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Name & Description
Sheet1 Carquinez Strait, CA- Section Included: All of Carquinez Strait from Davis Point on the westerly end to the Benicia-Martinez Bridge at Suisun Point on the easterly end, a distance of about 8 miles. Controlling Depth: 33 feet. Project Depth: 45 feet.
Sheet2 Chatham Strait, AK-
Sheet3 Chinook Channel, WA-
Sheet4 Clarence Strait, AK-
Sheet5 Clatskanie River, OR-
Sheet6 Columbia River Entrance, OR and WA-
Sheet7 Columbia River System- Section Included: Main channels and all navigable tributaries of the Columbia, Willamette and Snake Rivers.
Sheet8 Columbia River above The Dalles Dam, WA and OR to Mcnary Lock and Dam, OR and WA- Section Included: Columbia River between the Dalles Dam and McNary Lock and Dam, a distance of about 91 miles. Controlling Depth: within the Dalles and John Day Pools, 14 feet. Project Depth: 14 feet at adopted low water.
Sheet9 Columbia River and Tributaries above Mcnary Lock and Dam to Kennewick, WA- Section Included: Columbia River and Tributaries, McNary Lock and Dam to Kennewick, WA. Controlling Depth: 20 feet. Project Depth: 14 feet.
Sheet10 Columbia River at Bakers Bay, WA-
Sheet11 Columbia River between Vancouver, WA and The Dalles, OR- Section Included: Columbia River between Vancouver, WA, and the Dalles, OR, a distance of about 85 miles. Controlling Depth: 15 feet between Vancouver and the Dalles. Project Depth: 27 feet.
Sheet12 Columbia River, Mouth to International Boundary (Consolidated Report)- Section Included: Mouth to International Boundary, a distance of 745 miles. Controlling Depth: 38 feet or better between mouth of Columbia River and mouth of Willamette River; 38 feet to lower turning basin, Vancouver, WA; other channel depths range from 15 to 4 feet. Project Depth: 55/48 feet across entrance bar; 40 feet from mouth of Columbia River to mouth of Willamette River; 40 feet from mouth of Willamette River  to Vancouver; Other Project Depths range from 27 to 7 feet.
Sheet13 Columbia and Lower Willamette Rivers below Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR- Section Included: Columbia River from mouth to the mouth of Willamette River; Willamette River from mouth to Broadway Bridge at Portland, OR, a distance of 113 miles; Columbia River from mouth of Willamette River to Interstate Bridge, Vancouver, WA, a distance of 5 miles. Controlling Depth: Mouth of Columbia River to mouth of Willamette and up the Willamette to Broadway Bridge in Portland, 38 feet; in the reach of Co lumbia River from the mouth of Willamette River to the lower turning basin at Vancouver, WA, 38 feet. Project Depth: 40 feet in main channel from mouth of Columbia River to Broadway Bridge at Portland, OR; 40 feet in Columbia River from mouth of Willamette River to Railroad Bridge, Vancouver, WA; 35 feet from Railroad Bridge to Interstate Bridge, Vancouver, WA.
Sheet14 Frederick Sound, AK-
Sheet15 Hammersley Inlet, WA- Section Included: Inlet connecting Puget Sound with Shelton Harbor, a distance of about 7 miles. Controlling Depth: 8.8 feet. yroject Depth: 13 feet. All depths refer to mllw.
Sheet16 Icy Strait, AK-
Sheet17 Kuskokwim River, AK-
Sheet18 Lake Washington Ship Canal, WA- Section Included: As described under Seattle Harbor, WA.
Sheet19 Lynn Canal, AK-
Sheet20 Middle River, CA-
Sheet21 Mokelumne River, CA-
Sheet22 Multnomah Channel, OR- Section Included: A side channel from the Willamette River near Portland, OR, to the Columbia River near St. Helens, OR, a distance of about 22 miles. Controlling Depth: 18 feet in a 300-foot channel at north end; 8 feet in a 250-foot channel at south end; 8 to 50 feet in remainder of channel. Project Depth: 25 feet deep and 5,000 feet long at the Columbia River end; 25 feet deep and 9,500 feet long at the Willamette River end.
