Amy Klopotoski of the Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center leads a joint-service team whose goal is to cut energy use in shelter systems by 50 percent using such means as thermal insulation and energy-efficient lighting. Annual cost savings could amount to $550 million. (Photo by David Kamm, NSRDEC)

Fueling shelters at half the cost

26 January 2012

Imagine cutting your home fuel-consumption costs in half. That would be tough enough in a conventional house. Now think about trying it in a tent.

Sgt. Charles Blackwell III, 925th Transportation Detachment, Marana Ariz., lands a blow to the body of Spc. Robert Judge, Redstone Arsenal, Ala., during the heavyweight bout at the 2012 All Army Boxing Championship held at Barnes Field House, Fort Huachuca Ariz., Jan. 21, 2012. Blackwell went on to defeat Judge and will move on to the all Armed Forces Boxing Championship at Camp Pendleton, Calif., beginning Jan. 31. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Kristine Smedley)

Soldier-Athletes compete to honor brothers, sisters in arms

25 January 2012

The 2012 All-Army Boxing Championship concluded Jan. 21 at Fort Huachuca's Barnes Field House, setting the team that will go forward and represent the Army at the Armed Forces Boxing Championship at Camp Pendleton, Calif., beginning Jan. 31.

The Army launched Comprehensive Soldier Fitness in 2009 to teach Soldiers how to be psychologically strong in the face of adversity. Master Resilience Training is the second aspect of CSF.

Study concludes Master Resilience Training effective

25 January 2012

The Master Resilience Training aspect of Comprehensive Soldier Fitness is working well. That's the conclusion of an Army report, released last month, covering a 15-month period of statistical evaluation.

Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond Chandler III speaks to Soldiers, Nov. 15, 2011, about what it means to be a professional during the Army Profession Junior Leader Forum at Fort Sill, Okla. (Photo by Marie Berberea, Fort Sill)

As Army downsizes, Soldiers must remain competitive

24 January 2012

The past 10 years of war assured many Soldiers an assignment or promotion with a high degree of certainty, said an official with the Department of the Army Promotions Branch. That's no longer necessarily the case.