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How do I schedule an A-10 flyover or static display for my event?

The first step in scheduling a flyover or static display is to go to the Secretary of the Air Force's Public Affairs office (SAF/PA) Web site here.  This Web site outlines the procedures for requesting approval for a flyover of static aircraft display for your event.  You must submit a Department of Defense Form 2535, which you can obtain at this site, to SAF/PA and the event must be approved at Headquarters United States Air Force before the 442nd Fighter Wing can consider your request.  The 442nd Fighter Wing Public Affairs office is prepared to assist you in completing the form 2535 and to answer any of your questions.  The public affairs phone number is (660) 687-3842.

After your event is approved by SAF/PA, an approval message will be posted to the SAF/PA aerial events Web site.  Once your event is approved and you would like the 442nd Fighter Wing to either fly over or provide a static diplay you need to call the 442nd Fighter Wing Public Affairs office at (660) 687-3842 and let us know that your event has been approved.

Approval by SAF/PA does not guarantee 442nd Fighter Wing participation.  Flyovers and static diplays are done in accordance with operational considerations and as time and training dollars permit.

For B-2 Spirit "Stealth Bomber" flyovers, please contact the 509th Bomb Wing Public Affairs office at (660) 687-6121.

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Flyovers and static A-10 displays
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