Self Defense Groin Kick Secrets

The self defense groin kick is without a doubt a valuable technique in close quarters combat! (Any guy who's ever racked himself on the crossbar of his bicycle knows that!)

But there's a bunch of mistakes that many martial artists make when executing a groin kick for self defense...

...mistakes that can actually end up hurting YOU as a result if you don't do pay close attention to these aspects of your technique.

Self Defense Groin Kick Secret #1: Use In Close Quarters Combat!

Don't go for a groin kick from far away!

As men, we have a subconscious radar that register when someone is going to hit our groin. This makes it harder to deliver an effective groin kick because he's more likely to turn to avoid the kick as an instinctive reaction.

Self Defense Groin Kick Secret #2: Beware The Headbutt!

Self defense groin kicks, when used as taught in most "traditional" training settings, use a "linear" approach that places the martial artist directly in front of their attacker.

But the way the body naturally reacts when hit with a groin kick is to instantly bend forward.

If you attempt a groin kick for self defense when you're right in front of your attacker, this places you right in the way of your attacker's head as it comes crashing down in an involuntary reaction.

Needless to say, you don't want to transform your groin kick against your attacker into a "headbutt" that takes YOU out of the fight.

This IS for "self defense" remember! ;-)

Self Defense Groin Kick Secret #3: Attack HIGH First!

You can stop the natural "headbutt" reaction by first striking high to your attacker's body.

This also makes sure that he doesn't see the groin kick coming and you can deliver more power in your technique.

Self Defense Groin Kick Secret #4: Shift Your Body!

The secret to proper execution for a self defense groin kick then is to kick while shifting your body slightly to the SIDE as you kick.

When you execute this technique in this way, you can actually deliver more power AND make sure you're out of the way should your attacker's head lurch forward.

Consider all of these techniques the next time you train for the self defense groin kick!

More from Jeff at:

Jeff Anderson is a 10 year veteran of the U.S. Army, a Master Fitness Trainer, and Master Instructor of Close Quarters Combat self defense. A full time fitness and self defense author, Jeff has trained thousands of men and women in the practical application of advanced military fitness methods as well as close combat tactics for "real life" self defense.

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Working Out Helps at Work!

You have a vacation hangover.

I can see the signs. The Bob Marley music playing from your computer, the non-stop coffee breaks, the computer screen wandering to travel websites... It's hard to focus on getting back to the grind while daydreaming of summer bike rides and beaches! You want to avoid anything that could bring you back to the computer slouching, blackberry -addicted, stress case you were a few months ago.

By playing, I mean taking that morning bike ride, jogging in the park at lunch, going to pilates or cardio-sculpt class after work and taking active vacations on your weekends like hiking or yoga retreat.

Staying in shape and eating right makes you work more efficiently and productively. You won't eat yourself into a carb coma at lunch if you are having a healthy salad and lean protein that your body craves when you are in a fitness regimen.

In addition, mental stress is the most common energy sucker at work, but it melts away if you hop on the Stairmaster. Fitness improves oxygen delivery to organs, heightens circulation, and cuts back on doctor visits and sick days.

Regular exercise and proper diet can improve your performance at work in many ways, from the very start of your day, or any time you can fit it in:

6am: Have to prepare the kids for their day and then do errands and chores all morning? Instead of being sluggish and holding onto your coffee cup for dear life, working out can leave you looking forward to crossing off your list and excited about how many calories you'll burn running around.

7am: Depending on where you live, you could be racing through the subway late for a meeting, sitting in traffic, rushing in from the parking lot, or organizing the kids early in the morning to get out the door. If you are deconditioned, you'll probably be sweaty, stressed, and or too winded to say hello to the people you are doing that business lunch with. If you are in shape, you will be energized!

9am: Early morning presentation? If you are used to that 6am spin class, this speech will be a breeze to get through, with less hills to climb!

Noon: People who walk around the town or park during lunch feel less ragged and overworked from this mental and physical mini-vacation each day and can turn if back on full throttle when they are at their desk. Some of the best work ideas have come to me while running around the reservoir track in Central Park, and you'll be happier with the endorphins, thus completing your day with a smile.

3pm: Big meeting at the end of the day but feeling the 3pm slump? If you are not fit, coffee may be the only thing that gets you through the day, still half in a fog. But instead of dehydrating on caffeine, a lunchtime walk has you more focused and gives you time to think quietly and plan your talking points. If you are a stay-at-home mom or day, you won't feel sluggish and wish for a 3pm nap lust if you are used to pumping iron at 5pm.

6pm: At the end of the day your back muscles may be tight with stress and your head pounding with all the work you still have on your desk, taking a class at the gym will have you saying "What work?"

11pm: Up at night trying to sleep but thinking about what you need to accomplish in the office or at home tomorrow? If you jogged during the day, you'll be sleepy with a clear mind, and better rested when you awake to tackle your tasks. More exercise = better sleep = better work day.

And let's face it, the better the work day is, the more likely we are to get promoted and can negotiate more vacation days!

P.S. Know any brides - to - be? I will be giving bridal fitness tips this Monday, Sept 14th at 7:30am on national television. The show is called Get Married on the Lifetime network. Set the DVR to become a buff bride! Get my Wedding Workout DVD at

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube
- Nikki on Facebook

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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Older, Wiser, Slower

For those of you marking birthdays past the ages of 40 and 50, here is a great article about fitness from this week’s Wall Street Journal.

It’s important to keep moving and try new challenges, as long as you realize the need to stop competing against your younger self when you were first in Boot Camp shape!

Check out Older, Wiser, Slower!

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube
- Nikki on Facebook

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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Unleash Bone Crunching POWER in Your Kicks!

Are your kicks powerful? Oh sure, you may be able to smack the hell out of a heavy bag with a well placed front snap kick or your favorite roundhouse.

