Working with Sandia


Helping solve national needs

Federal Agencies    

Sandia provides technical resources and facilities to other federal agencies through the Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration-sponsored Work for Others Program. The program encompasses conventional defense, strategic defense, counterproliferation and nonproliferation, treaty verification, environmental cleanup and monitoring, energy uses, high-performance computing, safeguards and security, radiation effects, materials development and characterization, law enforcement, transportation, space efforts, and other national security areas. Work for Others partners use Sandia's unique facilities and resources to resolve critical technical issues.

The technology base developed through Sandia's work for DOE/NNSA has created expertise and capabilities not found in industry or other government agencies. The Laboratories can therefore contribute technological solutions to agencies other than DOE/NNSA to help address national needs. Work for Others benefits the supported agencies by leveraging multiagency funds and supporting Sandia's abilities to perform DOE/NNSA missions.

Projects must complement Sandia and DOE/NNSA missions and not hinder the Laboratories' execution of assigned DOE/NNSA programs or be in direct competition with the domestic private sector.

State & Local Government  

Sandia's unique resources are available to state or local governments as well as private industry on a reimbursable basis if the work does not compete with capabilities available in the private sector. Sandia uses a variety of agreement mechanisms to develop new partnerships with industry, state and local governments, and universities. Goals of the partner, along with funding sources for the agreement and Sandia's strategic business objectives, determine the most appropriate partnering mechanism. Sandia's Partnership Opportunities Brochure (PDF) describes the agreement types available for Sandia and industry use. In addition, Sandia may enter into nondisclosure agreements and memorandum of understanding.

Technology Transfer Ombuds

The Technology Transfer Ombuds offers an informal process to help resolve issues, concerns, and occasional conflicting needs and interests. These can sometimes surface as part of the laboratories' technology partnerships, patents, intellectual property concerns, and licensing activities. As a designated neutral party, our Ombuds provides confidential, resolution-focused services, and can also offer guidance to other resources for formally reporting and resolving issues. For more Tech Transfer Ombuds information, contact Mauricio (Reese) Ramos at, (925) 294-2065, or Jennifer Stinebaugh at, (505) 844-7638. Additional information is available on the Tech Transfer Ombuds website.