Sheet23 Naknek River, AK-
Sheet24 Napa River, CA- Section Included: From Mare Island Strait to Third Street in Napa, a distance of 16 miles. Controlling Depth: 9.1 feet from Mare Island Causeway to Goodluck Point; 12 feet at Goodluck Point; 12.0feet to Dutton Landing; 7.5 feet to Bull Island; 10.0 feet to Ratto Landing; 9.2 feet to Horseshoe Bend Cutoff; 4.9 feet to Asylum Slough; 6.2 feet to Carr Bend; 6.5 feet at Carr Bend; 6.0 feet to Imola Bridge 2.5 feet to head of project; 3.1 feet at Third St. Bridge. Project Depth : 15 feet from Mare Island Strait Causeway to Asylum.
Sheet25 Old River, CA- Section Included: From mouth to Orwood: From Orwood to Fabian-Bell canal at Grant Line Bridge: Grant Line Canal west of Doughty Cut: Doughty Cut to Holly Sugar Factory: Old River from Doughty Cut to head of Old River: Old River from westerly end of Grant Line Canal to lammers ferry road. Controlling Depth: Project Depths are available except from Doughty Cut upstream to the head of old river where 5 feet is available. Project Depth: channels vary from 6 to 10 feet.
Sheet26 Oregon Slough (North Portland Harbor), OR- Section Included: From deep water in the Columbia River to a point above the Portland Union Stock Yards, a distance of nearly 4 miles. Controlling Depth: 10 feet. Project Depth: 20 feet.
Sheet27 Petaluma River, CA- Section Included: From across the flats in San Pablo Bay to the mouth of the Petaluma River a distance of 5.3 miles with a controlling depth of 7.0 feet. from the mouth of the river to Western Ave. a distance of 13 miles with a controlling depth of 8.0 feet and 270 feet above Western Ave. A controlling depth of 4.0 feet. Project Depth is 8.0 feet, except for 200 feet above Western Ave. which is 4.0 feet.
Sheet28 Port Townsend Bay and Oak Bay, WA, Waterway Connecting- Section Included: Entire waterway, 4,800 feet. Controlling Depth:13.9 feet at mllw. Project Depth: 15 feet at mllw.
Sheet29 Revillagigado Channel, AK-
Sheet30 Rocky Pass In Keku Strait, AK-
Sheet31 Rogue River, OR- Section Included: Entrance to the town of Agness. Controlling Depth: 13 feet on the bar, 8 feet from the entrance to the basin, and 11.5 feet in the basin. Various depths from basin to Agness. Project Depth: 13 feet from entrance to point below state highway bridge aT Gold Beach.
Sheet32 Sacramento River Deepwater Ship Channel, CA- Section Included: A Deepwater Ship Channel from Suisun Bay to the Inland Harbor at Sacramento, a distance of 43 miles; a triangular shaped deep draft harbor and turning basin located at West Sacramento; a 1.5 mile-long barge canal with navigation lock connecting the deep draft harbor with the Sacramento River. Controlling Depth: 29 feet. in the Deepwater Ship Channel and triangular shaped harbor and turning basin; 13 feet in the barge canal. P roject Depth: 30 feet in the Deepwater Ship Channel and triangular shaped harbor and turning basin; 13 feet in the barge canal.
