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Gary Howard Heinz

USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center

Building 308, BARC
10300 Baltimore Avenue

Beltsville, MD 20705

Photo of Gary H. Heinz

Telephone: 301-497-5711

Fax: 301-497-5624


Wildlife Biologist Emeritus

PhD, Michigan State University, 1969; wildlife biology

Areas of Expertise/Interest: The effects of environmental contaminants on wildlife.

Published over 100 peer-reviewed papers or book chapters on the toxicity of contaminants to wildlife.

Special Achievement Award from US Fish and Wildlife Service for research on the impacts of mercury on birds - 1981

Exceptional Service Award from the American Society for Testing and Materials for service in the development of consensus standards for effects of contaminants on wildlife - 1985

Scientific Achievement Award from the US Geological Survey for work as assistant editor for a book on the effects of contaminants on wildlife populations, communities, and ecosystems - 2001

Superior Service Award from the Department of Interior for outstanding accomplishments as an ecotoxicologist - 2005

Scientific Achievement Award from USGS for research on lead-contaminated sediments - 2006


Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, J. D. Klimstra, and K. R. Stebbins. 2012. A comparison of the teratogenicity of methylmercury and selenomethionine injected into bird eggs. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 62(3):519-528. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, J. D. Klimstra, K. R. Stebbins, S. L. Kondrad, and C. A. Erwin. 2012. Hormesis associated with a low dose of methylmercury injected into mallard eggs. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 62(1):141-144. Abstract

Klimstra, J. D., J. L. Yee, G. H. Heinz, D. J. Hoffman, and K. R. Stebbins. 2012. Interactions between methylmercury and selenomethionine injected into mallard eggs. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31(3):579-584. Abstract

Scheuhammer, A. M., N. Basu, D. C. Evers, G. H. Heinz, M. B. Sandheinrich, and M. S. Bank. 2012. Ecotoxicology of mercury in fish and wildlife: recent advances. Pages 223-238 in M. S. Bank. Mercury in the Environment: Pattern and Process. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. book info

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, J. D. Klimstra, K. R. Stebbins, and S. L. Kondrad. 2011. Toxicity of methylmercury injected into eggs when dissolved in water versus corn oil. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(9):2103-2106. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, J. D. Klimstra, K. R. Stebbins, S. L. Kondrad, and C. A. Erwin. 2011. Teratogenic effects of injected methylmercury on avian embryos. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(7):1593-1598. Abstract

Ohlendorf, H. M. and G. H. Heinz. 2011. Selenium in birds. Pages 669-701 in W. Nelson Beyer and James P. Meador, editors. Environmental contaminants in biota : interpreting tissue concentrations. 2nd edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. xv, 751 pp. book info

Heinz, G. H., W. N. Beyer, D. J. Hoffman, and D. J. Audet. 2010. Relating the ability of mallards to ingest high levels of sediment to potential contaminant exposure in waterfowl. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29(7):1621-1624. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, J. D. Klimstra, and K. R. Stebbins. 2010. Enhanced reproduction in mallards fed a low level of methylmercury: An apparent case of hormesis. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29(3):650-653. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, J. D. Klimstra, and K. R. Stebbins. 2010. Intraperitoneal injections as a possible means of generating varied levels of methylmercury in the eggs of birds in field studies. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29(5):1079-1083. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, J. D. Klimstra, and K. R. Stebbins. 2010. Predicting mercury concentrations in mallard eggs from mercury in the diet or blood of adult females and from duckling down feathers. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29(2):389-392. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, J. D. Klimstra, and K. R. Stebbins. 2010. Reproduction in mallards exposed to dietary concentrations of methylmercury. Ecotoxicology 19(5):977-982. Abstract