But I'm talking real organ-churning POWER!

Unfortunately a lot of kicks work far better in TRAINING than they do in a real life street attack scenario.

This is because real "power training" that takes place in many martial arts schools is done with repeated motion against a striking pad.

The intention of this type of training IS to "kick hard"...but to also follow up with ADDITIONAL kicks as part of a drill.

But when done correctly - with real power - you should only need ONE SINGLE KICK to finish the job or give you an open target for an easy fight-ending follow up strike.

Here's how to do it...

First, it doesn't matter WHAT type of kick you're's the PRINCIPLE OF POWER that is most important.

You see, in close quarters combat, one of the methods I hold as a foundation is to constantly be in FORWARD MOTION as you fight.

This ensures that YOU "own" the offense and your attacker is focused on defending himself rather than striking you.

Understanding this principle, when you deliver your kick, you should focus on kicking THROUGH your attacker and dropping your foot down where HE is (was!) standing.

This goes against many training drills which have you retract your kicking leg back into your "ready stance" to prepare for the next kick.

In addition, driving your foot THROUGH your attacker and dropping down, projects the momentum of your foot, deep into his guts or smashes through bone much better than "static" kicks that instill the instinct to retract the kick.

So even when training with a heavy bag, train one kick at a time and focus on kicking and stepping straight down (with the kicking leg) to INCREASE POWER...maintain FORWARD MOMENTUM...and OWN the offense!

More from Jeff at:

Jeff Anderson is a 10 year veteran of the U.S. Army, a Master Fitness Trainer, and Master Instructor of Close Quarters Combat self defense. A full time fitness and self defense author, Jeff has trained thousands of men and women in the practical application of advanced military fitness methods as well as close combat tactics for "real life" self defense.

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What Did You Do on Summer Vacation?

Q: What did you do on your Summer Vacation? A: Slimmed, Sculpted!

What did you do on your summer vacation? Did you sip pina coladas on the beach? Go fishing on a lake? Eat ice cream on a cruise?

Or did you take your workout with you?

It’s not too late to learn how to work out anywhere you go, without equipment, for the rest of the warm months. With Labor Day around the corner this is the perfect time to practice packing your fitness routine so you don’t put off your workouts until Thanksgiving and winter holidays!

Here are 3 cardio moves you can do anywhere, from my Fit Travel Workout DVD. They all have one thing in common: Plyometrics (for more on plyometrics, email for last week’s newsletter). This is a way to get toning in with your cardio, but they can be intense and are best performed if you have been working out for a while and are in shape already.

Jumping Lunges

This simple move takes a right lunge, then you jump up in the air to scissor the legs and land with the left leg in front in a lunge. Do 20 repetitions.

Squat Thrusts

This move uses an 8 count and is great to do with music. Perform 2 jumping jacks (counts 1,2), then squat toward the floor and place hands by feet.

Jump the legs back into a plank (counts 3,4) do a pushup (counts 5,6), then jump the legs back towards the hands and stand up (7,8). Perform 10 repetitions.

Rock-Climber Jacks

Similar to squat thrusts, this move takes you to the floor, but included more jacks and ab work instead of pushups. Do 10 jacks. Come to the floor into a plank just like in our last move, then, holding the plank, bring the right leg in towards the chest and quickly switch and bring the left leg in and straighten the right. Repeat right, left, right, left for 20. Then push both legs into plank, jump them in towards the hands and stand for 10 more jacks. Trainer tip: while switching legs keep hips low to the ground and hands under the shoulders. Avoid letting hips raise to the sky and shoulders creep back and behind the hands.

Repeat each move in the series for a set of 3. Then replace the pina colada with an iced green tea and find some air conditioning.

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube
- Nikki on Facebook

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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The Great Protein Lie

Protein supplements are a staple in any bodybuilder's supplement arsenal.

Depending upon who you listen to, you'll get different answers for "how much protein" you should consume in order to build muscle.

Bodybuilding magazines and supplement manufacturers tell you you should consume at least "2 grams of protein per pound of body weight" because you need all that protein to recover from your workouts and increase muscle mass.

But are they blowing these dosages way out of proportion?

I mean, supplement companies who promote massive dosages (I've seen up to 5g/lb of body weight!) couldn't POSSIBLY be trying to get you to consume more of their product so you'll go and buy another tub-o-powder, right?

Fact is, I was labeled the "village idiot" for years from so called "experts" for my statements in my Optimum Anabolics Program where I've said that the body CAN'T use much more than 20-30g per meal.

Even more insane were my experiments where I proved how the body can actually build MORE muscle WITHOUT protein! (Strange but true!)

Well a recent study looked at just how much protein is "enough" and how much is "too much".

Protein Study: How Much Protein Should You Consume?

A group of highly trained athletes consumed one of five different doses following a bout of resistance exercise.

* Og: The "control" group
* 5g
* 10g
* 20g
* or 40g

Following exercise, ALL groups increased muscle-protein synthesis, but the 20g dose produced nearly DOUBLE the amount of muscle-protein synthesis than the control group!

The 40g dose was even higher, but not by all that much. Therefore, it appears that even after resistance training, your body can only USE so much protein (somewhere between 20g and 40g) and then the rest gets burned up as fuel.

Even in Optimum Anabolics, I recommend way less protein than most people take in (1.17g/lb of LEAN body weight) with about 25% of your daily protein requirement taken IMMEDIATELY after training.

By not consuming "too much" protein, your body can focus on burning FAT for fuel instead of the excess protein.

So stop overdosing on protein, will you?

Consume about 20g in 5 meals throughout the day and add a separate 30-40g serving immediately after your workouts to ensure full muscle-protein synthesis when you need it the most.

