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Construction Branch

The Construction Branch provides construction management and quality assurance services on all construction projects within the Nashville District.  These include projects supporting the District's flood control, hydroelectric, recreation, and navigation missions.  We also provide these same services to other federal agencies.   As part of our construction management services, we administer construction contracts and our Resident Engineers are authorized to have Administrative Contracting Officer Authority (ACO) which adds efficiency to the construction process.  Quality assurance efforts prior to solicitation of the construction project, with our reviews of plans and specifications to insure the customer's goals are achieved during the construction effort.  After award, the branch utilizes the Three-Phase Control System on the definable features of work to monitor the quality of the construction effort. 

The branch is responsible for administering construction contracts for foundation remediation on two critical Dam Safety Action Classification (DSAC) 1 projects within the Corps of Engineers. These projects are located within the Cumberland River basin at Wolf Creek Dam and Center Hill Dam.   The branch is also currently administering construction contracts for two major navigation lock projects along the Tennessee River basin. One is located at Chickamauga Lock where the existing lock chamber is being replaced, the other at Kentucky Lock where a second lock chamber is being constructed.  The Construction Branch supports several smaller construction projects across the District for various customers including Department of Energy, Department of the Interior, and multiple municipalities.