Weekly GOP Videos

Jan 23 2013

Time to Address Runaway Government Spending

Now that the tax issue has been resolved, reining in out-of-control government spending is now the focus. One way to control spending and the growth of government is for Congress to pass a budget - something Senate Democrats haven't done in nearly 4 years. With more than $5 trillion added to the debt since then, the time is now to end Washington's spending addition and for Senate Democrats to fulfill their legal obligation to pass a budget.


Dec 18 2012

Mr. President, Where Are the Spending Cuts?

The American people agree: Washington doesn't tax too little; it spends too much. We know the president wants to raises taxes, but many people are still wondering, where are the spending cuts?


Dec 11 2012


Last week, Secretary Geithner said the administration is "absolutely" prepared to go over the fiscal cliff if it doesn't get its way on tax rate hikes. Instead of raising taxes on nearly 1 million small businesses that employ nearly 25 percent of the national workforce, we should enact pro-growth reform, cut runaway spending, and reform entitlement programs that drive the national debt.


Dec 07 2012

Reid vs. Reid

In 2005, when Democrats were the minority party in the Senate, Senator Reid said breaking the rules to change the rules of the Senate was "un-American" and a "partisan political grab." Today, now that Democrats are in the majority, Senator Reid is singing a different tune.



Dec 04 2012


President Obama recently said the the goal of fiscal cliff negotiations "has to be jobs and growth." Yet, the president's latest tax and spend plan does just the opposite. In order to avert the fiscal cliff, Senate Republicans' plan includes stopping the small business tax hike, enacting pro-growth reform, reforming entitlement programs that drive the national debt, and cutting runaway spending.
