United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Public Health

Publications & Reports on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses


VA has developed newsletters, brochures, and other materials for Veterans, the public, and health care providers about the health effects of Gulf War service and VA services for Gulf War Veterans.

Newsletters — Gulf War Review

VA's Environmental Health Program publishes the Gulf War Review newsletters, providing information especially for Veterans who served in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

Subscribe to email updates and notices of published newsletters.

Gulf War Review July 2010 newsletter cover page 

Current Newsletter

July 2010 - Vol 17, No 1 (443 KB, PDF)
Secretary Shinseki Marks 20th Anniversary of Gulf War with Renewed Pledge to Improve Care and Services to Gulf War Veterans, VA Seeks to Cover New Illnesses for Gulf War Veterans...


View all newsletters.


Environmental Health Registry Programs for Veterans

The Environmental Health Registry Programs for Veterans brochure (495 KB, PDF) provides an overview of five VA health registry programs that track the health of Veterans exposed to environmental hazards during military service: Gulf War, Ionizing Radiation, Agent Orange, Depleted Uranium, and Toxic Embedded Fragments.


VA's Environmental Health Program developed these posters to help inform Veterans about VA benefits and services. Posters are not copyrighted and may be printed on 8.5" x 11" paper using a standard office printer.

Thumbnail of VA Cares poster Gulf War - Aircraft  Thumbnail of VA Cares poster Gulf War - Missile  Thumbnail of VA Cares poster Agent Orange - Helicopter 

Gulf War – Aircraft
(2.3 MB, PDF)

Gulf War – Missile
(2.9 MB, PDF)

Gulf War – Soldier
(2.4 MB, PDF)

Thumbnail of Gulf War 20th Anniversary Poster

Gulf War 20th Anniversary Poster


8.5" x 11" - Gulf War 20th Anniversary (796 KB, PDF)

11" x 17" - Gulf War 20th Anniversary (915 KB, PDF)

Pocket Guides for Clinicians

These guides help health care providers care for Veterans with exposure concerns, malaria, and mild traumatic brain injury.

Cover of Environmental Exposure Pocket Card Malaria: Pocket Guide for Clinicians Mild Traumatic Brain Injury - Concussion: Pocket Guide for Clinicians

Environmental Exposure Pocket Card
(554 KB, PDF)

Malaria: Pocket Guide for Clinicians
(430 KB, PDF)

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Concussion: Pocket Guide for Clinicians

(425 KB, PDF)

Clinical Education Guide — Veterans Health Initiative

man looking at computer screen

The Veterans Health Initiative on Caring for Gulf War I Veterans (800 KB, PDF) is a study guide that provides clinicians an overview of the Gulf War, VA and Department of Defense health programs, plus common symptoms and diagnoses of these Veterans.

Reports on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses

man working at a laptop

VA issues reports on Gulf War Veterans’ use of VA benefits and research on health effects. Also, VA contracts with the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences to produce reports reviewing the research on health effects of Gulf War service.

View reports.

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