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Inspector General of the Marine Corps

Headquarters Marine Corps

Marine Corps Order 3800.2B "Oversight of Intelligence Activities" was publlished 30 Apr 2004, and saw significant revisions to include:

  1. Clarifications on what units and personnel fall under the provisions of this MCO for training, reporting and other oversight requirements.
  2. Clarifications on staff responsibilities of the Command Inspector General, the senior intelligence offier, and the staff judge advocate.
  3. Clarifications on baseline training requirements.
  4. Inspection requirements changed from 18 to 24 months.
  5. Guidance/clarification on intelligence activities related to anti-terrorism force protection, domestic urban training, use of the internet, and domestic imagery.
The DoD Office of General Counsel has issued a memorandum; "Principles Governing the Collection of Internet Addresses by DoD Intelligence and Counterintelligence Components." This provides basic policy guidance for applying intelligence oversight principles to the conduct of intelligence and counterintelligence activities on the internet, and is intended for the intel and legal communities.

The Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Oversight hosts a web page providing further information. Additional resources are also linked below, to include definitions of common terms.