More from Jeff at:

Jeff Anderson is a 10 year veteran of the U.S. Army, a Master Fitness Trainer, and Master Instructor of Close Quarters Combat self defense. A full time fitness and self defense author, Jeff has trained thousands of men and women in the practical application of advanced military fitness methods as well as close combat tactics for "real life" self defense.

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National TV Show Looking to Feature Healthy Military Wives!

A nationally syndicated health and wellness show is looking for a military wife who has taken charge of her health and lost a great deal of weight since her husband’s most recent deployment overseas. If you’ve lost more than 50 pounds, they want to hear from YOU! You may have the opportunity to share your inspirational story with the rest of the country.

If interested, email

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube
- Nikki on Facebook

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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Hard Core: Low Abs Workout

Hard Core: Low Abs Workout

One of the biggest workout requests I get in class and over email and twitter is moves to tone the lower abs. Here are three of my favorites, all done in the same basic position - laying face up on the floor - for quick transitions between moves, and then you can take a nap right on the floor when you are done!

1) Long Leg Lift

Lay on your back with hands palm down on the floor by your hips for support. Extend both legs to the ceiling with knees mostly straight. Lower legs towards the floor while contracting the lower abs (your lower back should not lift off the floor, if it does, keep legs higher.) For an advanced move, take legs a few inches off the floor and raise back to the sky for one rep. For modified move, only lower legs half way and bring them back up. Do 20 repetitions.

2) Hip Hop

Keep lying face up and place hands behind your head. Keep the legs straight and extend them to the ceiling. Flex your feet and use your low abs to lift your hips off the floor to the sky. Return hips to the floor for one rep.

For more intensity, add an upper body crunch so that you lift your shoulders off the ground at the same time you lift your hips. (Be sure to keep looking at the sky and do not drop your chin toward your chest, keep the chin lifted and neck in alignment with the spine.) Do 20 repetitions.

*For extra abdominal toning, after your last rep, hold the hips up at the very top of the move, feet reaching for the sky, and do 10 extra crunches with the upper body, holding the lower body steady with hips off the floor.

3) Criss-Cross

Continue to lay on your back and place hands back on the floor, palms down, next to your hips. Keep legs straight and over hips with feet extending to the ceiling. For level 1 drop legs a quarter way to the floor; for level 2 start half way to the floor; for level 3 start with legs just a few inches from the floor as shown. Once you found your level, separate legs out about 3 feet into a “V.” Bring them back together, crossing your right foot over your left. Separate feet again, and then bring them back together with the left leg on top. Repeat for 20 repetitions.

If you are not ready for a snooze, repeat all the moves again for 3 sets. Either way, you’re sure to wake up sore tomorrow and with flatter, fitter low abs!

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube
- Nikki on Facebook

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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Exercise Your Soul!

The reason I love yoga class is that it improves your body as well as your mind and soul. You leave wanting to be more calm, treat people better, and be a nicer person… almost like church!

Part of this comes from something called "PATANJALI'S EIGHT LIMBS OF YOGA."

The American Fitness Association of America, or AFAA (, certifies personal trainers and provides continuing education about many areas of fitness, including yoga. AFFA teaches that Patanjali wrote the Yoga Sutras, and he became one of the best known yogis while popularizing these guideline for yoga practices.

I would like to share with you the first one, so you can start exercising your soul along with your body!

LIMB ONE: THE YAMAS (Things to Restrict) The following five restrictions are meant to clear away negative thoughts and actions to make way for pure and clean living.

Do no harm. This yama means non-violence or non-injury to oneself and others. This idea is central to yoga, as the focus of yoga is non-competitive. The idea of no pain, no gain, which is sometimes part of the practice of conventional Western fitness modalities, does not belong in yoga. Ahimsa also means using non-violent words, thinking non-violent thoughts and avoiding negative self-talk, such as I'm stupid or I'm fat. Negative self-talk is essentially doing harm to oneself. Ahimsa is the embodiment of honoring oneself and others.

Do not lie. This yama also relates to self and to interaction with others and reminds yogis to act in complete truth at all times. According to ancient yogic scriptures, the truth cannot bring harm. Being truthful in all parts of one's life creates higher standards and builds loftier character.

Do not steal. This yama reminds yogis not to take something that does not belong to them. Aside from tangible items, it is possible to steal intangible things as well, such as another person's confidence, pride or attention.

Do not ignore Virtue or Abstinence. This yama is believed by some to be more about virtue than abstinence. It reminds yogis to think of others with love and respect rather than with selfishness and lust. This yama does not demand that every yogi should live a life without a spouse or children and be celibate. This yama, like the others, simply encourages purity of thought and action, in this case, in relation to love and sexual behaviors.

Do not be greedy. This yama is a reminder not to accumulate unnecessary things. Excessive possessions add clutter to life and bring clutter to the mind and spirit as well. This yama encourages simplification and letting go of materialistic desires and envy. Again, purity of thought and action are emphasized.

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube
- Nikki on Facebook

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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Get Yourself Moving!

I am the first to say make fitness fun, fit it in, and trick yourself into just getting moving!

Here is a great New York Times article that explains some “oddball” fitness classes across the country, and also shows why I love being an instructor at Crunch in NYC!

The Trapeze, the Catwalk, the Gym

A way to get some fun in your at-home workouts is my latest Fit Travel DVD, where you get to look at fun scenery from China, Italy, Mexico, Chicago, NYC and Florida while choosing your own music playlist and finishing your workout in 30 mins!

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube
- Nikki on Facebook

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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New Fitness DVD For Travelers!

New Fitness DVD for Travelers from the Creator of the Military Wife Workout!

