HIV/AIDS Awareness Days

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci’s Statement for National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Last Sunday, September 27, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, National Institutes of Health, released a statement to acknowledge National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and research issues impacting gay men. To read the entire statement, visit the NIAID website. Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Director of NIAID Gay…

National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and the Internet


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Understanding how gay and bisexual men are using the Internet and its impact on HIV transmission, testing, and care is critical. Sunday, September 27, is National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NGMHAAD), which National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA) and its partners originated and sponsor. NAPWA is using the Internet to support this day…

“HIV over 50: Get Educated, Get Tested!”


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We often hear that only young people are spending time online, but data shows that more and more people over 50 are also spending time online. The Pew Internet & American Life Project provides a picture of how people aged 50 and older are using new media and how they use it to find health…

Community Voice Mail: Reaching the “Phoneless” with HIV Information

Community Voice Mail. Reconnect. Achieve. Results.

Last week we wrapped up our month-long series of blog posts for National HIV Testing Day. But there’s one more National HIV Testing Day collaboration story that we’ve been waiting to share with you. We’ve discussed how communities of color use new media (and that access to new media often has much more to do…

National HIV Testing Day – It’s about YOU


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Real Stories. Real People

Saturday, June 27th was National HIV Testing Day (NHTD). For the past month, we’ve focused on real stories by real people about what taking an HIV test meant to them, through our “I Know, I Took the Test ” blog series and widget. We highlighted real personal HIV testing stories collected by organizations such as…

I Know, I Took the Test: My HIV Testing Story

Whitman-Walker Mobile HIV Testing Van

National HIV Testing Day was last Saturday. All month we've encouraged people to listen to real stories from real people about what taking an HIV test means to them. We used a widget to show short videos of both HIV+ and HIV- people sharing their stories about getting tested. And as we moved towards the…

National HIV Testing Day – A message from President Obama

National HIV Testing Day from President Obama

Throughout the month of June, we've been asking people to share their HIV testing stories. Today, in recognition of National HIV Testing Day, President Obama released a special video message about the importance of HIV testing and his own experiences getting an HIV test in Kenya. The White House has used Twitter , YouTube and…

I Know. I Took The Test: Stories from The Positive Project


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I Know. I Took The Test: Stories from The Positive Project - Allison

Interview of Tony Miles Back in March, we shared videos from The Positive Project in honor of National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. Watching those videos reinforced the power of sharing personal stories about HIV through new media — and helped inspire our “I Know. I Took the Test” initiative for National HIV Testing Day. Today…

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