Sheet33 Sacramento River, CA (WTWY 8200)- Section Included: From mouth of river to Red Bluff via river route, a distance of 248 miles; from mouth of Cache Slough to Washington Lake via Sacramento River Deepwater Ship Channel, a distance of 29.9 miles. Controlling Depth: Mouth of river to Cache Slough, 29 feet; mouth of Cache Slough to Washington Lake via Sacramento River Deepwater Ship Channel, 29 feet.; mouth of Cache Slough to Sacramento via river route, 10 feet; Sacramento to Colusa, 6 feet in l ow water season; Colusa to Chico Landing, 3 feet., Chico Landing to Red Bluff, 1.5 feet. Project Depth: 30 feet from mouth of river to Cache Slough; 30 feet from Cache Slough to Washington Lake via Sacramento River Deepwater Ship Channel; 10 feet from mouth of Cache Slough to Sacramento via river route; 6 feet from Sacramento to Colusa; 5 feet. from Colusa to Chico Landing; such depths as practicable from Chico Landing to Red Bluff.
Sheet34 San Francisco Bay Entrance, CA- Section Included: Main ship channel. Controlling Depth: Main ship channel, 55.0 feet. Project Depth: Main ship channel, 55 feet.
Sheet35 San Joaquin River, CA- Section Included: From mouth of New York Slough to city of Stockton, 41 miles; from Stockton Channel to Hills Ferry, 84 miles. Controlling Depth: mouth of river to Mormon Channel, Stockton, 35 feet; other connecting channels, 2 feet to 9 feet; to Edison Street, 22 feet. Project Depth: 35 feet from the mouth of New York Slough to Mormon Channel at Stockton; 30 feet from Mormon Channel to Edison Street; other connecting channels, 9 feet.
Sheet36 San Pablo Bay and Mare Island Strait, CA- Section Included: All of San Pablo Bay and Mare Island Strait. Controlling Depth: Pinole Shoal channel 36.3 feet from San Pablo buoy at beginning of channel to buoy 9; 34.3 feet to buoy 11; 35.1 feet to end of channel; Mare Island Strait (the maintained westerly 55% of project width) 36.3 feet to the Navy Ammunition Pier; 35.8 feet to Finger Pier No. 21; 36.0 feet to "A" Street (end of maintained section); 20.5 feet to the end of 26-foot project at  causeway. Project Depth: 35 feet in Pinole Shoal Channel and 30 feet in Mare Island Strait, except at upstream end of turning basin, 26 feet.
Sheet37 Sergius and Whitestone Narrows, AK- Section Included: Channels through Sergius and Whitestone Narrows. Controlling Depth: Project depth available except for Pinnacles to 23.5 feet at West Francis Rock (Sergius Narrows). Project Depth: 24 feet.
Sheet38 Siuslaw River, OR- Section Included: From entrance to mile point 16.5. Controlling Depth: 16 feet from entrance to mile 2, 13 feet from mile 2 to Florence, and 8 feet from Florence to mile point 16.5. Project Depth: 18 feet from entrance channel to a point 1,500 feet inside the outer end of existing north jetty, thence 16 feet to Florence, thence 12 feet to Cushman, and from Cushman, mile 8.5 to mile 16.5, 12 feet.
Sheet39 Skagit River, WA-
Sheet40 Skamokawa (Steamboat) Slough, WA-
Sheet41 Skipanon Channel, OR- Section Included: Channel from Columbia River to railroad bridge, 2 miles, including mooring basin at Warrenton, and a channel above railroad bridge, approximately 1 mile. Controlling Depth: 8 feet to railroad bridge, thence 2.5 feet to end of project. Project Depth: Maintained at 16 feet columbia river to railroad bridge including turning basin, 12 feet in mooring basin at Warrenton; and 6 feet above railroad bridge.
Sheet42 Snake River, OR, WA and ID- Section Included: Mouth of Snake River to Johnson Bar Landing. Controlling Depth: 14 feet from mouth to Ice Harbor Lock Approach Channel; 14 feet in Ice Harbor Approach Channel; 14 feet within Ice Harbor pool; 14 feet in Lower Monumental approach channel; 14 feet within lower monumental pool; 14 feet in Little Goose Approach Channel; 14 feet within Little Goose Pool; 14 feet in Lower Granite Approach Channel; 14 feet within Lower Granite Pool; about 3 feet from h ead of Lower Granite Pool to Johnson Bar Landing. Project Depth: 14 feet from mouth to the Ice Harbor approach channel; 14 feet in Ice Harbor Channel; 14 feet within Ice Harbor pool; 14 feet in Lower Monumental Approach channel; 14 feet within Lower Monumental Pool; 14 feet in Little Goose Approach Channel; 14 feet in Little Goose channel; 14 feet within Little Goose pool; 14 feet in Lower Granite approach channel; 14 feet in Lower Granite Channel; 14 feet within Lower Granite Pool; 2 feet t o Johnson Bar Landing.