Ever traveled home to grandmom’s for the holidays and have to go the whole trip without a workout because of bad weather outdoors, there was not equipment, DVDs or a way to get to the gym? Ever go on vacation and want to work out, but just couldn’t get it done? Ever wake up early on a business trip to hit the hotel gym, just to find bad equipment or all the treadmills were full?

Many of you have heard of my Military Wife Workout and other DVDs…. well I spent the last year traveling around the world so that you can get a workout wherever your life takes you. My new Fit Travel Workout DVD includes scenic locations like China, Italy, Mexico, Florida, Chicago and New York City to make traveling healthier for everyone. The NikkiFitness Fit Travel Workout DVD, a no-equipment workout for fitness on the road, has taken the excuses and the trouble out of working out while on business or vacation. In addition, multitasking intervals combine to trim and tone in half the time, while boosting the metabolism after the sweat disappears.

In just 30 minutes and without any equipment, business travelers can put the DVD in their laptop and lace up their sneakers right in their hotel room. People who are way visiting family won’t have to pay a gym fee and beg someone to drive them to the gym to get a workout. The living room has just become a health center. The NikkiFitness series of multi-tasking workouts combine upper body muscle groups with lower body moves that, when performed together, put you a balance challenge to require core strength. By adding cardio intervals between sets, she transforms what used to be an hour-long workout to just 30-minutes with more intensity and fat burning capacity during and after the session.

Different than traditional fitness DVDs, the NikkiFitness travel workout will not show a studio full of women doing the same old routine. It's shot in different scenic locations around the world to exercise our mind as well.

Also, in the spirit of YouTube and iPod and thousands of products tailored to individual tastes, one generic soundtrack isn't forced on participants. The DVD sends exercisers to for their own playlist suggestions and NikkiFitness iTunes mixes in many different genres. Each workout can include new music.

You can check out my website for more information, and recent press coverage of the new DVD includes:
- New York Daily News
- US Air Magazine

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube
- Nikki on Facebook

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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Hard Core Abs (and Chest) While Traveling

This is an easy, no-equipment workout move that you can do anywhere to tone your abs, shoulders and chest.

I took this photo while traveling to China during the making of my new Fit Travel Workout ( to get on the wait list. It comes out in a week). So print this out to use on summer vacation, or just in the office, living room floor, or gym.

The Move: (To modify, find a bench or a hotel bed corner like I am showing here. To make it more challenging, use the floor.)

Do a full push-up with your hips down and alligned with your head and heels. Hands directly under your shoulders. Bring your chest slowly towards the floor between your hands and push back up. Hold at the top of the move in a middle plank. Move your tilt your body to the right while lifting your right hand to the ceiling. Your legs will remain straight and your feel will be staggered, toes pointing to the right. Hold for 5 seconds and return to a middle plank and do another pushup. Repeat on the left. Do a total of 15-20 pushups with side planks between each.... and have a fit trip!

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube
- Nikki on Facebook

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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The "Clinch" and Defending Against Multiple Attackers

When you're facing a situation where you have to use self defense against multiple attackers, getting locked up in the "clinch" with one of your attackers is a bad, bad place to be.

The clinch is where you and another person are head-to-head with your arms locked onto each others' upper body, fighting for position and an opening to quickly defeat the other.

The problem versus multiple attackers is that while you struggle for position, you're an easy target for your attacker's buddies who are quickly coming to his rescue!

Here's one technique that will help you quickly defeat the clinch and even help you gain an advantage over defending against multiple attackers:

First, in the clinch, you ALWAYS want to have the "inside" position where your arms and hands are on the inside of his arms.

If his arms are on the inside, your attacker can easily upper cut you or strike any number of other targets along the "center line" of your body.

For this technique, while your attacker's clinch has his hands on the back of your neck, fighting for superior position, you'll reach up with one hand and reach over the same side arm of your opponent.

Reaching high over his arm, swing your arm out and down in a circular motion, trapping his arm in your armpit.

As you continue this movement, you'll naturally put an elbow lock on your attacker and defeat the clinch.

As the elbow lock takes effect, you'll also notice that his body reacts by opening him up and getting him on his toes.

From this position, while you have him locked up, reach up with your other hand and grab his throat in a choke hold.

You now have full control over your attacker and can easily look around for multiple attackers.

If needed, you can throw your attacker into another attacker... can snap his arm to quickly take him out of the fight can use his body as a shield against multiple attackers can throw him over a chair or against a wall and escape

...your self defense technique options are practically unlimited!

Practice this clinch and multiple attacker defense technique with a training partner and you'll easily see how effective it can be!

More from Jeff at:

Jeff Anderson is a 10 year veteran of the U.S. Army, a Master Fitness Trainer, and Master Instructor of Close Quarters Combat self defense. A full time fitness and self defense author, Jeff has trained thousands of men and women in the practical application of advanced military fitness methods as well as close combat tactics for "real life" self defense.

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First Magazine Wants to Interview You!

I just got a call from FIRST Magazine (formally named "First for Women") and they are intersted in interviewing women who have benefited from the Military Wife Workout DVD.

If you have tried it, made it part of your normal workout routine, and would like to provide testimonials about losing weight, toning up, feeling more fit, confident, even just being able to do more pushups, please contact me and I will put you in touch with the editor.

Many thanks!

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube
- Nikki on Facebook

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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Celebrate the FIT Way this 4th of July Holiday

The best way to make it through the holidays without overeating and drinking is to have a plan. Here are my 10 Fitness resolutions to make it through the July 4th holiday BBQs!

1. I will make dates to see my friends and family and do something that doesn't involve eating and drinking. I will walk through the park, ice skate, cross country ski, walk the mall, take a yoga or cardio class, or run on a treadmill right next to my friend.

2. I will think of food as a fuel, not as a gift, which means passing on food that is high in fat and sugar, and taking HALF the portion everyone else heaps onto their plate.

