Press Releases

  • Ryan Statement on the State of the Union Address
    February 12, 2013 - WASHINGTON—In response to President Obama’s State of the Union address, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin issued the following statement: "Last year, the American people chose divided government. So this year, both parties have to make it work. We need to make progress on real s... More
  • Ryan: The President Must Offer Solutions
    February 6, 2013 - WASHINGTON—Upon passage of H.R. 444, “The Require a PLAN Act,” House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin issued the following statement: “I commend Congressman Price for introducing this bill, and I was pleased to join my colleagues in supporting its passage. “But I wish it hadn’t come ... More
  • Ryan: CBO Report is a Warning of the Challenges Ahead
    February 5, 2013 - WASHINGTON—Today, the Congressional Budget Office released its Budget and Economic Outlook, which projected an $845 billion deficit for fiscal year 2013. In response, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin issued the following statement: “The CBO’s report is yet another warning that ... More
  • Ryan: The President is Shirking His Duty
    February 4, 2013 - WASHINGTON—Today, President Obama is required by law to submit his budget request for Fiscal Year 2014. For the fourth time in five years, however, he will miss the statutory deadline. In response, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin issued the following statement: "I’m disappoint... More
  • Chairman Ryan Statement on the No Budget, No Pay Act of 2013
    January 23, 2013 - WASHINGTON—Earlier today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 325, the No Budget, No Pay Act of 2013. The legislation requires both houses of Congress to pass a budget, as stipulated by federal law. If either house fails to pass a budget, its members’ pay will be withheld. Upon passage of the l... More
  • Chairman Ryan Statement on the Path to a Responsible Budget Process
    January 18, 2013 - WASHINGTON¬Earlier today, House Republicans announced a path forward on the nation’s near-term budget challenges. The 1974 Congressional Budget Act requires passage of a budget resolution by April 15 each year. Under Senator Harry Reid’s leadership, the Senate has refused to pass a budget for 1,360 ... More
  • Chairman Ryan Statement on H.R. 152
    January 15, 2013 - WASHINGTON—House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin issued the following statement upon passage of H.R. 152: “I’m committed to helping the communities affected by Hurricane Sandy. We should meet all of their needs as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, H.R. 152 is the latest example of... More
  • Chairman Ryan Statement On Raising NFIP’s Debt Ceiling
    January 4, 2013 - WASHINGTON—House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin issued the following statement upon passage of legislation to increase the FEMA’s borrowing authority to carry out the Flood Insurance Program: "I agree with my colleagues that we must help those affected by Hurricane Sandy. We should... More
  • Chairman Ryan Statement on Remaining Debt Challenge
    January 1, 2013 - WASHINGTON—Today, the House of Representatives voted to prevent across-the-board tax increases on the American people, again taking action to avert the short-term “fiscal cliff.” Upon passage of the legislation, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin issued the following statement: “... More
  • Ryan And Sessions: 'Unprecedented 1,200 Days' Since Senate Democrats Passed A Budget
    August 10, 2012 - WASHINGTON – House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Jeff Sessions of Alabama issued the following joint statement marking the 1,200th day since Senate Democrats have last adopted a budget: “Tomorrow marks another disappointing record for the... More

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