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A.   Checkout

  1. MSHA staff and Academy students 28 days.

  2. Employees of other federal agencies, state and local government agencies and researchers are welcome to use MSHA library materials through on site research or interlibrary loan.

  3. All others need special permission from library staff to check out materials, except for interlibrary loan.

Books and journals may be consulted in the Reading areas only and do not circulate to individuals except on their behalf through borrowing libraries.

Persons requesting to check out materials must apply for a users card and fill out the necessary application. Materials may be keep longer with special permission.

B. Photocopies

  1. Photocopying machines are available on the premises for MSHA staff, Academy students, governmental agencies and researchers in the mine health and safety field.

  2. Reasonable (less than 50 pages) may be provided by the staff for persons not on the premises.

  3. Faculty and researchers on the premises must do their own photocopying, the library staff will train whenever necessary.

C. Interlibrary Loan Requests

  1. Any request outside MSHA for materials must be made through an established library system. The borrowing library will be responsible for returning the material on time.

  2. Where possible photocopies will cover interlibrary loan requests.

D. Reference and Archival Materials

  1. Materials must be used on the premises.

  2. Academy faculty may use materials in areas other than the library with special permission.

E. Research Outside Agency

  1. Researchers may use the facility at any time with special permission.

  2. Researchers who are unable to travel to the library may contact free-lance library researchers in the Beckley area who will do the work for a fee.

Online Catalog