3. If I have to be at a restaurant, I will identify the 3 healthiest things on the menu and pick between those. Cut and close the menu!

4. I will follow the food pyramid daily, drink 8 cups of water a day, and I will take a daily multi-vitamin.

5. I will not eat any bad food that is lying around the office before I pack up to leave. I will bring healthy snacks to my desk that are sweet and/or salty, like whole wheat crackers, almonds, grapes, or chocolate soy milk.

6. I will drink no more than 2 alcoholic beverages at parties and events (if necessary, cut extra drinks with spritzers) and I will have a snack before these events so I don't attack the buffet line. White wine and vodka/club soda have much less calories than frozen margaritas, pina coladas, etc.

7. I will drive less and walk more. I will take the stairs when possible and never go a day without some exercise.

8. I will use my a gym membership, if I don't have one already, and I will use it. If I don't have the money right now, I will buy an inexpensive workout DVD. (My no-equipment Fit Travel Workout DVD comes out in 2 weeks, email me to get on the mailing list.)

9. I will weigh myself everyday so that I remember my goals and can feel good about the choices I made yesterday.

Fitness - Fit it in!

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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Operation Craving Competition, Pt. 2


Burn 500 Calories in 40 minutes!

Q: SSG Ken and Stephanie Weichert,

A Soldier at my Guard unit showed me your APFT improvement program, Operation Pushing for Points. I started the program two weeks ago and have seen great results. I am in the SMP (Simultaneous Membership Program) ROTC Cadet in Florida. I am Captain of the Ranger Challenge team. Our competitions against other colleges include physically demanding events like the obstacle course, a full APFT, and a 10-kilometer forced road march with a heavy rucksack. Normally I can run all day, but with the extra weight bearing down on my back I feel like I can’t keep up. Do you have a specific program that will help me build a lot of strength and stamina for the next season?

Best Regards,
Cadet Chad P., FLARNG

A: Cadet Chad,

We just love to hear success stories from our readers. Keep up the great work! We have a two-part answer to your question. First, the best way to prepare for multiple events is to practice doing exactly what you will endure in the competition. If your day includes an obstacle course, APFT and a 10-kilometer rucksack march, than that is how you train. As your body gets conditioned to the level of stamina, continue to up the training a little.

I once participated in a 20-lap swimming race. Because I had been swimming miles each day alternating between sprints and stamina training, when it came to that race, I was just more adequately prepared than the person who wound up getting second place.

Build up slowly on your endurance and then continue adding on to your workout until the events seem easy. For variety, try Craving Competition Part II. This workout will help you build strength, agility and stamina.

Second, add core training to your workout calendar. Like Craving Competition 1, the workout is full-body, focusing on the core. As a reminder, your core is where all movement originates. A strong core is where you will get explosive power and speed. A strong core will help protect your back while you carry your rucksack.

As a reminder, stretching and rest is just as critical to your training as is your exercise plan. You can over-train. To win this competition, you need to build up slowly to the level of strength and stamina that you desire. Take two non-consecutive days off where you allow your body to recover. Lastly, make sure to stay well hydrated.

Good luck with your competitions next season, and let us know how you and your team do!


Ken and Stephanie Weichert

Operation Craving Competition, Pt.2 courtesy of GX magazine and


Foam Rolling: Perform 3-6 minutes of foam rolling, or self-myofascial release techniques, in order to improve flexibility and sports performance, and to reduce potential injuries.

Aerobics: Perform 5-8 minutes of aerobics exercises, such as Running in Place, Side-Straddle-Hops “Jumping Jacks,” or High Steps/Knees.

Stretching: Perform 3-6 minutes of flexibility exercises.




Equipment needed: Stability Ball

Start: Place your calves on top of a stability ball while on your back on the ground. Lift your rear end off the ground until your lower back and legs form a straight line. Keep your head, arms and shoulder blades on the ground.

Actions: While keeping your abdominals tight, slowly roll the ball toward your rear end by contracting your hamstring muscles. Return to the start position and repeat until your goal is reached. Exhale through your mouth while rolling the ball toward you and inhale through your nose as you return to the start position.

Basic: 10-20 seconds, or 1-10 repetitions.
Note: Basic level participants may rest their back on the ground in between repetitions.
Intermediate: 21-40 seconds, or 11-20 repetitions
Advanced: 41-60 seconds, or 21-30 repetitions
Extreme: 61-90 seconds, or 31-40 repetitions


Equipment needed: Bench, platform, or Bosu

Start: Balance your body on your hands and feet with your back and legs forming a straight line. Elevate your legs by positioning your feet on a platform that is 12-24 inches off of the ground. Maintain a neutral spine, feet together or up to 12 inches apart, hands shoulder-width apart, legs and arms straight.

Actions: While keeping your abdominal muscles tight and your arms straight, bend your left knee and move it toward your chest until you reach 90 degrees of knee flexion. Return to the start position. Switch legs and repeat. Continue until your goal is reached. Exhale through your mouth while you thrust each knee and inhale through your nose as you return to the start position.

Basic: 10-20 seconds
Intermediate: 21-40 seconds
Advanced: 41-60 seconds
Extreme: 30-60 seconds while performing a push-up after each knee thrust.


Equipment needed: Stability Ball

Start: Begin by balancing your body with your feet or lower shins on the stability ball and your hands on the ground. Tuck your knees in toward your chest.

Actions: Lift your rear end upward by straightening your legs and engaging your abdominal muscles. Advanced to Extreme standards note: Continue elevating your rear end until your back is perpendicular to the ground and aligned with your arms. Hold for a few seconds. Return to the start position and repeat until your goal is reached. Exhale through your mouth while elevating your rear end and inhale through your nose while returning to the start position.

