Theory and Computation Facility

Managed by Theory Group (contact: Mark Hybertsen)

Theory and Computation Facility


  • 230 node Linux Cluster
  • Dual quad-core or six-core Intel processors
    • Gen I: 44 nodes, dual quad-core at 2.33GHz, 16GB RAM
    • Gen II: 10 nodes, dual quad-core at 3.0GHz, 32GB RAM
    • Gen III: 64 nodes, dual quad-core at 2.4GHz,48GB RAM
    • Gen IV: 112 nodes, dual six-core at 2.4GHz, 48GB RAM
  • 2300 cores
  • 24 TByte disk
  • DDR and QDR Infiniband networks

Scientific software for exploring fundamental properties of nanomaterials

  • Quantum chemistry techniques including DFT based approaches as well as MP2, CASSCF, and coupled-cluster methods.  (Turbomole, DMol3, Gaussian, NWChem, Q-Chem)
  • Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of competing reaction pathways. (Local)
  • Solid-state techniques based on DFT, including ab initio molecular dynamics.  (VASP, CASTEP, CPMD, Abinit, Quantum Espresso)
  • Excited state techniques based on many-body perturbation theory. (Abinit, Yambo, local)
  • Classical molecular dynamics simulations with empirical potentials.  (Gromacs, LAMMPS)

Visit the CFN cluster Wiki for details


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Last Modified: June 19, 2012
Please forward all questions about this site to: Pam Ciufo.