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My AmeriCorps

The My AmeriCorps website provides a one-stop-shop for AmeriCorps State and National, VISTA and NCCC members and alumni - presenting a wealth of information and self-service capabilities, including access to the former AmeriCorps Online Payment System.

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How Can AmeriCorps Help Our Organization?


Getting Things Done Where the Need is Greatest

AmeriCorps has a track record of accomplishment in the areas of education, public safety, the environment, and health and human needs. Through grants and the dedication of members, we strengthen communities by mobilizing community resources. Service helps members develop an ethic of service and the leadership skills needed for active, productive citizenship. Research shows that AmeriCorps members are more likely to maintain a commitment to their communities after their service has ended.

Perhaps one of the most important roles AmeriCorps can play for your organization is the generation of volunteers. For example, each AmeriCorps member recruits and manages an average of twelve community volunteers. Most national service participants serve in local, community-based organizations, expanding their capacity to achieve their mission and building community involvement and support.

AmeriCorps members give a year or two of service to their country, and, in return earn money for college. This mutually beneficial relationship is win-win for everyone involved.

Other ways members help nonprofit, charitable, and faith-based and community organizations include improving and expanding the quality of services and raising awareness of the organization in the community.

Organizations that are awarded AmeriCorps grants are responsible for recruiting the AmeriCorps members to serve in their program. AmeriCorps grants partially cover the expense of operating an AmeriCorps program and do not cover general organizational expenses. A cash and in-kind match is required.

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