SPECTRUM XXI is a client/server, Window-based software system that provides frequency managers with a single information system to address spectrum management automation requirements. SPECTRUM XXI supports operational planning and management of the radio frequency spectrum with an emphasis on assigning compatible frequencies and performing spectrum engineering tasks. SPECTRUM XXI is the Joint standard system for spectrum management throughout the DoD. It has also been adopted by the National Telecommunications and Iinformation Administration (NTIA) for processing frequency records for Federal agencies. SPECTRUM XXI was also provided to over 22 foreign nations through Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and these efforts have paid off with SPECTRUM XXI being used by all NATO International Security Assistance Forces spectrum management elements in the Afghan Area of Operations. The DSO Systems and Technology Branch (OS33) is the SPECTRUM XXI office of primary responsibility (OPR).


  • Frequency Assignment – automates the processing of request for the use of frequency resources from spectrum managers in support of authorized users. The process includes preparation and validation of frequency assignment proposals, determination of interference with the background environment, and distribution and tracking of proposals.
  • Allotment Plan Generator – creates a list of frequencies referred to as allotment plans or channelization plans. These plans are used as frequency resources for nominating proposals using the Frequency Assignment feature.
  • Interference Analysis – analyzes existing frequency assignments for potential interference.
  • Interference Report – generates a report to describe an interference problem and to provide information that can be used to resolve the problem.
  • Topographic Manager –automatically reformats Digital Terrain Elevation Data from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) for use by the engineering algorithms within SPECTRUM XXI.
  • Compliance Validation- checks for compliance of frequency records with the Frequency Allocation Tables, the NTIA Manual, and the coordination requirements with Canada and Mexico.
  • Engineering Tools – collection of utilities to perform various types of analyses such as coverage and cosite analysis.
  • Electronic Warfare (EW) Deconfliction - assesses the impact of a planned electronic attack (jamming) on existing receivers during contingency operations and exercises.
  • Joint Restricted Frequency List (JRFL) – management tool used by various operational and support elements to identify the level of protection they desire to be applied to specific spectrum assets (i.e. frequencies or frequency bands) in order to preclude these assets from being "jammed" by friendly forces conducting EW activities.


SPECTRUM XXI addresses the automated spectrum management requirements processes of the Combatant Commands, Joint Task Force, Services, and the sustaining-base elements. The resulting benefit is interference-free frequencies for the battlefield use while also ensuring that coordination of frequency assignments through national and host nation approval continues.


No service-level agreement is required.