Devney, C. A., S. L. Kondrad, K. R. Stebbins, K. D. Brittingham, D. J. Hoffman, and G. H. Heinz. 2009. A saltwater flotation technique to identify unincubated eggs. Journal of Field Ornithology 80(1):88-93. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, J. D. Klimstra, and K. R. Stebbins. 2009. Rapid increases in mercury concentrations in the eggs of mallards fed methylmercury. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(9):1979-1981. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, J. D. Klimstra, K. R. Stebbins, S. L. Kondrad, and C. A. Erwin. 2009. Species differences in the sensitivity of avian embryos to methylmercury. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 56(1):129-138. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., K. R. Stebbins, J. D. Klimstra, and D. J. Hoffman. 2009. A simplified method for correcting contaminant concentrations in eggs for moisture loss. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(7):1425-1428. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. and K. L. Stromborg. 2009. Further declines in organochlorines in eggs of red-breasted mergansers from Lake Michigan, 1977-1978 versus 1990 versus 2002. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 159(1-4):163-168. Abstract

Klimstra, J. D., K. R. Stebbins, G. H. Heinz, D. J. Hoffman, and S. L. Kondrad. 2009. Factors related to the artificial incubation of wild bird eggs. Avian Biology Research 2(3):121-131. Abstract

Stebbins, K. R., J. D. Klimstra, C. A. Eagles-Smith, J. T. Ackerman, and G. H. Heinz. 2009. A nonlethal microsampling technique to monitor the effects of mercury on wild bird eggs. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(3):465-470. Abstract

Klimstra, J. D., K. R. Stebbins, and G. H. Heinz. 2007. Using a novel micro-sampling technique to monitor the effects of methylmercury on the eggs of wild birds. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 61:129 (abstract). Abstract

Furman, O., D. G. Strawn, G. H. Heinz, and B. Williams. 2006. Risk assessment test for lead bioaccessibility to waterfowl in mine-impacted soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 35(2):450-458. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, S. L. Kondrad, and C. A. Erwin. 2006. Factors affecting the toxicity of methylmercury injected into eggs. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 50(2):264-279. Abstract

Hoffman, D. J., G. H. Heinz, and D. J. Audet. 2006. Phosphorus amendment reduces hematological effects of lead in mallards ingesting contaminated sediments. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 50(3):421-428. Abstract

Hoffman, D. J., G. H. Heinz, and D. J. Audet. 2006. Phosphorus amendment reduces hepatic and renal oxidative stress in mallards ingesting lead-contaminated sediments. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A 69(11):1039-1053. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. and D. J. Hoffman. 2005. The use of wild bird eggs to measure the sensitivity of avian embryos to methylmercury. Wilson Ornithological Society and Association of Field Ornithologists Joint Meeting, April 21-24, Beltsville, Maryland. Abstracts :#59. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. and D. J. Hoffman. 2004. Mercury accumulation and loss in mallard eggs. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(1):222-224. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, and D. J. Audet. 2004. Phosphorus amendment reduces bioavailability of lead to mallards ingesting contaminated sediments. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 46(4):534-541. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. and D. J. Hoffman. 2003. Embryotoxic thresholds of mercury: estimates from individual mallard eggs. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 44(2):257-264. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. and D. J. Hoffman. 2003. Predicting mercury in mallard ducklings from mercury in chorioallantoic membranes. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 70(6):1242-1246. Abstract

Wiener, J. G., D. P. Krabbenhoft, G. H. Heinz, and A. M. Scheuhammer. 2003. Ecotoxicology of mercury. Pages 409-463 in David J. Hoffman, Barnett A. Rattner, G. Allen Burton, Jr., and John Cairns, Jr., editors. Handbook of Ecotoxicology. 2nd edition. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. 1,290 pp.

Vyas, N. B., J. W. Spann, and G. H. Heinz. 2001. Lead shot toxicity to passerines. Environmental Pollution 111(1):135-138. Abstract

Albers, P. H., G. H. Heinz, and R. J. Hall. 2000. Approaches for assessment of terrestrial vertebrate responses to contaminants: moving beyond individual organisms. Pages 109-148 in Peter H. Albers, Gary H. Heinz, and Harry M. Ohlendorf, editors. Environmental Contaminants and Terrestrial Vertebrates: Effects on Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems. SETAC Special Publications Series. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL. xxii, 344 pp.

