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What's New | May 26, 2008

Managing Chronic Health Conditions
An estimated 133 million people — or about one in two Americans — live with a chronic condition such as diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, or depression. Of that number, about half experience multiple chronic conditions. 

Given that high prevalence, health care organizations are challenged to provide coordinated, efficient, and effective health care to patients with chronic conditions. The featured innovations explain how three health care organizations addressed these challenges.
Featured Innovations:
Featured QualityTools:

 Diabetes Recipe and Meal Planner Guide
Developed by National Diabetes Education Program

 How to Create a Pill Card
Developed by Pharmacy Intervention for Limited Literacy (PILL) Study Research Team

 Toolkit for Implementing the Chronic Care Model in an Academic Environment
Developed by Delmarva Foundation

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Also in This Issue:
Innovations >
QualityTools >

 Chronic Dry Eye Toolkit
Developed by National Women's Health Resource Center

 Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention (LEAP)
Developed by Health Resources and Services Administration

 Milk Matters
Developed by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; National Institutes of Health

 Quality of Health Care for Children and Adolescents: A Chartbook
Developed by Leatherman, Sheila; UNC Program on Health Outcomes, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; McCarthy, Douglas; Issues Research, Inc.