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Last Updated: 5/18/2011 5:19 pm
Registration Information

The Division of Payment Management (DPM) provides Webinar Training Sessions and On-site Training Classes for both grant recipient organizations and awarding agencies that issue awards to those recipient/grantee organizations.

To register for Grant Recipient Training, please send an E-mail to PMS_Training@psc.hhs.gov.

In the subject line indicate whether you are requesting Grant Recipient or Awarding Agency training, and if you would like a Webinar Session or On-Site Training.

Your E-mail should include the following information:

  • Training Dates/Times Desired - propose three (3) dates and times
  • Name of Individual(s) Attending
  • E-Mail Address & Telephone Number for all attendees
  • PMS Account Number / Agency Name

See sample below:

We will do our best to accommodate your request; however the end of fiscal year and the end of each calendar quarter are our busiest times of the year.

If the DPM staff can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to meeting and working with you.

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