Tag Archives: Care Packages

Congressmen Speak Out on Military Suicide Rate

Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) goes through the line at the Operation USO Care Package assembly event on Sept. 11 in Washington, D.C. USO photo by Mike Theiler

Seventy members of Congress turned out for an Operation USO Care Package (OUCP) assembly event on September 11 in the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C. But putting together the much-appreciated bags of goodness for troops downrange wasn’t the only thing on their minds.

September is Suicide Prevention Month, and with the staggering rise in military suicides in recent years—as of July the Army was on pace for a 200 suicides this year alone—there appears to be an even greater drive to address the issue than ever before. The USO spoke to a few Congressmen who attended the OUCP event about the rising rates of suicide in America’s military ranks. Here are their thoughts:

Rep. Sylvestre Reyes (D-TX), founding co-chair of the USO Congressional Caucus

“I am proud that Fort Bliss is leading the way through mental health screening and counseling in the Army. It’s something we want to keep supporting and pushing forward so that not a single military person feels the desperation to have to contemplate committing suicide. Only then can we as a nation say that we’ve done everything we can to support our men and women in uniform and their families, because the solution is going to be to involve the families so they can have that support system.”

Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA), member of the USO Congressional Caucus

“The main thing is getting them together with their loved ones. A lot of the suicides are over personal relationships that may have deteriorated while [a service member] is overseas. … There’s a whole host of things. Some of it is a direct result of PTSD and traumatic brain injury. I think we have a responsibility to deal with it. They suffer enough and risk enough when they’re in a combat position, that suffering and risk [should] not continue when they get home. They need to be embraced by their families, their loved ones, their communities and this country.”

If you are a service member or veteran dealing with tough times—or are concerned about a member of the military family in this type of situation—visit the Veterans Crisis Line at veterancrisisline.net or call 1-800-273-8255.

— Eric Brandner, USO Director of Story Development 

Clinton and College Students Fill 5,000 USO Care Packages

Former President Bill Clinton joined hundreds of college students from across America and around the world to stuff more than 5,000 USO Care Packages over the weekend.

The service project at Kelly Miller Middle School in Northeast Washington, DC, was the final event of the fifth annual Clinton Global Initiative University.   The former president’s foundation brought together more than 1,000 young people from 300 college and universities for workshops with leaders in business and government.  Students also participated in hands-on volunteer projects.

Chelsea Clinton and several NFL players pitched in to help the students and USO volunteers fill packages with toiletries and treats for our troops overseas.

USO Photos by Joseph Andrew Lee, USO Staff Writer

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USO Boca Java Partnership

We are proud to announce our newest partnership with Boca Java as we work together to lift the spirits of our troops and families!

Boca Java™, a family-owned Colorado Coffee company, is a national provider of over 100 different artisan roast-to-order coffees. In October 2003, a soldier in Iraq contacted Boca Java requesting a coffee donation. The letter went on to explain there were many things the troops have to go without, but a few things, like a good cup of coffee would really be appreciated. Boca Java mailed out several boxes and received a nice email back in November of 2003 that demonstrated how much they appreciated the support.

Since 2005, Boca Java and their customers have donated over 7.6 Million cups of fresh roasted coffee to troops serving honorably overseas. Now, in 2012, the USO has partnered with Boca Java to bring coffee to our troops around the world. Boca Java will match each bag donated by our customers to support the USO2GO program until the end of the year.

Head on over to the official partner site today and for as little at $7.99, you can donate a bag of coffee to the troops and Boca Java will match your donation bag for bag! – Joseph P. Scannell, New Media Intern

Message from the USO President Sloan Gibson

“Wherever we are, we deliver a message of thanks to troops far from home and those here at home.” Sloan Gibson, President of the USO

Courtesy of Media Planet:

Message from the USO President Sloan Gibson

Send your Thank From Everywhere by clicking the banner below!

USO Baghdad Supports the Sisterhood Against Sexual Assault

USO Baghdad Duty Manager Robin Symes (l) hands out USO Care Packages and Girl Scout cookies to smiling Troops. Enjoy a Trefoil for us!

Operation USO Care Package is one of our most popular programs here at the USO.  In the past few months we’ve created exclusive care packages for female Troops, and introduced a new program of care packages just for families.  For those of us who pack these goodies into the bags and boxes, it’s great to know that what we’re sending off is received and greatly appreciated on the other end. (Not that there was any doubt!)

We were thrilled to receive word this weekend that the Female Care Packages, in particular, are being utilized as part of a larger program of support in Baghdad.  Here’s a great note from our center there…

Care packages designed just for female Troops were packed last November on Capital Hill and are still making their way overseas!

USO Baghdad Duty Managers Megan Lynch and Robin Symes took Operation Cookie Drop and the USO’s Operation Care Package to Camp Victory’s Hope Chapel to support the Sisterhood Against Sexual Assault. SASA is a unique program to combat Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in the military. It is focused on Senior Female Leadership providing mentorship to our future generations of military female leaders.

During monthly meetings, women and men come together to share experiences and build the skills necessary to combat alarming statistics of harassment and assault during deployment. This month, CSM Williams spoke to the group addressing the theme “Your Best You.”  Afterward, everyone had a chance to mingle and walk away with a USO care package!

A standard USO Care Package contains items like pre-paid international phone cards, toiletries, periodicals, and a deck of cards, among other oft-requested items.

For more information on the Sisterhood Against Sexual Assault please visit their Facebook page.

A $25 donation sponsors one USO care package and allows you to include a personal message of support and appreciation.  Click here to request a care package for a member of our troops.

Pentagon Care Package Stuffing Party

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen, participates in a USO Care Package Stuffing party at the Pentagon, in Arlington, Virginia, July 2, 2010. (USO photo by Mike Theiler)

“Thanks for doing this,” Admiral Mullen told the volunteers. “I’ve been in the field with the troops a lot, and I know what a difference this makes.”

USO of Metropolitan Washington hosted military leaders, staff aides, and USO and Pentagon volunteers for a morning devoted to assembling 2,000 packages to be distributed to US military forces deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and his wife, Deborah, were among the volunteers.

“[USO’s support of military members] gives us strength, it gives us inspiration, and it helps us in what are very, very difficult times,” the chairman told Army Sgt. 1st Class Michael J. Carden of American Forces Press Service.

We’d like to thank everyone who came out to show their support  - and care package stuffing skills! – for this perfectly patriotic event.  Check out more pictures below…

Active duty service members take time to assemble USO care packages that will be sent to deployed troops, serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, during a care package event at the Pentagon on July 2, 2010. (USO Photo by Mike Theiler)

Sandee Cartwright, wife of Gen. James Cartwright Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, joins Elaine Rogers and Cheryl Laaker Hall, of USO of Metropolitan Washington, during a Pentagon care package event on July 2, 2010. (USO Photo by Mike Theiler)

The USO Liberty Bells take time to assemble care packages at an Operation USO Care Package party at the Pentagon on July 2, 2010. (USO Photo by Mike Theiler)

More than 100 Pentagon employees and friends assembled 2,000 care packages during an Operation USO Care Package party on July 2, 2010. (USO Photo by Mike Theiler)