Using Video to Mark National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Exit Disclaimer(NBHAAD), observed annually on February 7, provides an excellent opportunity to build HIV awareness within and beyond African American communities.

Today, we highlight videos—both new and old—that are available through and can be used to generate conversation about the disproportionate impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on African American communities.

Each year, individuals across the country take part in’s Facing AIDS photo-sharing initiative. The goal of Facing AIDS is to reduce HIV-related stigma and to promote HIV testing. This year, more than 1,400 individuals and groups participated in Facing AIDS as part of World AIDS Day alone.

Today, we are releasing a special compilation video of photos from the 2012 Facing AIDS campaign. The video, “Facing AIDS for National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day”, supports NBHAAD’s key messages.  Please view and share this video in your local NBHAAD events and in other events commemorating Black History Month.

Other Videos Fostering a National Dialogue

Other videos also can be used to foster conversation during local NBHAAD observances. These include the following:

  • USG@AIDS 2012 VideoExit Disclaimer—In this video, also filmed during AIDS 2012, Mr. Phill Wilson, Founder and Executive Director of the Black AIDS InstituteExit Disclaimer, talks with Director Miguel Gomez about the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the role community organizations play in creating an AIDS-free generation.

Visit the YouTube channelExit Disclaimer for these and other videos.

Let us know about your use of video to support National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. How did you incorporate these videos? What videos did you create?


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