ESRL/GSD Aircraft Data (AMDAR) Information

AMDAR is the generally-accepted worldwide term for automated weather reports from commercial aircraft. The contribution of the United States to AMDAR is called MDCRS. MDCRS is funded jointly by the U.S. government and the seven participating airlines (American, Delta, Federal Express, Northwest, Southwest, United, and United Parcel Service). These U.S. data are also sometimes called ACARS. For more explanation of these and other terms, see the glossary below.

These data are routed by several cooperating airlines to GSD, and we decode and quality control the data. Our web site also includes AMDAR data from many European and Asian air carriers. The AMDAR data are subjected to the same quality control and other processing by us as the ACARS data.

Demonstration displays showing past ACARS data are available to all, in the java version, or non-java version.

Because the ACARS data processed at GSD are proprietary to the airlines providing the data, the following guidelines have been developed regarding access. (In the statements below, "ACARS" refers to all aircraft data from GSD, including AMDAR data.)

  • Real-time ACARS data may be made available to those organizations that are performing research which, in the judgment of GSD, is likely to benefit the airlines providing the data.
  • The data may not be redistributed in real-time. However, the use of images in research publications is allowed and encouraged.
  • Researchers are encouraged to use ACARS data in Numerical Weather Prediction models. NWP model results may be made available to the public in real-time provided that all of the following conditions are met (Adapted 26 April 2001):
    • Individual ACARS measurements may not be revealed (though gross numbers may be).
    • ACARS must be one of several kinds of input observations (such as radiosondes and METARs).
    • The model and data may not be used to develop products or services for sale.
  • Real-time data are available to government agencies such as NOAA in support of forecasting operations.
  • Real-time data may be made available only to those airlines that provide ACARS meteorological data to the US Government at their own expense. Data may not be shared with affiliate or code-share airlines. (Language clarified 26 April 2001.)
  • Real-time data may not be made available to commercial entities that would use them to develop products or services they plan to offer for sale to the participating airlines.

If you would like to receive GSD ACARS data and believe you are eligible, please have a faculty member or other responsible official of your organization send an email to briefly describing your proposed use of the data (a couple of sentences should suffice), and agreeing not to redistribute the data and not to use it to develop commercial products or services. We will reply by email with access information, or explaining why we cannot provide access.

Once approved, you can receive ACARS data in several ways:

  • Web-based graphical displays, either java-based or not
  • Web-based access to binary data in netCDF format
  • LDM access to binary data in netCDF format

Frequently Asked Questions

What variables are available?
Most aircraft provide
  • latitude,longitude,altitude,time
  • temperature
  • wind direction and speed
  • Eddy dissipation rate (EDR), a measure of turbulence, is reported by about 100 UAL aircraft that fly mostly over the United States. (These data are experimental and should not yet be relied upon for turbulence verification. We expect quality-controlled EDR data to be available in 2005.)
  • Derived equivalent vertical gust (DEVG), another measure of turbulence, is reported by about 80 international (AMDAR) aircraft that fly over Europe and Asia. The translation between DEVG values and turbulence severity is as follows
    < 2 m/sNil
    2 - 4.5 m/sLight
    4.5 - 9 m/sHeavy
    > 9 m/sSevere
  • Water vapor, reported as dewpoint, is provided by a few aircraft. These data are experimental, have not been validated, and should be used with caution.
  • Icing information (yes/no) is reported by a few aircraft. These data are experimental, have not been validated, and should be used with caution.

How many data are there?
Currently, we are getting just about 140,000 wind and temperature observations per day, 100,000 of which are over the continental United States. These data come from more than 4000 aircraft. There are more data during the daytime than at night, but thanks to participation by some parcel-carrying airlines, nighttime coverage is substantial.

What is the storage/data transmission load?
  • about 1.8 megabytes per hour in netCDF format
  • 150 kilobytes per hour in the format downloaded to the java display
  • The non-java display downloads gif images which have sizes from 2 to 75 kilobytes, depending on the amount of data shown and whether a satellite background image is requested.

