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Office of Japan and Korea
Market Access and Compliance
International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce

About Us

The Office of Japan and Korea of the U.S. Department of Commerce assists U.S. firms that are encountering trade and investment barriers (market access issues) in Japan and Korea. We also work to ensure that Japan and Korea fully meet their obligations under our trade agreements (compliance issues).

Market access issues addressed by the Office of Japan and Korea include Japanese and Korean governmental/business practices that discriminate against U.S. exports of goods or services to either market, or U.S. direct investment in Japan and Korea. Compliance issues include any violation of existing bilateral or multilateral trade or investment agreements with Japan and Korea. The Office of Japan and Korea coordinates its efforts with other offices within the U.S. Department of Commerce and other U.S. Government trade-related agencies.

To contact the Office of Japan and Korea, click here.

If you are looking for assistance in selling your goods and services overseas, please visit Information on includes:

  • Learning about export basics.
  • Finding sales opportunities.
  • Finding solutions to marketing, finance, logistics, licenses and regulations, trade data and analysis, and dealing with potential trade problems such as getting paid.
  • Finding tariffs and taxes.
  • Promoting products overseas.
  • Protecting intellectual property.
  • Receiving U.S. Government advocacy.

  • For assistance for U.S. firms seeking to import from Japan or Korea:

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