Global Maps


Total Rainfall

Total Rainfall

Sea Surface Temperature

Sea Surface Temperature
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Total Rainfall

The rainfall maps show total monthly rainfall in millimeters as recorded by NASA’s Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite. High rain totals are represented in dark blue, while small rainfall totals are shown in white. TRMM measures rainfall in the tropics. High-latitude regions, where TRMM does not record rainfall, are gray.

Sea Surface Temperature

These sea surface temperature maps are based on observations by the MODIS sensors on NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites. The satellites measure the temperature of the top millimeter of the ocean surface. In this map, the coolest waters appear in blue (approximately -2 degrees Celsius), and the warmest temperatures appear in pink-yellow (45 degrees Celsius). Landmasses and the large area of sea ice around Antarctica appear in shades of gray, indicating no data were collected.

View, download, or analyze more of these data from NASA Earth Observations (NEO):
Total Rainfall
Sea Surface Temperature

Total Rainfall & Sea Surface Temperature
