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Media Visit Information


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ISAF Media Registration

Documents needed for first-time registration and renewal

• Completed Media Embed Request Form

• Completed ISAF Media Registration Form

• Completed ISAF Media Ground Rules and Hold Harmless Agreement

• Copy of your passport/national ID

• Copy of your current press card

Letter of accreditation or intent to publish

• Recent picture of you (within 1 year, passport style)

• Copy of your Afghan visa

• Proof of health insurance

Please note: There has been a change to our accreditation process. Effective May 1st, 2011, ISAF media badges will be issued only to those members of the media who have approved and scheduled embeds. These badges will be valid only for the duration of the scheduled embed and will be returned at the conclusion of the embed period. Multiple or sequential scheduled embeds will be addressed on a casy-by-case basis.

All others who meet credentialing requirements will receive a letter from the ISAF Media Embed Team confirming or denying their accreditation status. Confirmation letters will be valid for six months from the date of issue. This letter, along with your government issued photo identification and media organization's press badge, will be presented for entry to military installations. Do not visit without making an appointment with that installation's Public Affairs Officers. Attempts to access ISAF facilities without prior coordination with the relevant Public Affairs Office will result in denial of access by security personnel.

Please e-mail All Required Forms to IJC Media Support Center Coordination Team at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Additional Registration Requirements

• All media are required to register with the Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan as per the country's mass media law at its WEBSITE. Please note that this process is separate from and in addition to ISAF credentialing.

• Biometric processing is required for all media. If media are not in the system this can be a lengthy process; allow plenty of time to register for biometrics if needed.

Embed Options

Click the links below for descriptions of some units accepting embeds, per Regional Command, and their descriptions.

• Regional Command-Capital (Kabul, Afghanistan) click HERE.

• Regional Command-North (Mazar-E-Sharif, Afghanistan) click HERE.

• Regional Command-East (Bagram, Afghanistan) click HERE.

• Regional Command-South (Kandahar, Afghanistan) click HERE.

• Regional Command-West (Herat, Afghanistan) click HERE.

• Regional Command-Southwest (Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan) click HERE.

Media Travel

ISAF does NOT organize transportation in and out of Afghanistan. Click HERE for a list of international and domestic airlines and hotels to assist in your search for travel and lodging needs while in Afghanistan.

If your embed (or special accommodated status) is approved, you will receive an Invitational Travel Order (ITO), which will allow you to travel on ISAF conveyances to, from and during your embed. Read this document thoroughly.

When available, embedding media will be authorized food, lodging and help with in country travel arrangements. Some locations have short term billeting available for journalists en route to or returning from their embed. Embedding media should plan on commercial lodging if their flights arriving to or departing from Afghanistan do not synchronize with their embed dates. Media with embeds approved for RC-Capital or units based in Kabul are expected to make their own commercial lodging and transportation arrangements within the city.

After Embed Approval

Once the media embed has been approved, please contact one of the media support centers for travel to and from the unit. The unit you are embedding with will support travel arrangements within their area of responsibility.

Please remember all media are required to have their ISAF Media Badge credentials visible at all times and have a copy of their signed media ground rules on file while embedded.

Click HERE for the recommend packing list before arrival to Afghanistan
Note: Please keep in mind media will be responsible for carrying their own equipment and it is recommended to travel light.

After Embed

If you are returning from or recently returned from an embed, please complete and return the Post-Embed Survey.

Contact Us

ISAF Joint Command Kabul, Afghanistan
Duty Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Afghanistan local time

Office Numbers

• Within Afghanistan: 0799-51-3999, then 688-4209 or 4218

• From Europe: 0093-799-51-3999, then 688-4209 or 4218

• From the U.S.: 011-93-799-51-3999, then 688-4209 or 4218

• DSN NIPR: 318-449-9171

• DSN SIPR: 318-449-9049

• Off-Duty Cell (Emergency Only): +93 (0) 794013643

Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it



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