2005-2015: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1281, 54 p.

Year 2004

Clark, R.G., Kambly, Steven, Moreland Jr., T.R., Pavich, M.J., 2004, Building a Geospatial ROMA Project Database: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1099.

Sanchez, R.D., 2004, Airborne DAgital Sensor System and GPS-Aided Inertial Technology for Direct Geopositioning in Rough Terrain: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1391.

Sanchez, R.D. and Kooyman, G.L., 2004, Advanced Systems Data for Mapping Emperor Penguin Habitats in Antarctica: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1379.

Sasagawa, G., Meunier, T.K., Mullins, J.L., McAdoo, D. and Klopping, F., 2004, Absolute Gravimetry in Antarctica – 1995 Observations at McMurdo Station and Terra Nova Bay Station: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1190.

Year 2003

Bratton, J.F., Guntenspergen, G.R., Taggart, B.E., Wheeler, D.J., Bjorklund, L.C., Bothner, M.H., Kotra, R.K., Lent, R.M., Mecray, E.L., Neckles, H., Poore, B.S., Rideout, S., Russell-Robinson, Susan, and Weiskel, P.K., 2003, Coastal Ecosystems and Resources Framework for Science: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2003-405, 26 p.

Lemeshewsky, G., 2003, Interim Progress Report on the Development of an Independent-Components-Analysis-Based Spectral Unmixing Algorithm for Beowulf Computers: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2003-478, 4 p.

Year 2002

Smith, T.J., Foster, A.M., Briere, P.R., Coffin, A.W., Jones, J.W., Van Arsdall, C.R., and Frye, L.J., 2002, Historical Aerial Photography for the Greater Everglades of South Florida-The 1940, 1:40,000 Photoset:, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2002-327.

Smith, T.J., Foster, A.M., Briere, P., Jones, J.W., and Van Arsdall, C., 2002, Conversion of Historical Topographic Sheets (T-sheets) from Paper to Digital Form-Florida Everglades and Vicinity, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2002-204.

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USGS Fact Sheets

Year 2012

Jones, J.W., 2012, Wetland Fire Remote Sensing Research—The Greater Everglades Example: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3133, 2 p., available at

Loperfido, J.V., and Hogan, D.M., 2012, Effects of Urban Stormwater-Management Strategies on Stream-Water Quantity and Quality: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3079, 2 p., available at

Year 2009

Hearn, P.R., 2009, Web-Based Geospatial Tools to Address Hazard Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, and Other Societal Issues: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3022, 4 p.

Year 2008

Hogan, D.M., 2008, Management of Urban Stormwater Runoff in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008–3101, 4 p.

Jones, J.W., Osborne, J.D., 2008, Detecting Evidence of Climate Change in the Forests of the Eastern United States: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008-3046, 2 p.

Slonecker, E.T., Jones, J.W., Price, S.D., and Hogan, D.M., 2008, Advanced Remote Sensing Research: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008-3052, 4 p.

Slonecker, E.T., 2008, A Landscape Indicator Approach to the Identification and Articulation of the Ecological Consequences of Land Cover Change in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, 1970–2000: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008-3056, 3 p.

Year 2004

Jones, J.W. and Neubauer, J., 2004, Land Surface Analysis of the Florida Everglades: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2004-3132, 4 p.

OTHER PRODUCTS - Posters, Maps, and Data


U.S. Geological Survey, 2012, Chesapeake BayWatershed—Protecting the Chesapeake Bay and its Rivers Through Science, Restoration, and Partnership: U.S. Geological Survey General Information Product 142, 1 sh., available at

Hogan, D., 2007, Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) - Addressing the Environmental Consequences of Land Use Change: NEDMAC, U.S. Geological Survey Poster.

Kambly, S., Moreland Jr., T., 2007, Land Cover Trends in the Northeastern Highlands Ecoregion 1973-2000:, NEDMAC, Rhode Island, U.S. Geological Survey Poster.

Milheim, L.E., Jones, J.W., and Barlow, R.A., 2007, Development of a Land Use Database for the Little Blackwater Watershed, Md., NEDMAC, U.S. Geological Survey Poster.

Claggett, P.R., 2006, Considerations of Ecological Value and Development Pressure in Land Conservation Decisions, Chesapeake Bay Workshop, Baltimore, Md., U.S. Geological Survey Poster.

Kambly, S., Moreland Jr., T., and Brooks, M., 2006, Land Cover Change in the Southern Florida Coastal Plain Ecoregion 1973-2000:, AAG, Chicago, Il., U.S. Geological Survey Poster.

King, R.J., Godsey, M.S., Ezenwa, V.O., Charnetsky, D., Coffey, M.F., Milheim, L.E., Sutherland, G., Delorey, M., Crawford, S., Wesson, D., Palmisano, C., and Guptill, S.C., 2006, Mosquito Ecology and West Nile Virus in Southeastern Louisiana, 2002-2004, Poster for National Conference on West Nile Virus in the United States.

Tilley, J.S., 2004, Capturing Land Surface Change to Better Understand and Predict the Future-Urban Trend Analysis, 2004 American Planning Association Conference, Washington, D.C., U.S. Geological Survey Poster.

Clark, R.G., Kambly, S., Moreland Jr., T., Pavich, M., 2003, River Observatories for Management Applications (ROMA) Project GIS Analysis of Consequences of Land Use Change Task, U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Analysis and Monitoring Science Planning Meeting, November 2003, Invited Poster, Fort Collins, Colo.

Stapleton, J., 2003, South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) Metadata, Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference, Palm Harbor, Fl., U.S. Geological Survey Poster, last accessed June 12, 2007.

Henkel, H., Stapleton, J., and Sonenshein, R.S., 2000, South Florida Information Access Website, Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference, Naples, Fl., U.S. Geological Survey Poster, last accessed June 12, 2007.


Barras, J.A., 2009, Land Area Change and Overview of Major Hurricane Impacts in Coastal Louisiana, 2004-2008: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3080, scale 1:250,000, 6 p. pamphlet.

Jones, J.W.. Thomas, J.C., 2003, Big Cypress-Pine Island, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2842.


Bonisteel-Cormier, J.M., Nayegandhi, Amar, Fredericks, Xan, Jones, J.W., Wright, C.W., Brock, J.C., Nagle, D.B., 2011, EAARL topography-Potato Creek Watershed, Georgia, 2010: USGS Data Series: 617.

Barras, J.A., Brock, J.C., Morton, R.A., and Travers, L.J., 2010, Remotely Sensed Imagery Revealing the Effects of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike on Coastal Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 566, 1 CD-ROM.

Irani, F.M., Clagget, P.R., 2010, Chesapeake Bay Watershed Land Cover Data Series 1984-2006: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series.

Hearn, P.P., Hare, T., Schruben, P., Sherrill, D., Tsushima, P., and Lamar, C., 2003, Global GIS -- Global Coverage DVD -- 1st Edition. American Geological Institute.

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Italicized names are individuals who are or were with the EGSC team.

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