
The Senate Agriculture Committee is composed of five subcommittees which concentrate on more specific issues pertaining to the Committee.  Each subcommittee is assigned a chairman, ranking member, and members.  Each subcommittee has the ability to act on issues within their jurisdiction, but most issues are addressed by the Committee as a whole.





Subcommittee on Commodities, Markets, Trade and Risk Management

Oversight of the Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services mission area and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Legislative portfolio is Titles I, III, V, XII and XIII of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 and includes the following issue areas: the production of agricultural crops, commodities and products; farm and ranch income protection and assistance, including safety net programs and farm credit; commodity price support programs; insurance and risk protection; fresh water food production; agricultural trade; foreign market development; and futures, options and derivatives.

  • Sen. Donnelly | Chairman
  • Sen. Baucus
  • Sen. Heitkamp
  • Sen. Harkin
  • Sen. Brown
  • Sen. Gillibrand
  • Sen. Chambliss | Ranking Member
  • Sen. Roberts
  • Sen. Boozman
  • Sen. Hoeven
  • Sen. Johanns

Subcommittee on Jobs, Rural Economic Growth and Energy Innovation

Oversight of the Rural Development mission area.

Legislative portfolio is Title VI and IX of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 and includes: rural economic revitalization and quality of life; rural job and business growth; rural electrification, telecommunications and utilities; renewable energy production and energy efficiency improvement on farms and ranches and in rural communities; innovation in the use of agricultural commodities and materials.

  • Sen. Keitkamp | Chairman
  • Sen. Brown
  • Sen. Klobuchar
  • Sen. Bennet
  • Sen. Donnelly
  • Sen. Cowan
  • Sen. Johanns | Ranking Member
  • Sen. Hoeven
  • Sen. Grassley
  • Sen. Thune
  • Sen. Boozman

Subcommittee on Conservation, Forestry and Natural Resources

Oversight of the Natural Resources and Environment mission area.

Legislative portfolio is Titles II and VIII of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008, and includes: conservation, protection and stewardship of natural resources and the environment; state, local and private forests and general forestry; and pesticides.

  • Sen. Bennet | Chairman
  • Sen. Harkin
  • Sen. Klobuchar
  • Sen. Leahy
  • Sen. Baucus
  • Sen. Heitkamp
  • Sen. Boozman | Ranking Member
  • Sen. McConnell
  • Sen. Chambliss
  • Sen. Thune
  • Sen. Roberts

Subcommittee on Nutrition, Specialty Crops, Food and Agricultural Research

Oversight of the Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services mission area and the National Institute for Food and Agriculture mission area.

Legislative portfolio is Titles IV, VII and X of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008, and includes: domestic and international nutrition and food assistance and hunger prevention; school and child nutrition programs; local and healthy food initatives; food and agricultural research, education, economics and extension.

  • Sen. Cowan | Chairman
  • Sen. Leahy
  • Sen. Harkin
  • Sen. Brown
  • Sen. Gillibrand
  • Sen. Bennet
  • Sen. Hoeven | Ranking Member
  • Sen. McConnell
  • Sen. Chamblissl
  • Sen. Grassley
  • Sen. Thune

Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, Marketing and Agriculture Security

Oversight of the Food Safety mission area and the Marketing and Regulatory Programs mission area.

Legislative portfolio is Titles I (subtitle E), X (subtitle B), XI and XIV (subtitle B) of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008, and includes: animal welfare; inspection and certification of plants, animals and products; plant and animal diseases and health protection; domestic marketing and product promotion; marketing orders and regulation of agricultural markets.

  • Sen. Gillibrand | Chairman
  • Sen. Leahy
  • Sen. Baucus
  • Sen. Klobuchar
  • Sen. Donnelly
  • Sen. Cowan
  • Sen. Roberts | Ranking Member
  • Sen. McConnell
  • Sen. Boozman
  • Sen. Johanns
  • Sen. Grassley