Beyer, W. N., D. J. Audet, G. H. Heinz, D. J. Hoffman, and D. Day. 2000. Relation of waterfowl poisoning to sediment lead concentrations in the Coeur d'Alene River Basin. Ecotoxicology 9(3):207-218. Abstract

Beyer, W. N. and G. H. Heinz. 2000. [Letter to the Editor] Implications of regulating environmental contaminants on the basis of wildlife populations and communities. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 19(7):1703-1704. Abstract

French, J. B., Jr., S. P. Bradbury, H. Krueger, E. McGee, and B. E. Sample. 2000. Group A discussions of endpoint selection, study design, and extrapolation. Pages 189-201 in P. H. Albers, G. H. Heinz, and H. M. Ohlendorf, editors. Environmental Contaminants and Terrestrial Vertebrates: Effects on Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems. SETAC Special Publications Series. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL. 344 pp.

Harthill, M., D. W. Sparling, J. P. Sullivan, and H. M. Ohlendorf. 2000. Group C discussions of endpoint selection, study design, and extrapolation. Pages 217-223 in P. H. Albers, G. H. Heinz, and H. M. Ohlendorf, editors. Environmental Contaminants and Terrestrial Vertebrates: Effects on Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems. SETAC Special Publications Series. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL. xxii, 322 pp.

Hoffman, D. J., G. H. Heinz, L. Sileo, D. J. Audet, J. K. Campbell, and L. J. LeCaptain. 2000. Developmental toxicity of lead-contaminated sediment to mallard ducklings. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 39(2):221-232. Abstract

Hoffman, D. J., G. H. Heinz, L. Sileo, D. J. Audet, J. K. Campbell, L. J. LeCaptain, and H. H. Obrecht, III. 2000. Developmental toxicity of lead-contaminated sediment in Canada Geese (Branta canadensis). Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 59(4):235-252. Abstract

Rattner, B. A., J. B. Cohen, and N. H. Golden. 2000. Contaminant effect endpoints in terrestrial vertebrates at and above the individual level. Pages 61-93 in P. H. Albers, G. H. Heinz, and H. M. Ohlendorf, editors. Environmental Contaminants and Terrestrial Vertebrates: Effects on Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems. SETAC Special Publications Series. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, FL. 344 pp.

Vyas, N. B., J. W. Spann, G. H. Heinz, W. N. Beyer, J. A. Jaquette, and J. M. Mengelkoch. 2000. Lead poisoning of passerines at a trap and skeet range. Environmental Pollution 107(1):159-166. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, L. Sileo, D. J. Audet, and L. J. LeCaptain. 1999. Toxicity of lead-contaminated sediment to Mallards. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 36(3):323-333. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. 1998. Contaminant effects on Great Lakes' fish-eating birds: a population perspective. Pages 141-154 in Ronald J. Kendall, Richard L. Dickerson, John P. Giesy, and William P. Suk, editors. Principles and Processes for Evaluating Endocrine Disruption in Wildlife. SETAC Technical Publications Series. SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL. xxiv, 491 pp.

Heinz, G. H. and D. J. Hoffman. 1998. Methylmercury chloride and selenomethionine interactions on health and reproduction in mallards. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17(2):139-145. Abstract

Hoffman, D. J. and G. H. Heinz. 1998. Effects of mercury and selenium on glutathione metabolism and oxidative stress in mallard ducks. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17(2):161-166. Abstract

Beyer, W. N., G. H. Heinz, and A. Redmon-Norwood, editors. 1996. Environmental Contaminants in Wildlife: Interpreting Tissue Concentrations. SETAC Special Publications Series. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. 494 pp.

Beyer, W. N., G. H. Heinz, and A. W. Redmon-Norwood. 1996. Foreword in W. Nelson Beyer, Gary H. Heinz, and Amy W. Redmon-Norwood, editors. Environmental Contaminants in Wildlife: Interpreting Tissue Concentrations. SETAC Special Publications Series. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. 494 pp.

