Trade Compliance Center - Making America's Trade Agreements Work for You
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Trade Compliance

Report a Trade Barrier

The U.S. Department of Commerce's Trade Compliance Center (TCC) helps American exporters and investors overcome foreign trade barriers and works to ensure that foreign countries comply with their trade agreement obligations to the United States.

Please complete and submit the form below if you would like an answer to your question or need help in addressing your foreign trade barrier problem.

Not sure if we can help you? Review common trade problems that U.S. companies have encountered and we have addressed.

Looking for export assistance instead? Visit the Trade Information Center

If you don't want to use this form, here are other ways you can contact the TCC.


1. Tell us who you are and how to reach you.

2. Tell us in your own words: (1) the problem you are encountering or the question you have, and (2) how you heard about us. Take as much space as you need.

NOTE: If public disclosure of any portions of the information you submit could cause your company substantial competitive harm, indicate this by marking those portions "business confidential." We will protect such information from disclosure to the extent provided by law. Providing this information is voluntary and will be used by USG officials to provide assistance by seeking to eliminate the foreign trade barrier. We protect business confidential information from disclosure to the extent provided by law. See our privacy policy for additional information.