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Home > Flag Condition

Current Flag Conditions

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Warm weather is here and the heat index will begin to rise, everyone needs to pay attention to the flag conditions here on Okinawa and understand what they mean. 

There are five conditions listed for the heat flag warnings from least to most severe.

It is important to note that some of these flag conditions have extremely narrow 2-3 degree ranges.  That means that temperatures can rise from yellow to black more quickly than the flag station operator's observation interval. It is also essential to always keep in mind that extreme conditions can lead to serious health problems such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and even death.

Flag Condition Guidelines

Flag Color
WBGT Index*
Intensity of Exercise
< 80
Extremely intense physical output may precipitate heat injury. Caution should be taken.
80 - 84.9

Heavy exercise for un-acclimated personnel should be conducted with caution and under responsible supervision.

85 - 87.9
Strenuous exercise and activity should be curtailed for all personnel with less than 3 weeks training in hot weather.
88 - 89.9
Strenuous exercise curtailed for all personnel with less than 12 weeks training in hot weather
90 and Above
Physical training and strenuous exercise suspended for all personnel (excluding operational commitments).

* Note: Wearing of body armor or NBC uniform adds approximately 10 points to the measured WBGT index. Exposure limits should be adjusted accordingly.

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