Heinz, G. H. 1996. Mercury poisoning in wildlife. Pages 118-127 in Anne Fairbrother, Louis N. Locke, and Gerald L. Hoff, editors. Noninfectious diseases of wildlife. Iowa State University Press, Ames. xiii, 219 pp.

Heinz, G. H. 1996. Selenium in birds. Pages 447-458 in W. Nelson Beyer, Gary H. Heinz, and Amy W. Redmon-Norwood, editors. Environmental Contaminants in Wildlife: Interpreting Tissue Concentrations. SETAC Special Publications Series. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. 494 pp.

Heinz, G. H. and D. J. Hoffman. 1996. Comparison of the effects of seleno-l-methionine, seleno-dl-methionine, and selenized yeast on reproduction of mallards. Environmental Pollution 91(2):169-175. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, and L. J. LeCaptain. 1996. Toxicity of seleno-l-methionine, seleno-dl-methionine, high selenium wheat, and selenized yeast to mallard ducklings. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 30(1):93-99. Abstract

Hoffman, D. J., G. H. Heinz, L. J. LeCaptain, J. D. Eisemann, and G. W. Pendleton. 1996. Toxicity and oxidative stress of different forms of organic selenium and dietary protein in mallard ducklings. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 31(1):120-127. Abstract

Stanley, T. R., Jr., G. J. Smith, D. J. Hoffman, G. H. Heinz, and R. Rosscoe. 1996. Effects of boron and selenium on mallard reproduction and duckling growth and survival. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 15(7):1124-1132. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., M. Brody, and L. J. Blus. 1994. How valuable are the results of models and laboratory studies when extended to field situations? Pages 551-555 in Ronald J. Kendall and Thomas E. Lacher, Jr., editors. Wildlife Toxicology and Population Modeling: Integrated Studies of Agroecosystems, proceedings of the Ninth Pellston Workshop, Kiawah Island, South Carolina, July 22-27, 1990. SETAC Special Publications Series. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida. 576 pp.

Heinz, G. H., D. S. Miller, B. J. Ebert, and K. L. Stromborg. 1994. Declines in organochlorines in eggs of red-breasted mergansers from Lake Michigan, 1977-78 versus 1990. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 33(3):175-182. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. 1993. Re-exposure of mallards to selenium after chronic exposure. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 12(9):1691-1694. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. 1993. Selenium accumulation and loss in mallard eggs. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 12(4):775-778. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. and M. A. Fitzgerald. 1993. Overwinter survival of mallards fed selenium. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 25(1):90-94. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. and M. A. Fitzgerald. 1993. Reproduction of mallards following overwinter exposure to selenium. Environmental Pollution 81(2):117-122. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., S. N. Wiemeyer, D. R. Clark, Jr., P. H. Albers, P. Henry, and R. A. Batiuk. 1992. Status and Assessment of Chesapeake Bay Wildlife Contamination. Environmental Protection Agency, Chesapeake Bay Program CBP/TRS 80/92. 32 pp. Abstract

Paveglio, F. L., C. M. Bunck, and G. H. Heinz. 1992. Selenium and boron in aquatic birds from central California. Journal of Wildlife Management 56(1):31-42. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., H. F. Percival, and M. L. Jennings. 1991. Contaminants in American alligator eggs from Lake Apopka, Lake Griffin, and Lake Okeechobee, Florida. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 16(3):277-285. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. and S. N. Wiemeyer. 1991. Effects of contaminants on birds. Pages 23.1-23.9 in Steven L. Funderburk, Stephen J. Jordan, Joseph A. Mihursky, and David Riley, editors. Habitat Requirements for Chesapeake Bay Living Resources. 2nd edition. Annapolis, MD. PDF

Hoffman, D. J., G. H. Heinz, L. J. LeCaptain, C. M. Bunck, and D. E. Green. 1991. Subchronic hepatotoxicity of selenomethionine ingestion in mallard ducks. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 32(4):449-464. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., G. W. Pendleton, A. J. Krynitsky, and L. G. Gold. 1990. Selenium accumulation and elimination in mallards. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 19(3):374-379. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. and C. J. Sanderson. 1990. Avoidance of selenium-treated food by mallards. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 9(9):1155-1158. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. 1989. How lethal are sublethal effects? Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 8(6):463-464. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, and L. G. Gold. 1989. Impaired reproduction of mallards fed an organic form of selenium. Journal of Wildlife Management 53(2):418-428. Abstract