Basic: 10-20 seconds, or 1-2 repetitions (no pike)
Intermediate: 21-40 seconds, or 3-6 repetitions (no pike)
Advanced: 30-45 seconds, or 7-12 repetitions
Extreme: 46-60 seconds, or 13-20 repetitions


Equipment needed: Stability Ball

Start: Balance your body with your front hips and abdomen on a stability ball, arms extended and aligned with your back, palms facing down, legs straight and feet 12 inches apart.

Actions: Tighten your lower back muscles and pull back your elbows until your form a slight arch in your lower back. Return to the start position and repeat until your goal is reached. Exhale through your mouth as your arch your back and inhale through your nose as you return to the start position.

Basic: 10-30 seconds, or 5-10 repetitions
Intermediate: 31-60 seconds, or 11-25 repetitions
Advanced: 61-90 seconds, or 26-50 repetitions
Extreme: 91-120 seconds, or 51-75 repetitions


Equipment needed: Pull-up bar that is positioned approximately 3-4 feet from the ground

Start: Sit underneath the pull-up bar. Place your hands over the top of the bar and grasp it tightly with your arms shoulder-width apart. Tighten your abdominal muscles and elevate your hips until your back and legs form a straight line. Adjust your foot position until your chest is directly under the bar.

Actions: While keeping your abdominal muscles tight, pull your body toward the bar by bending both elbows. Return to the start position and repeat until your goal is reached. Exhale through your mouth as your pull your body upward and inhale through your nose while you return to the start position.

Female standards:
Basic: 5-10 seconds, or 1-3 repetitions
Intermediate: 11-20 seconds, or 4-8 repetitions
Advanced: 21-40 seconds, or 9-15 repetitions
Extreme: 41-60 seconds, or 16-24 repetitions

Male standards:
Basic: 5-15 seconds, or 1-5 repetitions
Intermediate: 16-30 seconds, or 6-12 repetitions
Advanced: 31-60 seconds, or 13-25 repetitions
Extreme: 61-90 seconds, or 26-40 repetitions



Equipment needed: Bench, platform, or Bosu

Start: Sit on the edge of a sturdy flat bench with your hands slightly behind your hips, gripping the bench tightly. With your legs together and knees bent 90 degrees, place your heels on the ground and point your toes in the air. Straighten your elbows, elevate your hips, and move your hips slightly away from the bench.

Actions: Slowly lower your body by bending both elbows 90 degrees. Point your elbows backwards while lowering your body. Do not allow your elbows to point in or outward. Return to the start position and repeat until your goal is reached. Exhale through your mouth and your lower you body and inhale through your nose as you return to the start position.

Basic: 1-10 repetitions
Intermediate: 11-25 repetitions
Advanced: 26-50 repetitions
Extreme: 20-30 repetitions with a medicine ball on your lap


Equipment needed: None (Should be performed on soft surfaces)

Start: Sit on the ground. Bend your legs 90 degrees at the knees, heels down, arms slightly behind you, palms on the ground, and fingers pointing forward. Elevate your hips until your rear is 6-12 inches off of the ground.

Actions: Walk your body forward, using your arms and legs, until you have reached your goal. Breathe naturally, in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Basic: 30-60 seconds
Intermediate: 61-90 seconds
Advanced: 91-120 seconds
Extreme: 3-minutes


Equipment: None

Start: Balance your body on your hands and feet with your back and legs forming a straight line. Maintain a neutral spine, feet together or up to 12 inches apart, hands shoulder-width apart, legs and arms straight.

Actions: While keeping your abdominal muscles tight, open your legs simultaneously 15-20 inches and promptly return to the start position. Perform a push-up by bending both elbows until the upper parts of your arms become parallel to the ground. Return to the start position and repeat the sequence until your goal is reached. Exhale through your mouth as your lower your body and inhale through your nose and you return to the start position.

Female standards:
Basic: 1-3 repetitions
Intermediate: 4-8 repetitions
Advanced: 9-15 repetitions
Extreme: 16-25 repetitions

Male standards:
Basic: 10-20 repetitions
Intermediate: 21-45 repetitions
Advanced: 46-65 repetitions
Extreme: 66-90 repetitions


Equipment: Barbell, plates and collars

Start: Hold a barbell loaded with the desired amount of weight for high repetition. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your shoulder blades retracted.

Actions: Lower your body until you reach 90 degrees at the knees, with your hips moving back as if sitting on a chair. Maintain your weight directly over the middle of your feet and heels. Keep your knees aligned with your feet. Grasp the bar with an overhand grip slightly wider than your shoulders. Note: You should not lift any more than you can comfortably repeat with good form. Keep your head forward and back straight. Do not allow your knees to move forward past your toes or allow your back to arch. The bar should line up halfway between your toes and your heel. Place one foot behind you for support (if needed) and keep your abdominal muscles tight. In one explosive movement, draw the barbell up to your hips, then shoulders, dropping your elbows while bringing the weight up. Press the weight over your head. Return the weight to your clavicle and down to the tops of your legs by lifting your elbows and dropping the weight straight down. Return your back foot to a neutral stance. Repeat until your goal is reached. Exhale through your mouth as you press the weight upward and inhale through your nose as you return to the start position.

Basic: 5-10 repetitions (standing and squatting only)
Intermediate: 8-15 repetitions (no overhead press)
Advanced: 10-15 repetitions (full clean and press)
Extreme: 16-25 repetitions (full clean and press)



Equipment: Stairs

Start: Assume a “standing start position” by placing your toes behind the start line with one leg 12-18 inches behind you. Shift your weight on the front leg and bend your lead knee 90 degrees. Bend your trunk forward with opposite arm in front and slightly elevated.

Actions: Sprint up the stairs as fast as you can. Descend carefully. Repeat until your goal is reached. Breathe naturally.

