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In response to the growing number of fatalities in the mining industry, the United States Bureau of Mines (USBM) was established in 1910 to promote improved safety in mining through research and training. The Technical Information Center & Library's USBM's collection consists of virtually every publication produced by that agency since its beginning. The USBM provided information to the public on the minerals industry. In September, 1995, the Congress voted to abolish the USBM. Miner with Canary

The Library's USBM collection includes the following:

  • Bulletins - The publications report the results of broad and significant projects or programs of scientific, historical, or economic research, or other investigations, including comprehensive and important mineral resource studies and compilations.

  • Minerals Yearbook - Annual statistical publications of the Bureau which summarize the significant economic and technologic developments in the mineral industries.

  • Reports of Investigations - These publications present the results of research and investigations conducted by the Bureau at its research centers or laboratories, or in mines, quarries, smelters, refineries, oilfields, plants and other non-Bureau properties. They differ from Bulletins in that they describe the principal features and results of individual experiments, minor research projects or a significant coordinated phase of a major project or program.

  • Miners Circulars - These publications describe methods of preventing accidents and give instructions concerning the safe use of equipment and materials, first-aid and mine rescue procedures, and health protection.

  • Information Circulars - These publications differ from Reports of Investigations in that they are not concerned primarily with original Bureau research or investigative work. They cover surveys of mineral resources and related mining and operations activities.

  • Technical Progress Reports - These publications present highly significant and newsworthy developments in Bureau of Mines programs. They are expanded fact sheets giving the technical background and details necessary to supplement a press release that reports important progress in an area of Bureau activity.

  • Handbooks - These publications are instruction or information manuals designed to improve efficiency in the mineral industries or to promote the wise use of mineral resources.

  • Open File Reports - Unpublished Bureau of Mines manuscripts, reports prepared for the Bureau under contract, or material not in manuscript form which the Bureau makes available for consultation in the library or Bureau facility.