Hoffman, D. J., G. H. Heinz, and A. J. Krynitsky. 1989. Hepatic glutathione metabolism and lipid peroxidation in response to excess dietary selenomethionine and selenite in mallard ducklings. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 27(2):263-271. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, and L. G. Gold. 1988. Toxicity of organic and inorganic selenium to mallard ducklings. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 17(5):561-568. Abstract

Hoffman, D. J. and G. H. Heinz. 1988. Embryotoxic and teratogenic effects of selenium in the diet of mallards. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 24(4):477-490. Abstract

Smith, G. J., G. H. Heinz, D. J. Hoffman, J. W. Spann, and A. J. Krynitsky. 1988. Reproduction in black-crowned night-herons fed selenium. Lake and Reservoir Management 4(2):175-180. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. 1987. Mercury accumulation in mallards fed methylmercury with or without added DDE. Environmental Research 42(2):372-376. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. and L. G. Gold. 1987. Behavior of mallard ducklings from adults exposed to selenium. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 6(11):863-865. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, A. J. Krynitsky, and D. M. G. Weller. 1987. Reproduction in mallards fed selenium. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 6(6):423-433. Abstract

Spann, J. W., G. H. Heinz, M. B. Camardese, E. F. Hill, J. F. Moore, and H. C. Murray. 1986. Differences in mortality among bobwhite fed methylmercury chloride dissolved in various carriers. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 5(8):721-724. Abstract

Spann, J. W., G. H. Heinz, and C. S. Hulse. 1986. Reproduction and health of mallards fed endrin. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 5(8):755-759. Abstract

Fleming, W. J., G. H. Heinz, J. C. Franson, and B. A. Rattner. 1985. Toxicity of AbateĀ® 4E (temephos) in mallard ducklings and the influence of cold. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 4(2):193-199. Abstract

Fleming, W. J., G. H. Heinz, and C. A. Schuler. 1985. Lethal and behavioral effects of chlordimeform in bobwhite. Toxicology 36(1):37-47. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., T. C. Erdman, S. D. Haseltine, and C. Stafford. 1985. Contaminant levels in colonial waterbirds from Green Bay and Lake Michigan, 1975-80. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 5(3):223-236. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. 1984. [Book review] Ecotoxicology: The Study of Pollutants in Ecosystems by B.F. Moriarity. Academic Press, Inc., New York, NY. 1983. Journal of Wildlife Management 48(4):1465. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., D. M. Swineford, and D. E. Katsma. 1984. High PCB residues in birds from the Sheboygan River, Wisconsin. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 4(2):155-161. Abstract

Hill, E. F., M. B. Camardese, G. H. Heinz, J. W. Spann, and A. B. DeBevec. 1984. Acute toxicity of diazinon is similar for eight stocks of bobwhite. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 3(1):61-66. Abstract

McLane, M. A. R., D. L. Hughes, and G. H. Heinz. 1984. Changes in levels of organochlorines in woodcock wings from 1971 to 1975. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 4(2):105-111. Abstract

Albers, P. H. and G. H. Heinz. 1983. FLIT-MLO and No. 2 fuel oil: Effects of aerosol applications to mallard eggs on hatchability and behavior of ducklings. Environmental Research 30(2):381-388. Abstract

Franson, J. C., J. W. Spann, G. H. Heinz, C. M. Bunck, and T. Lamont. 1983. Effects of dietary ABATEĀ® on reproductive success, duckling survival, behavior, and clinical pathology in game-farm mallards. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 12(5):529-534. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., S. D. Haseltine, W. L. Reichel, and G. L. Hensler. 1983. Relationships of environmental contaminants to reproductive success in red-breasted mergansers (Mergus serrator) from Lake Michigan. Environmental Pollution (Series A) 32(3):211-232. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., S. D. Haseltine, and L. Sileo. 1983. Altered avoidance behavior of young black ducks fed cadmium. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2(4):419-421. Abstract

