Science & Technology Review Articles


Stockpile Stewardship

Emerging from the Cold War: Stockpile Stewardship and Beyond

When the Cold War ended, Lawrence Livermore stepped up to a new national challenge – maintaining the safety and reliability of the U.S. nuclear stockpile without underground testing. December 2002   htmlpdf
World's Most Powerful Solid-State Laser

World's Most Powerful Solid-State Laser

A new design allows tremendous scaling up of solid-state laser power. October 2002   htmlpdf
SiMM Solid-State Laser

SiMM Is Anything but Simple

A Livermore team has won an R&D 100 Award for a modular packaging technology for the smallest, most powerful, and least expensive diode-pumped solid-state laser. October 2002   htmlpdf
A Legacy of Lasers at Livermore

Empowering Light

With the flash of the first ruby laser in 1960, a new technology was born that would come to play a major role at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. September 2002   htmlpdf
Faster Inspection of Laser Coatings

Faster Inspection of Laser Coatings

A new microscopic tool speeds inspection of coatings on laser optics. March 2002   htmlpdf
Tactical Laser Weapons

Bright Future for Compact Tactical Laser Weapons

Compact solid-state laser technology developed at Livermore makes possible the mobile, tactical weapon of the future. April 2002   htmlpdf
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