What quality control is applied to the data?
The ACARS data stream is very high quality, with less than 2% of the data showing problems. Nevertheless, all data shown on the web site or available for download have been quality-controlled at GSD. This processing includes interpolating location and time information to those data, such as high-resolution ascent data, that lack it. Data that fail quality control are indicated by a special color on the web plots, and several quality control and interpolation flags are available in the netCDF data that indicate exactly what test(s) and interpolation each datum was subjected to. Details of the quality control are available here.

What kind of altitude is reported?
The altitude-determining physical variable is pressure. This is converted to altitude by using a standard atmosphere. The standard atmosphere is used at all altitudes and under all pressure conditions. Thus, for instance, it is possible to have ACARS altitudes below ground level on days with high atmospheric pressure. (This is in contrast to other aviation reports such as voice PIREPS that use a standard atmosphere to compute altitude above 18,000 ft (MSL), but use the current altimeter setting for lower altitudes.)

Are the data averaged?
No. All ACARS data are point samples, not averaged in time or space. (Specifically, this means that the averaging time is approximately 1 sec or less.)

What is the resolution?
At flight altitudes (above about 23,000 ft), data are generally taken every 5-6 minutes. Near airports the data spacing is decreased by some airlines in several different ways:
  • 2000 and 1000 ft. vertical resolution below 18,000 ft. is quite common
  • On ascent, more than 150 aircraft provide data with a vertical resolution of 300 ft. for the first minute after take-off (up to about 2500 ft. AGL).

What is the accuracy?
  • Benjamin, Schwartz, and Cole (1999, Weather and Forecasting, in review) -- collocation study with ACARS reports. Estimated wind vector accuracy - 1.8 m/s, estimated temperature accuracy - 0.5 deg C. These numbers are much lower than the previous ACARS/RAOB differences, which by definition included RAOB error.
  • Decker, R., R.D. Mamrosh, and C.E. Weiss, 1999: ACARS operational assessment: description and interim results. Preprints, 3rd Conference on Integrated Observing Systems, Dallas, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 24-27.
  • From Richard D. Mamrosh (1998): "Several studies have compared ACARS with other data sources. Among these, Lord, et. al. (1984) compared ACARS flight-level winds with radiosonde, cloud-motion and VAS thermally-derived winds. When ACARS was compared to radiosondes, root mean square (RMS) deviations were 7.4 degrees in direction and 5.3 m/s in speed. More recently, Schwartz and Benjamin (1995) compared ACARS ascent/descent winds and temperatures with radiosondes and found temperature differences were less than 2C on 94 percent of all occasions, and less than 1C better than 68 percent of the time. Wind speed RMS deviations were 4.1 m/s while direction RMS differences were 35 degrees (mostly due to light and variable wind situations)."

How timely are the data?
Data are processed at GSD every 10 minutes, starting on the hour. If you access the data shortly after they are processed, the most recent data may be only a couple of minutes old. However, some airlines buffer the data on board the aircraft. Reports on ascent and descent are generally buffered for 0 to 2 minutes (depending on airline and aircraft type), however some over-ocean reports may be buffered for several hours.

Gruesome additional details: Every 10 minutes, starting on the hour, data arriving since the end of the last complete hourly file are processed. Processing takes about 10 seconds. At 18 min past the hour, the last complete hourly file is generated. I.e., at 0118 a file containing data for 0000-0059:59 is generated. In order to catch late-arriving reports, this file is regenerated approximately 1,2,3,6, and 12 hours later. (Times are shifted by a minute or so that jobs don't overlap.) So, if you want to get the most complete data set, wait at least 12h 22m.

How is a "sounding" determined?
A "sounding" is a portion of an ascent or descent flight track from a single aircraft that can provide a vertical profile of wind, temperature, and sometimes dewpoint and other variables.