Haseltine, S. D., G. H. Heinz, W. L. Reichel, and J. F. Moore. 1981. Organochlorine and metal residues in eggs of waterfowl nesting on islands in Lake Michigan off Door County, Wisconsin, 1977-78. Pesticides Monitoring Journal 15(2):90-97. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. and S. D. Haseltine. 1981. Avoidance behavior of young black ducks treated with chromium. Toxicology Letters 8(6):307-310. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. and R. W. Johnson. 1981. Diagnostic brain residues of dieldrin: Some new insights. Pages 72-92 in D. W. Lamb and E. E. Kenaga, editors. Avian and Mammalian Wildlife Toxicology, Second Conference: a symposium. ASTM special technical publication 757. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa. 164 pp.

Szaro, R. C., G. L. Hensler, and G. H. Heinz. 1981. Effects of chronic ingestion of No. 2 fuel oil on mallard ducklings. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 7(5):789-799. Abstract

Braun, B. M., P. A. Heinz, and G. H. Heinz. 1980. Herring gull predation on red-breasted merganser ducklings. Wilson Bulletin 92(3):403. PDF

Custer, T. W. and G. H. Heinz. 1980. Reproductive success and nest attentiveness of mallard ducks fed Aroclor 1254. Environmental Pollution (Series A) 21(4):313-318. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. 1980. Eggshell thickness in mallards fed methylmercury. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 25(3):498-502. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., S. D. Haseltine, R. J. Hall, and A. J. Krynitsky. 1980. Organochlorine and mercury residues in snakes from Pilot and Spider Islands, Lake Michigan--1978. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 25(5):738-743. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., E. F. Hill, and J. F. Contrera. 1980. Dopamine and norepinephrine depletion in ring doves fed DDE, dieldrin, and Aroclor 1254. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 53(1):75-82. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. 1979. Comparison of game-farm and wild-strain mallard ducks in accumulation of methylmercury. Journal of Environmental Pathology and Toxicology 3(1/2):379-386. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. 1979. Methylmercury: Reproductive and behavioral effects on three generations of mallard ducks. Journal of Wildlife Management 43(2):394-401. Abstract

Heinz, G. H., E. F. Hill, W. H. Stickel, and L. F. Stickel. 1979. Environmental contaminant studies by the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. Pages 9-35 in E. E. Kenaga, editor. Avian and Mammalian Wildlife Toxicology. ASTM Special Technical Publication 693. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa. vii, 97 pp.

Heinz, G. H. and R. W. Johnson. 1979. Elimination of endrin by mallard ducks. Toxicology 12(3):189-196. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. and M. T. Finley. 1978. Toxaphene does not affect avoidance behavior of young black ducks. Journal of Wildlife Management 42(2):408-409. Abstract

Szaro, R. C., M. P. Dieter, G. H. Heinz, and J. F. Ferrell. 1978. Effects of chronic ingestion of South Louisiana crude oil on mallard ducklings. Environmental Research 17(3):426-436. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. 1976. Behavior of mallard ducklings from parents fed 3 ppm DDE. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 16(6):640-645. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. 1976. Methylmercury: Second generation reproductive and behavioral effects of mallard ducks. Journal of Wildlife Management 40(4):710-715. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. 1976. Methylmercury: Second-year feeding effects on mallard reproduction and duckling behavior. Journal of Wildlife Management 40(1):82-90. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. and L. N. Locke. 1976. Brain lesions in mallard ducklings from parents fed methylmercury. Avian Diseases 20(1):9-17. Abstract

Heinz, G. H. 1975. Effects of methylmercury on approach and avoidance behavior of mallard ducklings. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 13(5):554-564. Abstract

Kreitzer, J. F. and G. H. Heinz. 1974. The effect of sublethal dosages of five pesticides and a polychlorinated biphenyl on the avoidance response of coturnix quail chicks. Environmental Pollution 6(1):21-29. Abstract


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