Press Releases

Contact: William Allison 202-226-6100
Ryan: The President Must Offer Solutions
Our challenges are too great for the President to sit on the sidelines.
February 6, 2013
WASHINGTON—Upon passage of H.R. 444, “The Require a PLAN Act,” House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin issued the following statement:
“I commend Congressman Price for introducing this bill, and I was pleased to join my colleagues in supporting its passage.
“But I wish it hadn’t come to this. President Obama has a legal and moral obligation to offer solutions to our fiscal challenges. But so far, he hasn’t. Using the numbers from his last budget proposal, the federal budget wouldn’t have achieved balance—ever. And just this week, he missed the statutory deadline to submit his budget—for the fourth time in five years.

“Since the President took office, the federal debt has grown by nearly $6 trillion—the largest increase of any presidency. We can’t keep that up. We need to budget responsibly, so we can keep our commitments and expand opportunity.

“House Republicans have offered our solutions. Now the President must offer his.”





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