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Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care Programs Enhancement Act (P.L. 107-135)

PUBLIC LAW 107-135 – JAN. 23, 2002

Department of Veterans Affairs Health

Care Programs Enhancement Act of 2001


Prime Sponsor: Mr. Christopher H. Smith (NJ)
H.R. 3447 – Signed by President Bush on January 23, 2002


 Increases health programs for veterans by $1.4 billion.

  • Lowers out-of-pocket hospitalization expenses for lower income veterans by 80% to compensate for regional differences in the cost-of-living.
  • Requires the VA to establish chiropractic care programs nationwide.
  • Authorizes service dog programs for paralyzed and other severely disabled veterans.
  • Requires the VA to maintain specialized medical programs – such as for mental illness, spinal cord injuries and prosthetics – in each of the VA’s 22 regional divisions.
  •  Creates new incentive and recruitment programs to attract and retain VA nurses.

Text of Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care Programs Enhancement Act (P.L. 107-135) [.pdf]