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The National Agricultural Workers Survey

A Profile of U.S. Farm Workers

Demographics, Household Composition, Income and Use of Services

U.S. Department of LaborOffice of the Assistant Secretary for Policy

Office of Program Economics Research Report #6

Prepared for the Commission on Immigration ReformPrepared by:

Richard Mines*, Susan Gabbard**, and Anne Steirman**

Based on Data from The National Agricultural Workers Survey

April 1997

This report reflects only the views of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Department of Labor.

* Employee of the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Policy

** Employees of Aguirre, International, a private firm contracted to carry out the survey.



Major Findings

Chapter 1: Demographics

Ethnicity/Place of Origin

Chapter 2: Family Composition and Living Arrangements

Family Status
Farm Workers and Their Living Arrangements

Chapter 3: Income and Poverty

Income, Earnings and Assets of Farm Workers
Family Income and Poverty
Social Insurance and Service Programs

Chapter 4: Legal Status

The Changing Proportions of Legal Status Categories

Survey Method