Reading Room  


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U.S. Army Professional Writing Collection


A New Moment of Promise: President Obama speech in Ghana, Africa

United States Supports Liberia in Efforts to Strengthen Economy, Democracy: Sec. of State Clinton speech in Africa


LDESP: Leader Development and Education (Africa)

Maps (Italy and Africa)


This professional reading list is an introduction to the many books and publications related to security, stability and peace on the African continent. Their selection does not imply that U.S. Army Africa endorses the author’s view or interpretations.

Recommended Reading | Professional Journals and Publications



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  Forward in Africa

"Forward in Africa: USAFRICOM and the U.S. Army in Africa" | by U.S. Army Africa

On Oct. 1, 2009, U.S. Army Africa, formerly the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force became the Army Service Component Command for U.S. Africa Command. That designation reflects some modest, but significant, good news; a year earlier, USAFRICOM had no dedicated Army Service Component Command. Today, U.S. Army Africa embodies the U.S. Army’s commitment to the full spectrum of military operations.

  What is What

"What is the What" | by Dave Eggers

Separated from his family when Arab militia destroy his village, Valentino joins thousands of other "Lost Boys," beset by starvation, thirst and man-eating lions on their march to squalid refugee camps in Ethiopia and Kenya, where Valentino pieces together a new life. He eventually reaches America, but finds his quest for safety, community and fulfillment in many ways even more difficult there than in the camps.

  The Fate of Africa

"The Fate of Africa" | by Martin Meredith

The Fate of Africa is a lively and accessible history of Africa over the last fifty years. Narrative histories of individual countries with a focus on people and key events make for interesting reading. Meredith's approach is broadly chronological and geographical, but not strictly so. Somalia, for example, is covered in a single chapter which focuses on the 1990s and is placed near the end of the book.

  Journey Into Darkness

"Journey into Darkness" | by Thomas P. Odom

Odom draws on his years of experience as a defense attaché and foreign area specialist in the United States Army to offer a complete picture of the situation in Zaire and Rwanda, focusing on two U.S. embassies, intelligence operations, U.N. peacekeeping efforts, and regional reactions.

  Africa Since 1940

"Africa since 1940" | by Frederick Cooper

This text will help students understand the historical process out of which Africa’s current position in the world has emerged. Bridging the divide between colonial and post-colonial history, it allows readers to see just what political independence did and did not signify and how men and women, peasants and workers, religious leaders and local leaders sought to refashion the way they lived, worked, and interacted with each other.

  Civil Wars in Africa

"Civil Wars in Africa" | by Guy Arnold

Ever since the end of World War II, and even more so since 1960, when seventeen African colonies became independent of colonial rule, the African continent has been ravaged by a series of wars. These wars have ranged from liberation struggles against former colonial powers to power struggles between different factions in the aftermath of independence.

  Understanding Contemporary Africa

"Understanding Contemporary Africa" | by Robert Calderisi

This new edition of Understanding Contemporary Africa treats the range of issues facing the continent in the first decade of the twenty-first century. The authors provide current, thorough analyses not only of history, politics, and economics, but also geography, environmental concerns, population shifts, family and kinship, the role of women, religious beliefs, and literature.

  The Trouble With Africa

"The Trouble with Africa" | by A. and D. Gordon

After years of frustration at the stifling atmosphere of political correctness surrounding discussions of Africa, long time World Bank official Robert Calderisi speaks out. He boldly reveals how most of Africa’s misfortunes are self-imposed, and why the world must now deal differently with the continent. Drawing on thirty years of first hand experience, The Trouble with Africa highlights issues which have been ignored by Africa’s leaders but have worried ordinary Africans, diplomats, academics, business leaders, aid workers, volunteers, and missionaries for a long time.

  China in Africa

"China in Africa" | by Arthur Waldron

China in Africa provides a fulsome, balanced examination spanning past to future of oil-thirsty, mineral-hungry China's potentially limitless constructive and disruptive, often high-risk, activities--some successful, others not. As to China's complex evolving motives in Africa, the book astutely probes beyond resource needs--seldom engaging in exaggeration and "China bashing." Many chapters are gems of clarity and brevity. Although rising China strategically uses economic and soft power, Beijing is seen subjecting itself to American and international criticism by persisting in short-sighted trade, investment, and aid practices that produce resentment.