On both the java and non-java displays, a sounding plot will always be generated when you click on an ascending or descending portion of a flight track. However, some flight track portions are considered by the software to have sufficient resolution and vertical extent to be a meteorologically useful sounding. These are indicated on the java display by solid lines between the data points comprising the sounding. To be considered a (useful) sounding, the flight track portion must meet all of these criteria:

  • The bottom of the sounding must be <= 2000 ft AGL (and < 10000 ft MSL)
  • The bottom of the sounding must be within 50 nm of a known airport
  • The maximum data gap must be <= 5000 ft in the vertical.
  • (The top of the sounding is taken as 500 ft below the maximum altitude of a flight, or 50 temperature data points above the lowest point--whichever is less.)

Are retrospective data available?
On the web, 30 days of data are generally kept on line. For the java display, data back to 1 July 2001 may be downloaded on demand (from the MADIS archive) although data more than 30 days old take longer to load, initially.

Data since 1 July 2001 in netCDF format are available through GSD's MADIS program. Interested parties may fill out this data application.

How have the data been used?
  • NOAA forecast offices have been using GSD's ACARS data for several years. One on-line publication that describes the use of the data at one forecast office is THE USE OF HIGH- FREQUENCY ACARS SOUNDINGS IN FORECASTING CONVECTIVE STORMS by Richard D. Mamrosh of the National Weather Service, Chicago, Illinois. We also have begin compiling NWS Forecast Discussions that mention ACARS.
  • ACARS are critical asynoptic data for the Rapid Update Cycle (RUC), LAPS, and the Eta models, and are also assimilated into global models.

What airlines provide GSD with data?
Currently-participating U.S. airlines are: American, Delta, Federal Express, Northwest, Southwest, United, and United Parcel Service. In addition, the following airlines participate in the AMDAR program: BA, KLM, Air France, SAS, Lufthansa, Qantas, Air New Zealand, South African Air, Air Namibia.

AMDAR data sources explained, by Dave Helms, NWS. (PDF document)
  • AMDAR: Aircraft Meteorological Data Reports. The name used worldwide for automated meteorological reports from aircraft.
  • TAMDAR: Tropospheric AMDAR. A commercial measurement and communications developed by AirDat, LLC, initially under NASA sponsorship. TAMDAR is designed to be deployed on regional aircraft, and has been deployed on several regional fleets. TAMDAR data from the Mesaba Airlines fleet is available to the U. S. government; data from other fleets is generally restricted to GSD, for evaluation.
  • MDCRS: Meteorological Data Collection and Reporting System. MDCRS is funded jointly by the U.S. government and the seven participating airlines (American, Delta, Federal Express, Northwest, Southwest, United, and United Parcel Service), and operated by Aeronautical Radio, Inc.
  • ACARS: Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System, a proprietary system run by Aeronautical Radio, Inc. (ARINC). ACARS is used by airlines to transmit a variety of proprietary air-to-ground communications. Seven airlines use ACARS to transmit meteorological data for the MDCRS system. These airlines also use ACARS to route their meteorological data directly to GSD where we also decode the data from the wide variety of formats used by the airlines. Thus, on the GSD AMDAR display, we refer to "ACARS" data as those data we decode here, and to MDCRS data as those data we reveive from the NOAA telecommunications gateway.
  • WVSS and WVSS-II: The Water Vapor Sensing System II (WVSS) has been developed by SpectraSensors through contracts with NOAA. The WVSS has undergone a series of engineering changes since its initial deployment in 2005, culminating with the most design changes in 2008. The latest design has corrected most problems with the system, yielding consistent quality mixing ratio observations for a range of warm/moist and cold/dry airmasses, probably as good or better than other operational in situ observing systems. As of August 2010, there are 30 WVSS in operations, 25 flying on United Parcel Service B-757 aircraft and another 5 flying on Southwest Airlines B-737 aircraft generating hundreds of soundings per day. The WVSS fleet will expand to 100 aircraft in the next year, with on-going assessments planned by multiple researchers; the results of these assessments will be published in scientific journal articles. (August, 2010)

Contact if you have questions about the information on this page.
Last modified: Wed Oct 31 20:53:35 GMT 2012