Sheet43 Stephens Passage, AK-
Sheet44 Suisun Bay Channel, CA- Section Included: Suisun Bay Channel from Suisun Point at west end of Benicia-Martinez Bridge to East Reach of Middleground Island thence to mouth of New York Slough. Controlling Depth: 35.0 feet from Suisun Point to Avon Wharf; 35.0 feet to Preston Point; 35.0 feet to Middle Point; 35.0 feet through East Reach Middleground Island, 38.0 feet to mouth of New York Slough, 35.0 feet thru New York Slough. Project Depth: 35 feet from Benicia-Martinez Bridge to Avon Pier, 30 feet for remainder of channel.
Sheet45 Sumner Strait, AK-
Sheet46 Swinomish Channel, WA- Section Included: Entire channel. Controlling Depth: 10.5 feet. Project Depth: 12 feet. All depths refer to mllw.
Sheet47 Tongass Narrows, AK-
Sheet48 Umpqua River, OR- Section Included: Entrance to Reedsport, a distance of about 12 miles. (Same section and statistics apply to port of Umpqua.) Controlling Depth: 23 feet on the bar, 23 feet from entrance to mile 3, 19 feet mile 3 to 8, 18 feet mile 8 to 12 and 22 feet in turning basin. Project Depth: entrance 26 feet and 22 feet from mouth to Reedsport with a turning basin at Reedsport; a side channel and mooring and turning basin 12 feet deep at Winchester Bay; a channel 22 feet deep wi th turning basin at Gardiner.
Sheet49 Willamette River above Portland and Yamhill River, OR- Section Included: Willamette River from Portland to Harrisburg, OR, a distance of 159 miles, and Yamhill River from mouth to mile 4.0. Controlling Depth: 8 feet from Portland to Oregon City; 3 feet to Corvallis; 4 feet on Yamhill River from mouth to mile 4.0. Project Depth: Willamette River, 8 feet from Portland to Oregon City; 6 feet from Oregon City to mouth of Santiam River; 5 feet from mouth of Santiam River to Albany; 2.5 feet to 3.5 feet from Albany to Corvallis; no depths prescribed from Corvallis to Harrisburg; Yamhill River, 4 feet from mouth to mile 4.0.
Sheet50 Wrangell Narrows, AK- Section Included: Entire 24 mile long waterway. Controlling Depth: 26 feet in the anchorage basin and 24 feet in the authorized channel with exception of the area near Colorado Reef where a depth of 21.6 feet exists. Project Depth: 27 feet through Petersburg Bar; 26 feet in anchorage basin, vicinity of mile 14; all other, 24 feet. All depths refer to mllw.
Sheet51 Yaquina Bay and Harbor, OR- Section Included: Entrance and bay to town of Yaquina, Oreg., a distance of about 4.5 miles. Controlling Depth: 35 feet at entrance, thence 28 feet to and in the turning basin. Project Depth: 40/30 feet through entrance channel, 30 feet from end of entrance channel to McLean Point, 30 feet in turning basin, and 18 feet from turning basin to town of Yaquina.
Sheet52 Youngs Bay and Youngs River, OR- Section Included: From Columbia River to foot of Haven Island, a distance of 6.7 miles. Controlling Depth: 6 feet in youngs bay. Project Depth: 10 feet from Columbia River to foot of Haven Island, a distance of about 2.5 miles across Youngs Bay; 4 miles in Youngs River.