Basic: 1-3 sets of stairs, or 8-24 steps
Intermediate: 4-8 sets of stairs, or 32-64 steps
Advanced: 9-15 sets of stairs, or 72-120 steps
Extreme: 15-20 consecutive sets of stairs upward, or 120-160 steps


Equipment needed: safety cones, set approximately 3-4 feet apart, and aligned in a straight column

Start: Stand behind a column of cones.

Actions: With light explosive movements, run forward while weaving in and out of the cones. Repeat until your goal is reached. Breathe naturally.

Basic: 20-30 seconds
Intermediate: 31-60 seconds
Advanced: 61-90 seconds
Extreme: 91-120 seconds


Equipment needed: Agility Ladder

Start: Stand behind the first section of the agility ladder.

Actions: With light explosive movements, step into the first section of the ladder with your left foot. As your right foot reaches the first section of the ladder, quickly move your left foot forward to the next section. Repeat until your goal is reached. Elevate your knees as high as possible during each steeping movement. Breathe naturally.

Basic: 20-30 seconds
Intermediate: 31-60 seconds
Advanced: 61-90 seconds
Extreme: 91-120 seconds

Interval Running Drill

Equipment needed: None

Start: Assume a “standing start position” by placing your toes behind the start line with one leg 12-18 inches behind you. Shift your weight on the front leg and bend your lead knee 90 degrees. Bend your trunk forward with opposite arm in front and slightly elevated.

Actions: Run at a moderate pace for several feet and run at your best pace for several feet. Repeat until your goal is reached. Breathe naturally.

Basic: 1-2 minutes
Intermediate: 3-6 minutes
Advanced: 7-15 minutes
Extreme: 16-25 minutes



Start: Place a large tire 12 inches in front of you and stand with a neutral spine, arms at your sides, and feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp the handle of a sledgehammer.

Actions: Hammer the side of the tire and return to the start position. Continue until your goal is reached. Exhale through your mouth as you hammer the side of the tire and inhale through your nose as you return to the start position. Warning: If sharing a tire with another participant, hammer the tire one person at a time.

Advanced: 60-90 seconds


Perform the warm–up exercises.


  • Bronze Medal: 1 full set = approximately 45 minutes
  • Silver Medal: 2 full sets = approximately 60 minutes
  • Gold Medal: 3 full sets = approximately 75 minutes
  • Note: The Warm-up and Cool-down Phases are performed only once.



  • Operation Craving Competition


  • Running Long Distance 3-6 miles
  • 8-min Abs x 1-2 sets
  • Note: Download “8-min Abs” for FREE on iTunes


  • Operation Craving Competition


  • Rest


  • Running Interval Training x 2-4 miles
  • 8-min Abs x 1-2 sets


  • Operation Craving Competition


  • Rest

Nutrition Advice:

  1. To lose additional body fat, try reducing your intake of breads, pastas, dairy products and sugar
  2. Check with your physician before making any changes to your diet or exercise plan
  3. Want to read more diet advice? Go HERE and read Operation Diet Dissection


  1. Repeat 7-day schedule x 4 sets to complete the month
  2. Rest periods may be adjusted, as needed. However, be certain to include 1-2 rest days per week for rest and recovery
  3. Perform no fitness training 24-48 hours prior to a competition

Equipment Needed:

  1. Foam Roller
  2. Stability Ball
  3. Pull-up Bar
  4. Bench, platform, or Bosu
  5. Barbell, plates and collars
  6. Stairs
  7. Safety cones
  8. Agility Ladder
  9. Large Tire (if performing the Bonus Exercise)

Would you like a free copy of Operation Craving Competition? Click HERE to receive the entire program with 7-day workout calendar.

Stay the course!

Ken Weichert a.k.a. “SGT Ken”

Special Remark: Check out more workouts by Ken at

Photo credits: Photos by EVAN BAINES, Photo illustrations by ADAM LIVINGSTON

Editorial credits: Operation Craving Competition courtesy of GX: The Guard Experience.

© 2004-2009 Iostudio, LLC. All rights reserved.


Ken Weichert (a.k.a. “SGT Ken”) is a Six-time Soldier of the Year, Master Fitness Trainer and veteran of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Desert Storm. Ken and his wife Stephanie, a Certified Personal Trainer, founded START Fitness, a group exercise and hiking business that delivers military-style workouts to Soldiers and civilians since 1998. Ken and Stephanie have led thousands of Soldiers to better health through Operation Fit to Fight, a tactical fitness instructor training program designed to prepare Soldiers for Basic Combat Training, deployments, leadership schools and post-deployment reintegration. Operation Fit to Fight creates tactical athletes who lead by example and are ready to perform necessary duties in response to natural disasters or in defense of our country! Ken and Stephanie currently produce health and fitness programs for GX magazine, and for the National Guard website.

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Hard Core Abs: Scissor for Six-Pack

Here is another advanced move for your summer six-pack, this one also targets the external obliques.

Lay on your back with both hands behind your head for support, legs long. Lift both legs off the floor 3 inches. Then raise the right leg to the ceiling and reach your left hand straight up toward your toe. Switch sides and bring your straight left leg up to the sky and reach for your toe with the right hand. Keep looking at the ceiling and do 30 reps.

Trainers tip: for modifications, email me at
If you want to add this six pack to a set of toned buns, check out my booty camp moves and DVD as well.

Fitness - Fit it in!

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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Hard. Core.

Hard. Core.

Everyone loves better-looking abs, and I love core workouts because they are the foundation of a healthy back, which leads to better workout performance whether you are also kickboxing, running, rowing or doing any other functional work.

