Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office

Provides oversight of assigned programs; conducts analytical reviews; monitors Army baseline standards; captures and enables implementation of best business practices; identifies, tracks, and orchestrates reporting of performance measures; and integrates and optimizes use of technology.

Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office

The Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office provides oversight of assigned programs; conducts analytical reviews; monitors Army baseline standards; captures and enables implementation of best business practices; identifies, tracks, and orchestrates reporting of performance measures; and integrates and optimizes use of technology.

This office is the garrison commanders focal point for strategy and management planning for installations.

To accomplish its missions and functions, the PAIO is managed by a Plans, Analysis and Integration Chief and organized into two branches: the Management Analysis Branch and the Planning Integration Branch.

Who We Are

We are the garrison commander's special staff, who provides analysis and advises the garrison management offices.

What We Do
  • We serve as the focal point for the garrison commander for strategy and management planning and decision support.
  • We provide oversight of quality, productivity and cost management programs and initiatives.
  • We facilitate organization performance management reviews.
  • We guide the process in the short term and long range planning for the garrison.
Why We Do It
  • We do it to enable to most efficient and effective garrison operation.
  • We do it to Identify strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats.
  • We do it to measure performance against strategies and operational activities.
  • We do it to enable the alignment of resources to provide services and achieve goals and objectives.
The Value We Add
  • We enable the Agency to drive mission accomplishment.
  • We enhance customer well-being by delivering quality services.
  • We promote fact based decisions.
  • We garner corporate efficiencies.
  • We record opportunities for best practices.
  • We enable to agency to become a high performing organization.

Army Suggestion Program (ASP)

1.  What is the ASP?

The Army Suggestion Program (ASP), previously known as Army Ideas for Excellence Program (AIEP) is an incentive program that encourages soldiers and civilians within the Department of the Army to submit ideas that, if adopted, will result in increased efficiencies and reduced costs.   This program is governed by AR 5-17.  Cash awards for money saving ideas can reach as high as $25,000.

2.  Why do we need the ASP?
ASP is a program that is for Soldiers and the employees. It encourages soldiers and civilians to submit ideas that increase the efficiency and productivity of the Army.  It improves morale by providing individuals with the opportunity to voluntarily take part in the improvement of operations and the quality of life within the Army.

3.  Who can suggest?
All members of the Army community, and others concerned with the welfare of both the Army and the Nation, are eligible to submit ideas. Any group may submit an idea. 

4.  How does suggestion process?
As soon as the suggestion is submitted, Installation Coordinator(Level I) will assigns Functional Proponent (FP) to select the subject matter expert who serves as the suggestion evaluator.  After the evaluation is completed, the installation coordinator will notify the submitter of the results. If eligible, the award may be processed.  When the suggestion is not within the jurisdiction of the Installation, the suggestion is coordinated with Region Coordinator(Level II). When the suggestion requires higher level review or is not within in the jurisdiction of Region level, it is sent to HQ DA Manager(Level III).

5. Where can we suggest an idea?
Use of the automated ASP website to submit ASP proposals is recommended.  URL:  AKO login ID and password are required to access the site.  If suggester does not have an AKO account, they should go to the installation ASP coordinator who can input the proposal.  However, suggester must have a valid e-mail address where notices on status of the suggestion can be sent.

Submit manually prepared suggestions directly to your Installation Coordinator.                                            
POC: Installation Coordinator, PAIO, USAG-RC  Tel: 732-8127

Lean Six Sigma (LSS)

Continuous Process Improvement (CPI)/Lean Six Sigma (LSS) 1. What is CPI?
Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) is a strategic approach for developing a culture of continuous improvement in the areas of reliability, process cycle times, costs in terms of less total resource consumption, quality, and productivity. Deployed effectively, it increases quality and productivity, while reducing waste and cycle time.

2. What is LSS?
LSS combines the principles of Lean (reducing and eliminating non-value activities) with Six Sigma (reducing variation, increasing quality) to improve process effectiveness and alignment with the voice of the customer.

3.  Do you have a better way of doing business?  Is there a way for the garrison to save money?
Submit ideas for Continuous Process Improvement or Business Improvement below.  These project ideas will be reviewed and worked by a team of Process Improvement Agents.

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Date created: 10/7/2010 1:37:50 PM
Date last updated: 11/30/2010 3:59:02 PM