Army Commands, Army Service Component Commands, and Direct Reporting Units

Army Regulation 10-87 (04 SEP 2007)


Theater Army Operational & Organizational (O&O) Concept (v5.4)

On Dec. 11 2009, the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center approved the Theater Army Organization and Operations Concept Plan (Theater Army O&O) for release as a CAC command publication


Crisis Prevention: USAFRICOM, Partnerships, and the US Army
By Colonel Stephen J. Mariano and Major George L. Deuel

Colonel Mariano is the U.S. Army Africa Assistant Chief of Staff, G5, Strategic Plans, Policies and Assessments. Major Deuel is a Strategic Plans and Policy Offi cer at the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force/U.S. Army Africa in Vicenza, Italy.


Building Security Forces and Ministerial Capacity

This report discusses how U.S. commanders in Iraq vastly accelerated the growth of the Iraq Security Forces as part of a broader counterinsurgency strategy to supplement the Surge of U.S. forces into the region. The responsibility for defeating an insurgency lies with U.S. as well as indigenous forces. Passing on an active insurgency to weak indigenous forces is a failing strategy.


UN Peacekeeping Training Manual

The aim of this Manual is to provide guidelines for actual or prospective troop-contributing governments in the preparation and training of their personnel for assignment with United Nations peace-keeping operations (PKO).

  AUSA - Army Magazine - Sept. 09

U.S. Army Africa: A Team Like No Other

By Maj. Gen. William B. Garrett III

U.S. Army Africa’s mission on the continent is unique: to promote sustained security among African land forces and serve as contingency headquarters supporting crisis response.


FM 3-07 Stability Operations - A Comprehensive Approach to the 21st Century

The latest Army doctrine, FM 3-07, reflects a long journey by the American military and a series of hard won lessons learned by the post-Cold War generation. It underscores a recognition that the U.S. military will increasingly be called upon to help bring peace and order to societies under stress. The process by which the manual was written highlights the understanding that the military alone cannot succeed in these challenging environments, but must coordinate efforts with civilian partners through a comprehensive approach toward a shared objective. FM 3-07 fills a profound intellectual void by describing the complex 21st century landscape and articulating the military’s unique role in bringing order to chaos. The manual’s publication, at a time when the U.S. military is already stretched thin by commitments in Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond, has generated heated debate and raised almost as many questions as it answers.


"French Army Experience in Africa" by Col. (retired) Henri Bore

For over 40 years, French soldiers have learned the hard way the various challenges of counterinsurgency (COIN) and security and stability operations (SASO) in Africa. While training African troops and territorial militia, they have confronted profound cultural gaps and, since the 1960s, have been involved in what Marine Corps General James N. Mattis recently termed “a four-block war in a hybrid war environment,” in which their units have been called upon to frequently transition between various forms of conventional operations and less usual pacification, psychological, and information operations.


"AFRICOM and the Principle of Active Security" by Ward & Galvin

In 2000, the Zambezi River experienced significant flooding, and the nation of Mozambique was ill equipped to deal with the humanitarian disaster that followed. Homes were swept away, thousands of people were displaced, and 700 perished, leading to the deployment of a U.S. civilian disaster assistance response team and U.S. military forces to provide medical assistance and security to help Mozambique stabilize the situation.


The Army of the 21st Century: A Balanced Army for a Balanced Strategy

Less than a decade into the 21st Century, its perils and challenges are increasingly evident. September 11, 2001 shattered the United States’ sense of domestic invulnerability to external threats. Since then, we have been at war - a long-term ideological struggle with a global extremist network. Over one million have served in the campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, and over 5,100 of our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen and Civilians have sacrificed their lives.



Video - The Promise of AFRICOM

Promise of AFRICOM: This documentary offers a look into how programs and initiatives of U.S. Africa Command is strengthening relationships in three African nations. Click to play



The U.S. Army Africa Reading Room draws from a variety of professional and acedemic journals with a focus on relevant issues affecting Africa. Click here to enter Reading Room.

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  • U.S. Army Africa theater entry requirements pertain to all Army, DA civilian, and DA contractor personnel travelling in any capacity into and within the U.S. Africa Command Area of Responsibility. Click below to be redirected to the Theater Entry Requirements link at USARAF Theater Entry Requirements.