Here is a move that I do every week, and I recommend it because you can adjust the level of intensity just by adding or increasing the weight. Lay on your back, feet on the floor, knees bent. Cross your left ankle over your right knee. Grab a weight with your left hand.

Put the weight on your right shoulder and continue to hold it in place with your left hand. Keep looking at the sky to lift the chin, and cross your right shoulder (and the weight) up towards your bent left knee. Repeat for 20 reps then switch sides. Do 3 sets for hard core obliques that chisel your waistline.

Trainer's Tip: be sure to keep your elbow out and away from the body. Do not try to cross the elbow to your knee, think of crossing the shoulder instead. This will make sure you don't drop the chin and stop you from misaligning neck. I am using 10lbs in this picture but you can chose lighter or heavier depending on your fitness level, and if you are new to working out, do this without a weight at first. Don't forget to do a lower back exercise as well. Visit my website mailing list for back exercises at

Fitness - Fit it in!

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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Digestive Enzymes

You've probably heard the term "you are what you eat", right? But it's not exactly what you EAT that counts, but what you USE from what you eat. And this couldn't be more true for skinny "hardgainers' who have a hard time growing muscle! Why?

Because you can eat all the protein you want, but unless it makes it to your muscles to help them rebuild, you'll continue to look more like Olive Oil than Popeye! You see, "skinny" men and women tend to have an overabundance of the "stress hormone", cortisol. Cortisol actually plays a useful role in our bodies but for hardgainers, its catabolic effects are a real hassle as it inhibits important protein synthesis. That means less protein available for repair of muscle tissue...less size...and MORE frustration! Add to this that the digestion of proteins actually burns more calories than any other nutrient and you can see why you CAN'T follow the same "protein plan" as others who can gain muscle more easily.

What's the solution?

Try adding DIGESTIVE ENZYMES to your meals! Now you may think that digestive enzymes (that include either pepsin, papain, or papaya) are just for sandal-wearing hippies who smell like patchouli...but you'd be mistaken! In fact, digestive enzymes help to break down nutrients from the food you eat into usable energy. But another finding dug deeper and found that enzymes improved the absorption of amino acids and increased nitrogen retention.

In a recent clinical study, respondents who consumed digestive enzymes with their meals showed an increase in protein synthesis with free amino acid levels up by 100%...branched chain amino acids (BCAA's) by 250%...and nitrogen retention by 32%! In short...MUCH better support for muscle repair and growth. And enzymes can be especially useful for hardgainers in yet one more way... Since protein uses up more calories in digestion, enzymes can speed up the process, reducing the "thermic effect" of ingested proteins and help you better maintain a caloric surplus for weight gain!

This is one of the reasons why I've included it as a cutting edge addition to the workout program in my "Hardgainer Project X" program designed specifically for the challenges of "skinny guys" at

More from Jeff at:

Jeff Anderson is a 10 year veteran of the U.S. Army, a Master Fitness Trainer, and Master Instructor of Close Quarters Combat self defense. A full time fitness and self defense author, Jeff has trained thousands of men and women in the practical application of advanced military fitness methods as well as close combat tactics for "real life" self defense.

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Grocery Lists: Shop To Drop

In my last blog I talked about putting some toning in your morning routine while packing lunch. But what about what you put in that lunch? I have found a successful recipe that keeps me full, healthy and slim, just by choosing the right foods at the grocery store and when eating at a restaurant.

I want to share the health so here is my grocery list. (Hint: ordering online stops the unplanned, unhealthy purchases. If going to the store yourself, print this list to take with you and eat beforehand.)

Produce Aisle: Sweet potatoes, lemons, oranges, apples (the perfect portable snack that hydrates, hits the sweet tooth, ads crunch, and fiber, I almost never go a day without an apple) bananas, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, peaches, plums, pears, red grapes, red and yellow bell pepper, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, basil, parsley, carrots, avocado (good fat), oranges (not OJ) leaks, low sodium V8.

Bread and Pasta Aisle: Whole grain English muffins, blueberry whole grain waffles, fiber cereal, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pitas.

Calcium: Chocolate soy milk for chocolate cravings, fat free milk, yogurt, if you have to eat cheese choose skim mozzarella.

Protein: Free-range brown eggs, tofu, salmon, tuna, misc. white fish filets, chicken, lentils and beans, almonds, walnuts and sesame seeds.

Other: Honey, black tea, green tea, balsamic, ginger, garlic, red wine in moderation, olive oil in moderation, cinnamon, fat free Italian dressing.

You'll notice that these foods also show up in healthy eating articles about fighting diseases, increasing energy, helping your complexion, hair health, and a number of other benefits. If you have to miss a workout you won't ruin your summer beach body plan because the fiber and real natural foods like fruits and veggies will keep your belly flat. Eat small portions and 5-6 meals a day, never skip breakfast but stop eating your last little meal at least 2 hours before bedtime. Shop to drop and the pounds will follow.

Fitness - Fit it in!

Crunch Manhattan Group Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer

More from Nikki at

- Military Wife Workout DVD
- NikkiBeachBride Destination Wedding Workout
- Nikki on YouTube

Nikki Fitness is a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, writer and publicist living in New York City. She started as a cheerleader at Syracuse University, but became certified in fitness before her beach wedding so that she could get back in shape. Laura, a graduate student, working mom, and military wife, inspired Nikki's Military Wife Workout (MWW) for all military wives. Find more articles by Nikki at her article archive. Learn more at For more Nikki Fitness blogs, visit her blog archive.

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About Military Fitness Blog

Military training is hard enough. Don't make it any harder by being physically unprepared. Fitness experts Stew Smith, Sgt. Ken, Jeff Anderson, Nikki Fitness and Sgt. Volkin are here to help you achieve your fitness goals. Keep up-to-date on military fitness requirements, boot camp expectations, special operations fitness and much more.